If I was a young Australian man or woman of childbearing age, married or equivalent and contemplating starting a family with my partner in the next couple years, and then my country inexplicably decides to imprison dissidents, secretly orders unidentified SWAT police to beat up its citizens for no reason, puts healthy people under house arrest indefinitely if they test positive using a faulty PCR method, muzzles scientists and doctors, issues endless propaganda no sane thinking person would ever believe, coerces us into taking an insanely dangerous experimental drug that doesn't stop infection or transmission and sickens some of us to death but those deaths and sickenings are covered up as effects of the virus due to refusing the jabs, erodes the economy and education system and destroys what I believed was a functioning democracy that protected human and civil rights, all because of a Chinese-American man-made virus that is avoidable with simple prophylaxis and treatable with cheap safe medications already approved and in use for other conditions, I would be too traumatized to even THINK about making a baby let alone getting it up for fun. So, look back at February and March 2021 if you want to know why there are no babies being born the following December.

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My adult son and his wife have decided not have children. My 16 y/o daughter doesn’t want to have kids. Aside from the shots and the infertility I believe many are deciding to go the same way.

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Understandable. I think my children feel the same way, especially my youngest who is 31.

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and we're in Canada, the second worst nation for lockdown , cruelty, and brutality against peaceful citizens.

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Smart decision until there's a purge of the NWO inbred, eugenics psychopaths. Those who were forced or volunteered to get the Bio-Weapon jab are in serious trouble. Having a baby that will be stillborn or damaged is adding to the carnage.

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Yesterday I read an article telling us the flu is now back in Canada and it's an epidemic. They are not saying it's the jabbed getting sick, only that we need to get the flu shot now. 15 or so years ago I got the flu shot 2 years in a row and now have Multiple Sclerosis. I won't be taking any more shots ever, if I can help it. Seems like the flu that disappeared miraculously came back with a vengeance. HMMMMMM.

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M.S. and many afflictions we suffer from are lab concocted or in the vaccines or meds...>>>Lime disease, cancers from the poisons in our food. In the 50's the above ground Nuke test caused many cancers. Us Nam vets from Agent Orange..1/2 million dead, millions injured and counting. There's a respiratory sickness with a handy vaccine these psycho's are unleashing and Boston U. has an 80% kill Covid virus.

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Nov 15, 2022
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They're bribed like many others. or they like to murder the most innocent.

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Nov 13, 2022
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My God reminds me of the movie hand maids' tale. The horror is they will do anything they want if they get a full grasp on the world. Needs to be a revolution if that happens. Seems like there a lot of movies similar to what has and is happening to the world.

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There's a movie where this one couple were the last capable of having a baby.

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If it were isolated to Australia, that argument might carry weight. Meanwhile, (1) people everywhere were getting breeder crazy during the panic, and (2) fertility is down and miscarriages up worldwide. And anecdotally, though I have yet to know a single person who's died of the COOF, I know several who've had trouble conceiving after having had bunnylike production in the past and have screwed-up menstrual cycles.

This is a fun game. Let's play some more.

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Our nephew and his wife, both double vaxxed and boosted, have had theee miscarriages in the past 19 months. Our daughter is a family practice PA (unvaxxed) and has told us that all of the nurses/medical assistants in her practice who have been trying to conceive have been unsuccessful. And yes, they all got the shots. Are these anecdotes? Yes. But I hear it all the time. Several of my friends’ adult children have been unable to conceive since 2021.

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Except that the stats used in this story are incorrect and out of date.

There were not only 6,659 births in Dec 2021, and only 273,301 births in Australia for the year.

There were 309,996 registered births in 2021, an increase of 15,627 (5.3%) from 2020. So 2021 was actually a good year for Australian births.

Correct stats here:


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Yes - the babies conceived in 2020 before things got really bad ("two weeks to flatten the curve"), before mass vaccinations and totalitarianism, were being born in 2021 at first about as numerous as usual. But it is pretty clear that the number of pregnancies and births petered out drastically by December 2021, reflecting, I think, three factors: 1) jab-induced miscarriages and preterm deaths in 2021 of babies conceived late in 2020/ early 2021, and jab-induced infertility with fewer conceptions after jab rollout in 2021; 2) increased psychological stress resulting in a lot less coitus; and 3) couples actively avoiding pregnancy because of a bleak dystopian political future even if they were engaging sexually as usual.

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100% correct Aliss......Tony needs to quit wearing the mask...not enough oxygen makes you stupid.

