This is the major failure of the medical profession in this crisis, but it could have been expected and even predicted. The tell is the fact that the medical profession acquiesced to abortion on demand in 1973.

They/we (for I was just a first year medical student at that time) violated one of the 2 key tenets of the Hippocratic oath: primum no nocere (first do no harm) and never cause a woman to abort her baby.

After nearly 50 years of aborting babies, it was a small but unforgivable step to accept poisoning them (and likely their progeny).

I have become increasingly concerned and ashamed of my profession over the years.

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I was involved in a relationship with a MD last year, and he was probably what would be called “burnout”. Starting In medical school, the long hours without sleep, being on call, double shifts in hospital.... He said Drs today in comparison are wimpy.

Its all so tragic that the medical industrial complex looks at humans as commodities too often. And they don’t even care about giving experimental injections to pregnant women shows the level of sheer greed and coldness. Then giving children 72 vaccines and newborns Hep B when there is no risk.

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When I was pregnant, my mom warned me not to even think about taking headache pill let alone anything else…🤦🏼‍♀️

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I think it is the agenda to stop women from having children...becoming God's children...that will end up fighting the satanic Rothchild's plan...or succumb to the taste of satan's power and enslaved. Give up rights to gain rights...

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Remember the Thaldamide(Sp) Babies?

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Absolutely, even the supplements like Vit D or C have a warning on the bottles addressed to pregnant women. But look what is happening in the United Arab Emirates, you will never believe it, one of the most modern countries in the world. One of their national magazines wrote on 6 Feb 2024 : "Covid vaccine for pregnant women 'safe for newborn infants' ". https://www.thenationalnews.com/health/2024/02/06/covid-vaccine-for-pregnant-women-safe-for-newborn-infants/?utm_source=The+National+newsletters&utm_campaign=94ff3c2a40-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_01_18_11_48_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-53af5a22d1-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D .

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It is a bullshit article; world wide experience contradicts it: look up James Thorp, MD’s writing & posts.

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Of course it is a BS article. What I wanted to emphasize exposing this current article, is the fact that those lies never die, and are propagated even after a health authorities admit about toxicity and no effectiveness of those jabs. Media deep corruption.

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Ok. You never know why someone posts; there are after all supposedly /allegedly sane people who assert that there are 57 sexes/genders, whatever.

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Miscarriages? Birth defects? Unknown long term results?

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DES daughter here...still worried about my increased risk for cancer years later.

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When one is pregnant one has to take care of what to inject, what kind of actions they can do and all sorts of considerations. But it's someone else's fault if they agree to getting themselves injected with something they have no clue what it is? It is not the doctor's fault - it's up to the adult to say no thanks, it's not up to the adult to obey a doctor or anyone else. Especially without asking any questions whatsoever.

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Our daughter is a severe asthmatic and was certainly influenced by the fear porn. Her OB-GYN absolutely recommended and encouraged her to get the shots while she was nursing her baby. She has been the sickest of all of her children … was it due to lockdowns and no exposure to normal social situations? Maybe? But we certainly believe it was due to the shots. I am furious with that doctor!!!

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My heart goes out to you. Yes most people are totally trusting of the sadistic medical system. It is heartbreaking what this vaccine is doing and yet it continues. I think we need a massive blitz to let people know to stop taking it.

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Thank you. It is mystifying that people do not see (won’t see?) the damage being done all around them.

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But the govt and ACOG recd and said it was safe and effective, your at high risk, Covid could kill you… bastards! My grandson has cerebral palsy from ?? Could it be the booster? They will never admit it, she is a PA just graduated and believed the lies told her in graduate school…

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He was breech so nothing in delivery to say it was from that ..?????

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The same goes for the elderly, the immunosuppressed and children. Not only was the shot given to then THEY WERE PRIORITIZED for a drug not tested on their cohorts to which they belong. This is precisely why I came to the conclusion that someone somewhere WANTED to kill them off. It is difficult for me to understand why people do not believe that this was planned population reduction.

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Rather suggests that the " study " was nothing but a 'horse and pony show' -

"Follow the science", indeed !

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It's murder and genocide. The gallows for these pushers of death.

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The ObGyn residents at the Univ of Florida give it to all of their patients.

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my husband's partner was pregnant before covid and had all the flu etc vaccines...when she got pregnant during covid she got those too...so far the two grandsons seem normal, they get a lot of colds etc. and both are in day care now. Time will tell I guess. They are both wonderful kids and I love them and they love me and there's nothing myself or my late husband could do to talk their parents out of it. I only hope they received the vaccines that were less bad.

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sorry I meant my husband's SON'S partner, I was my husband's wife and partner, sorry , it was late when I posted this

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The FDA was ordered by the DoD to give the EUA without any studies.

Both Sasha Latypova https://www.duediligenceandart.substack.com and Katherine Watt:


have both explained that laws have been put in place making the US bioterrorism program legal. In addition the laws make it legal to use a bioweapon on the American people. Once these laws were in place (Yes Congress has responsibility) they could use a bioweapon labeled as a "vaccine," on the American people for the purpose of global depopulation.

Also, all the doctors and nurses and hospitals which benefitted financially for putting patients on death protocols are indemnified by the PREP acts, as long as they did what the government told them to do. That is a license to kill.

The US bioterrorism program turned doctors into murderers.

The laws have to be repealed. All those who participated in the crime against humanity need to be brought to justice.

Let us try to focus on what we can actually accomplish. There are still people who believe the "vaccines" saved lives. There are still people who believe masks saved lives. I am not kidding. I have people in my family who still believe these lies.

So we need to speak in a voice that others will listen to. We need to focus on getting information out clearly and neutrally.

Crimes have been committed, but do we want to try people in the court of public opinion or in a court of law?

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What will you all do about it? And yes, our government does stuff like this all the time.

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They knew a German made drug with Thalidimide caused severe defects such as no arms or legs but hands and feet, deaf, blind, if survived. They were prescribing two years after they knew. Nazis or the Big Pharma?

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