Dr. Paul Alexander thank you a million times for all your work, effort, intellectual research, conversations to all of us who never gave up hope. The house of cards is crashing. What a pleasure to watch. I am sorry for all those who took the dangerous experimental biologicals and for the children now being injected. We all knew pregnant women, immunosuppressed individuals, healthy people, kids, sick people, teens should not get this poison. The UK killed older people in nursing homes with midazolam in 2020. New York killed the elderly early on by sending covid patients back to their nursing homes to infect other vulnerable elderly. Early treatment was DENIED in the USA, France, Italy, UK, Canada and still, more people died unnecessarily. How will the courts cope with the incredible number of those guilty of murder? Finally, we are reaching the final act. Stay strong everyone. Continue to follow the new news. Continue to turn off all MSM, it serves no purpose.

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You are 100% correct. Thank you!!

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Yup. Damaging human social development is THE POINT of forcing muzzles on people.

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They don't attribute it to anything. The study compared pre and post March 2020, It's vague. But my guess (and I'm guessing it's educated) is that it's probable if not likely it's all due to a combination of lockdowns, school closures and masks. Maybe even the vaccines. We knew the consequences of our actions were going to be epically epic but it doesn't help when as a society we refuse to acknowledge the reality that our actions made the cure worse than the disease.

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GOSH - maybe the government doesn't want children speaking!!!!

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And we all predicted this well over a year ago; almost precisely what's happening. This also goes to the disease issues such as ongoing COVID susceptibility because of the vaccines (not despite), and the damage to immune surveillance (cancer anyone?). Masks and respiratory disease? Coming to a respirology clinic near you.

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