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To be fair, Tony made an intelligent argument based on facts at hand. My argument was more of a hypothesis from my own emotional perspective. Maybe it's true that Australian couples didn't stop having unprotected sex, and didn't choose not to get pregnant because of The Horror That Looks Like It Will Never End, and weren't affected by forced-jab infertility and fetal demise, and Australia has just as many new babies as usual in 2021-2022 to date. It could also be true that Australian birth data as presented are inaccurate and there is in fact a drastic drop in number of births in Australia as in so many other nations reporting it. Bottom line is that Tony is right, we need the honest, accurate, full Australian data to make conclusions, and we don't have them yet.

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No, it's not clear that "the number of pregnancies and births petered out drastically by December 2021".

That's my point. The stats posted are wrong - incomplete and out of date. In fact there were more births in 2021 than in 2020.

I can't find federal stats for 2022 right now, but here are the Victoria stats to October 2022 - they're strong and rising.


Births registered per month - Victoria

Month Births registered

October 2022 9,023

September 2022 6,634

August 2022 5,875

July 2022 5,840

June 2022 6,782

May 2022 7,363

April 2022 5,267

March 2022 7,087

February 2022 5,602

January 2022 4,098

December 2021 8,264

November 2021 7,023

October 2021 6,244

September 2021 6,827

And that makes your three "factors" irrelevant too, because you've based them on something that didn't happen.

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Ok. My opinion is based on false stock. So what about the drastic drop in births in all the other countries then? Are Australians fundamentally different in their reproductive behaviour when it comes to coping with a traumatic national shift into repressive political-medical totalitarianism?

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You believe Gov.au/stats. are accurate after 2 years of lies...Hmmm.

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Where's December?

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Fertility, meet cliff.

Obviously it's complicated.

However, let us start with the unprecedented policies and medical interventions in the period.

Injecting a gene therapy - that was 'tested' only as a vaccine and in an unrepresentative sample - into the entire population, and in particular pregnant women, was insane.

There is no way that last aspect was justified by any data.

We are ruled by psychopathic imbeciles.


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False info. Anything emanating from the resident evil, Liars_R-Us Governments around the world is 50 shades of propaganda.

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See Igor Chudov substack on same issue and for many countries. He stresses comparing same months from year to year as there is a lot of natural variations through out the year eg. Summer, fall , winter , spring.

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Wow! It is evidence such as this that makes me realise that our government and medical authorities truly are genocidal maniacs. And we the people are allowing them to murder our children and sterilise our young men and women with this experimental mRNA technology which is working exactly as planned! Thank you for all you share!

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No, it's only evidence that the table is wrong and outdated.

The table states that there were only 273,301 births in Australia for the year 2021.

But in fact there were 309,996 registered births in 2021, an increase of 15,627 (5.3%) from 2020. That's 37,000 more than the table shows, so I suspect that October and November are also not showing correct numbers. Latest release of CORRECT figures here:


It's a lesson in *checking* when data looks a bit odd, instead of jumping in feet first, as the original post has done.

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So, which gubment stats are correct, my guess is none of them

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Looks like the mRNA injections are competing with the morning after pill!

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Looks to me like a biological weapon is being used to poison the western oriented world..... if I were a conspiracy theorist.

It’s either that or it’s the biggest f’up in human history (excluding the Crucifixion).

I bet that Dr. Fauci knows.....

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Or... the actual truth - the stats posted above are wrong.

2021 was actually a good year for Australian births:

The claimed "273,301 births in Australia for the year" is incorrect. Actual number was 309,996 registered births in 2021, an increase of 15,627 (5.3%) from 2020.

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It’s clear that something is happening in highly vaccinated countries, especially with unexpected deaths. The graphs I’ve seen closely correlate with vaccine rollout....

There also appears to be a problem with live births, but the jury’s still out on that.

It’s very hard to know what numbers to trust due to fraud, corruption, and plain old human error.

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I don't know where you're getting your "clear" info from. But in highly vaxxed Australia, birth numbers are higher in 2021 than in 2020, as I pointed out.

Overall, like much of the Western world, there has been a slow decline in numbers of babies per women of child-bearing age. But that's been going on for many years, and it's more of a cultural thing than anything else.

This media release from the same source, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, for example, shows average number of live births for the period 1970-2020.


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The ‘clear’ that I’m referring to is mostly in the category of non-Covid excess deaths. They are up dramatically in highly vaccinated countries....and it started shortly after the introduction of the vaccines.

