Australia: births, focus on extreme right hand column, the lower row & what do you see? 6,600 births Dec 2021 from a routine 22,000 births per month across many years to 1975; what happened in 2021?
What happened in 2021 globally in about February and March 2021? What action or policy? A mandate? ssshhhhhh, do not say it too loud, but just maybe, just maybe would the word 'VACCINE' come to mind?
For 40 years, there is clearly a 20,000 average births then all of a sudden, in December 2021, it drops by 70%. You need to know that this is not ‘causal’ as you purists will argue with me, and “Dr. Alexander, how could you prove causation here?”…I will respond with “then you tell me what is your explanation and I might argue that this is same across global nations that had high uptake of these fraud gene injections”. So I gave you my argument and data, now you put up yours. Do not just say NO. Bring some sugar to the table. I am backing up the sugar with some data.
J Rose clued me into the site and data once you toggle it. Praise. Huge intellect.
Focus on the right column and lowest row for December 2021. What do you see? Do you see a 71% drop from December 2020 to December 2021 in births (22,695 to 6.659)? And a 71% drop from October 2021 to December 2021?
see this also by Jessica Rose, colleague of mines, brilliant academic.
If I was a young Australian man or woman of childbearing age, married or equivalent and contemplating starting a family with my partner in the next couple years, and then my country inexplicably decides to imprison dissidents, secretly orders unidentified SWAT police to beat up its citizens for no reason, puts healthy people under house arrest indefinitely if they test positive using a faulty PCR method, muzzles scientists and doctors, issues endless propaganda no sane thinking person would ever believe, coerces us into taking an insanely dangerous experimental drug that doesn't stop infection or transmission and sickens some of us to death but those deaths and sickenings are covered up as effects of the virus due to refusing the jabs, erodes the economy and education system and destroys what I believed was a functioning democracy that protected human and civil rights, all because of a Chinese-American man-made virus that is avoidable with simple prophylaxis and treatable with cheap safe medications already approved and in use for other conditions, I would be too traumatized to even THINK about making a baby let alone getting it up for fun. So, look back at February and March 2021 if you want to know why there are no babies being born the following December.
Fertility, meet cliff.
Obviously it's complicated.
However, let us start with the unprecedented policies and medical interventions in the period.
Injecting a gene therapy - that was 'tested' only as a vaccine and in an unrepresentative sample - into the entire population, and in particular pregnant women, was insane.
There is no way that last aspect was justified by any data.
We are ruled by psychopathic imbeciles.