What is so frustrating is that now, even if I, for example, feel like I wish to see a doctor, because a week ago I tripped and fell on my knee sideways, but in such a way which I think I tore fascia in my rib area, and it also feels like maybe additional problem was a pinched nerve in my back too, but I don’t DARE go see any doctor, all because they no longer serve the people, and it’s become a scary thought to go! Just living as if I lived 100+ years ago now, I guess. Just hope to get improvement, but none in a week. I’m sure I’m not the only one going through this kind thing! We all are vulnerable they way things have gotten! I’m learning that I have to rethink things so as not to make future issues...

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Fauci made everyone feel like they were a Typhoid Mary.

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And those uneducated in using common sense and critical thinking skills believed it out of FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real. Cowards!!! No other term for them.

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They ; Fauci , cdc , who ,Tam ,all governments lied and everyone , vaxed and non vaxed had to pay!!!Evil Evil , and they are still pushing there poison and people are not even asking why. Wake the fu k up people!!!!

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If you go to the doctor, just tell them you've already had the vax. Tell them you felt like you were gonna die after your second booster. Lol

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This was key to their tyranny- to make ppl believe they could get a virus from ppl who didnt have it

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Since the whole thing was a psyop from the beginning, to push forth the depopulation agenda, why are they now "walking back" things and "admitting" that "mistakes" might have been made?

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You have got to Stoke the Covid Fear Porn at every opportunity, the Ministry of Truth's spokesman Dr Fooochi/Mengela did exactly that.. how else can one have a successful PysOp? Got to get maximum uptake of the Bio-Weapon..

Let's do what we can today to Stop the Poison jab.. Stop the Vaccine Mad Gates and his Criminal agenda.. We will prevail.. No let up now.. We have the Basxxxds on the Ropes..

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There has never been any transmission proven for any virus. Asymptomatic is an invented term with absolutely no scientific backing. You do not transmit viruses, but experience sickness and disease because your body is internally out of whack, not invaded by viruses.

Most of big pharma, the medical system and health(less) care is invented and contrived in order to scare you into taking drugs, getting overly-tested, getting procedures and worshiping your doctor as a god. It's all 90% horse manure.

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Unlike in the west, it was a very profitable lie in PRC. Each person in lockdown custody was charged $41.00 per day average to be jailed. If 1 person in a block tested +, sick or not, every single person in the building was locked up. Multiplied by millions of people & multiple days per incident, the amount is staggering. Average urban income is $20.00.

Also documented, some of the food donated by other cities, to feed the locked cities, was stolen & sold instead of free distribution by local PRC officials.

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Asymptomatic Transmission is the ultimate Pandemic fear mongering tool.

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STEP ON THESE Murderous terrorist groups who, wef, nwo, etc.,,,etc.,,, UNITE BOOTS ON THE GROUND

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All a massive psyop with all the bad actors working conjunction with one another. Evil.

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You might want to do a commentary on these statistics…

According to the CDC, as of March 22, 2023, roughly 401.7 million Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered in the United States. 251.8 million Moderna and 18.9 million J&J and others…

FACT: Not a single doctor or patient knows what is actually in these injections. The inserts may still be blank without a list of ALL ingredients!


WHO was MOST responsible for administering these bioterrorism countermeasures?

Doctors and other health workers with corporations a second along with the rest of the community ‘Leaders’ bribed with our taxpayer money by the COVID19 Community Corp.

I DARE YOU today if you still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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Kimberly - go onto the FLCCC website and look up the names of doctors in your area that were willing to risk their hospital and clinic practicing privileges, their medical licenses, their board certification, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of education debt in order to stand up for truth.

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