I can’t personally vouch for a decline in live births (I haven’t looked it up, but many articles by different writers have looked into it), but it appears that there is a sharp decline in some countries. It’s something that needs to be investigated.

I was not questioning your numbers, mine was a comment on the lack of good data.

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You're a broken record liar.

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I've been looking at this a while. And checking the ABS statistics. I'm also personally emailed the monthly NSW birth registrations/deaths/marriages each month (because they don't have this data available online so easily!). AND they only will share 'registrations' in NSW, not actual births, so I still don't' know how many actual births happen each month - just when they're registered. You can still see trends in there, but basically, deaths are rising way faster than births. Births are still increasing, but slowly.


In VIC births have been levelling out - for years. At least VIC easily publishes their birth registrations online!


Now, onto this ABS stuff. Each year the ABS puts out the national birth statistics BUT they're not complete at each quarterly or yearly release. That's probably why things were so low on your post. And that's why, when you go and look at the data when it's released each year that there's a tapering off in Nov/Dec: because people haven't actually gotten around to registering their births! In the second half of 2021, things were nasty. Mandates everywhere. People didn't want to go out (including doing paperwork like registering births). You see it every year in NSW with a drop in Dec birth registrations and then a spike in Jan registrations. It's the holiday/Xmas season. People put their paperwork on hold. This is why I MUCH prefer ACTUAL birth data, not the registrations!!

The ABS just put out another Births data release on 25/10/22:


Here is the yearly data (assuming they're not lying):


Allowing 9 months to collect the data, supposedly there was a drop in 2020 (unsurprising!) BUT there was an increase in 2021 back to probably what 2020 SHOULD have originally been. OF course our yearly births jump all over the place, with an easy 5-10K yearly difference in recent years.

The clincher for Australian data will be what Oct 2023 shows us - for the 2022 data. The lovely Aussie govt like to make us wait for over 9 months to see the national data - and sometimes longer!!!!

I think what will be very interesting to follow is stillbirths. Miscarriages is very hard to keep an eye on because so many happen at home, and you don't need to 'register' them, so you're left with (some) anecdotal evidence, or other very limited evidence, BUT stillbirths - or any births that happen AFTER 20 weeks (or over 400g foetus weight) are meant to be registered. That, IMO, would be an interesting statistic to follow...

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What will also be interesting to follow is how many DEATHS and what type of deaths, are occurring. I've certainly been watching them climb. And when deaths over take births, it matters not if your births are still increasing because the Scourge that is Death will be winning by then....

Usually, also, deaths in 'Under 1s' are much higher than any following cohorts - until you get to people's 30s. In other words, if you survive that first year of life, you're in with a good shot of making it to 30! In light of so many Aussie Idiots taking the covid jabs, I would suggest keeping an eye on the AGE of deaths in the near future, and seeing if the deaths in those younger cohorts starts climbing...

Also, don't forget that 50% of first time mothers are now INDUCED - and one intervention often leads to another - which tells me that:

1. Australian mothers-to-be have at least a 50% chance of being uninformed twits who listen to their 'doctor' (including taking jabs whilst pregnant, lying on their back to give birth and vaccinating the hell out of their kids!)

2. If there's so much intervention, there is going to be more birth trauma, stillbirths, neonatal deaths and deaths in 'Under 1s'. Again, keep an eye out for AGE of death.

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This is helpful and makes sense. What then does this say for reporting in Tasmania? Are they doing a better job or do they have a different reporting system? Thoughts?

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Thanks for posting the correct link, which actually shows 15,000 more births in 2021 than in the previous year - a total of 309,996 registered births in 2021.

Deaths stats are just as easy to find as birth stats, at the same site.


171,469 registered deaths in 2021, an increase of 10,169 since 2020.

That was still a year of lockdowns, esp. in Vic. There were not many Covid deaths, which really kicked in during Dec 2021 through to Feb 2022, so 2022 will almost certainly be a lot higher.

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I saw a bumper sticker as I was going to the sidewalk at Planned Barrenhood -- I'm not a sidewalk advocate, I just pray there. It said "Vasectomy -- doing my part" and 'planned parenthood' on the bottom.

