Posted at Sasha’s substack…FYI!


I think we can all agree the entire world is in a shameful condition after 3 years of a continuing global mass extinction program, not to mention all the other mountains of global criminality?

Knowing this TRUTH….

You cannot save yourself and family if you do not FIRST, repeat FIRST save America! You might be able to extend your life a while everything is collapsing around you!

Where are we going NOT following the first ART OF WAR principle since we are in a serious war for survival of all humanity right?

First principle…UNITE under 1 group, repeat 1 group of serious experienced strategic planners with 1 pot of money, repeat 1 pot of money!

Why? For FREEDOM and future generations who are depending on THE PEOPLE to get this first serious principle of ART OF WAR finally right!


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Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom. There needs to be a wake up call amongst fighters for freedom to unite. The GOP primary is dividing many and creates more chaos. Bad mouthing one another, backbiting further divides. The debates fuel this chaos and division within. If 1 central theme can come out of GOP debates it is unite with an agreeable solution to pool their gifts and create goals that will accomplish what we all seek to maintain freedom & our country’s sovereignty. If not we are done. We will have CBDC, vaccination cards via digital ID, social credit scores and totalitarianism.

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Thank you for your comments!

There have been many peaceful strategies for at least 10 years put out by true serious Constitutional America First experienced strategic planners at…


JOIN for monthly donation of 10 dollars per month for their newsletters! Try for 3 months…don’t like can quit anytime!

Like…them give them more per month as do not people understand at this late date…we need a pot of money FOR FREEDOM with serious Leaders! Your enemies got this long ago pooling millions to be used against us!

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And at the same time, stealing our money to use against us.

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If I can’t afford to buy groceries, I certainly can’t afford this. I am not the only one in this position currently. He who has the money has the power is an old adage. In my opinion, he who has the ability will overcome. Everything is now on the line.

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Have you heard of the book "diet for a small planet?" Time to buy dried beans, legumes, rice, and foods that don't nèed refrigeration for backup.

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Yes, haven’t read it though. Need to add it to my list.

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Thank you for your comments!

You are completely right!

My suggestion is to give 10 per month if you can…if you can’t pray for those who can donate much more than 10 dollars a month and are sitting silently!

This is called helping save America for your fellow citizens who are unable…being a true Christian!

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Don't go along with cbdc , digital ID, etc. or You will end up enslaved. There is another system which is already up and running. The cabal is bankrupt, they are pretenders. Go with QFS and we can do what we can to wake others up to the truth.

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With DeSantard's star having faded the RINOS are looking to install

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa as the GOP nominee.

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You mean Bird Brain?

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Why, yes.

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I wondered why they hadn't yet tried. I guess they have to assassinate his character first

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They have tried - many times.

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Oh, they've tried alright...

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When Victor Davis Hanson and Tucker Carlson agree, the world notices, and remembers.

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The globalist agenda is fully exposed and now they’re panicking.

This whole thing down Trump experiment only shows how truly incompetent these bastards are-starting with Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, Latisha James, that fat fuck Alvin Bragg, Fanni Willis-if they were smart, they wouldn’t have done any of the nonsense that they did, because as history shows, this has never been a good strategy!

But these are the times they’re most dangerous, because nothing is off limits to these wack jobs! Trump must up his security, because I fear they’ll try and JFK him.

These Trump deranged idiots are playing with fire. But at the same time-these people are the biggest campaign contributors to Trump’s reelection because they’ve completely exposed their hands!

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Nothing is off limits when you are in the privileged class where laws are a joke. Hunter ignores Congress, but the J6ers are killed and incarcerated.

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People are understanding this.

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Oh there's one they haven't really tried yet but I think they will...

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They tried it on us. Play it out to a logical conclusion any you get it that No One Stands in the way of the Dem Machine. 🫠

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Like what?

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Orange Vaxxman Bad

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If the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that any public official who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States may be disqualified from holding public office, then the Left will ensure Trump is kept off the ballot and not able to run for president.

How did the Left get that right? By indicting Trump for causing an insurrection at the Capitol Building on Jan 6. The left claim they have proof an insurrection that took place that day by those who were arrested in the Capitol and imprisoned, but, THE VIDEO FOOTAGE OF ALL THE ACTIVITY IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING ON JAN 6 NEEDS TO BE RELEASED, AND CAREFULLY SCRUTINIZED, SO THE TRUTH CAN BE MADE PUBLIC.

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The truth IS Trump was NEVER tried for insurrection. If you aren’t tried, and found guilty, how can they keep him off the ballot? Biden is being investigated for crimes or misdemeanors against US. Shouldn’t that keep Biden off of the ballot if we have a system of justice that treats all people equally?

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On Jan. 6th Trump was there to get the states to do a re-count before giving a stamp of approval to the fake results of the election. He did in no way commit an insurrection. Period. The courts to this day...(so far) have refused to look at the proof of a fraudulent vote count.

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But he hasn't been charged with insurrection or rebellion. The Soros-bought Dems on the CO Supremes tortured the hell out of the 14th, to play hopscotch with the law, to quite literally fabricate an entire new *interpretation*. IF there is any justice left, SCOTUS will overturn this. If not...this experiment, known as the USA, is finished.

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If they are crazy enough to do that, then it will unite and strengthen the opposition even more.

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Really? Karen?

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I am not sure that VDH is right about the Dem savages being terrified of Trump. They are terrified of us enforcing our God-given constitutional rights.

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Trump's not an idiot. He has very tight security plus there are doubles. Let's hope their security is asleep...

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Don't push it!

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