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I don't know if they thought of the this, but it works toward the depopulation plan, if people are afraid to have children it works to slow population growth. I don't know the amount of still births and other problems on the whole planet, but I have heard they are not small. To read Australia's births are down to 6,600 from 22,000 a month makes me wonder if they killed off more than the 90%, they wanted. My youngest daughter is pregnant with her second child, and I fear for the outcome as she is jabbed. My youngest son is jabbed as well, when I tried to warn them, they would not believe any human could be so evil as to deliberately poison millions of people and said they could never buy into what I was saying. My youngest son is a narcissist and is set on the idea he is right. They think I'm crazy and they believe what the government and mainstream media tells them, we no longer even talk. I don't know if he even realizes, the so-called vaccines may be the reason his little girl is a high functioning autistic for which doctors can sell more drugs. I think they may have ended our blood line. The horror of losing a baby will be the nightmare of a great many couples in the near future and I would imagine for some time to come. I'm praying the moral doctors are working as fast as they can come up with a way to combat what has been done to the world population. I don't know if it's possible to undo the jab once administered but I hope they can find a way. It would be a good idea to hold off having children because we know of the dangers to the fetus during development could be disastrous not to mention the dangers to the mother. I think the flu shot has been a testing medium for the big plan starting many years ago. I had the flu shot two years in a row and now have Multiple Sclerosis for the past 15 or so years. I read Canada has the highest MS rate in the world. This tells me, the so-called vaccines, since the beginning of vaccines are just a money-making poison that they knew would not work. These people have corrupted the medical industry ever since they found what is known as petrochemicals in oil in about 1900. They discovered they could make vitamins from oil and then made drugs knowing they would not heal. This made it so they could patten the drugs for exclusive money and create a never-ending flow of return patients to sell, in many cases toxic drugs forever or at least until they died. May these demented people in charge burn in hell if there is such a place.

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I've posted the stats elsewhere in this thread, but the stats in the article here are rubbish.

Australia didn't have a precipitous drop in births in 2021. In fact, there were over 15,000 more births than in the previous year. That 6,000+ figure for December is just ridiculous.

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So hard to believe what one reads in today's world. Thanks.

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Don't give up on them. You never know when a figure, or a comment, or an encounter will turn them around. As for hell, these guys convince me there is a hell and if there is a hell then heaven must be a pretty amazing place. Jesus had more guts in his little finger than all of these despots put together, when he died to give us life. Never heard of any of these monsters taking the hit for us plebs, they'd rather take our money and bury us.

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If you further break down the Australian data into State figures HAVE A LOOK AT VICTORIA!

There also appears to be an anomaly with the data for Tasmania, no change. Weird! Can this be a coincidence or did Tasmanians get a placebo?!?

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great sharing

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The stats are wrong, that's all. Completely unreliable - incomplete data from some time during December.

There were not 273,301 births in Australia for the year, there were 309,996 registered births in 2021, an increase of 15,627 (5.3%) from 2020. So 2021 was actually a good year for Australian births.

Correct stats are here:


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So this leaves the question of why this published data is so wrong. 70% reduction in submissions, really? That means Victoria is sitting on next to zero submissions of data for December 2021.

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No, Robyn S. has also posted the correct stats below, with an explanation.

The stats for December are commonly out of date according to her, due to a range of factors, and are usually corrected by the end of the following January.

I don't know when those figures were posted. I just know that the correct figure wasn't posted until October 2022.

Victoria's figures are here, and seem to be correct. I couldn't find a similar monthly breakdown for Tas.



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Accidentally double-posted

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Your figures are wrong.

You claim only 6,659 births in Dec 2021, and only 273,301 births in Australia for the year.

But in fact, there were 309,996 registered births in 2021, an increase of 15,627 (5.3%) from 2020.


So this whole "story" is a false beatup.

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I hope you are right. Numbers from other countries look scary enough.

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I believe CDC, DARPA and CIA acted in concert when they saw that Trump was an obstructionist and Big Pharma didn’t want the vaccine industry investigate. Globalists saw that it was a good test to achieve their aims. Stars were aligned.

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Has anyone seen data showing vaxxed PRIOR to conceiving? I have a few nieces that managed to have babies in spite of being vaxxed prior. None were vaxxed during.

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Were their babies born healthy?

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Two yes so far? One diagnosed with failure to thrive. She wasn’t getting enough nutrients breast feeding. And my niece had no issues breastfeeding her firstborn 3 yrs ago. I’m quite certain we know why.

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I know personally of two other people with the exact same issue - breastfeeding just not working. And they really worked hard at it. Both jabbed during pregnancy.

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Yes..That's the movie about an end of little people reproduction...Children of Men.

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It has been determined that the data for these months is not all in (jessica rose, and others)

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