I was telling all my friends early last year. I knew that the lockdown would just prevent natural immunity from occurring. The result was rampant outbreak of the flu in the population. The idiots in government locked down Western Australia and still insist on stern measures. They have no idea of the real science, instead just relying on the fraudulent NWO recipe which makes the problem worse. Genocide is their aim and it's working for them. We are hearing from more and more doctors who are alarmed at the rise in post vaccination heart disease, cancer and auto-immune disease. God protect us from these evil Nazi villains of the WEF.

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"The result was rampant outbreak of the flu in the population."

What were you talking about there? I live in Sydney. There were no rampant flu, nor anything, since 1 Jan 2020.

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In NSW there was a slow natural spread of the virus and most people in NSW weren't even aware of anything more than a yearly, mild flu, going around. Mask wearing and lockdowns had no effect whatsoever to stop the virus. Natural herd immunity was achieved, as in previous years (except for those who got the jab). The vaccines have damaged the natural immune system so these people are now becoming sick. See Israel as an example. In WA people were kept locked down, (nobody was allowed in, or out of WA for many months).

Thus no natural immunity was allowed to develop. After a few people were allowed in to WA, the virus has spread rapidly and "overwhelmed" the public health system (or so we are told). A high level of vaccination made the population more vulnerable to infection. The fear-factor pushed by the media continues to distort the truth, making it all sound far worse than it is.

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I agree with this. However, you have not answered my question about the rampant flu thing you claimed.

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When I mentioned "rampant flu", I was talking about WA, not NSW or Australia as a whole.

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I did not read in the SMH and Aunty of any rampant flu in the fiefdom of McGuwan.

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McClown must have told the media to keep quiet, as it would reflect badly on his reputation as a leader, if it appeared he had no control over the virus. Still pushing the vaccines as per instructions from Klaus Schwab and Fauci, because "it's safe" & "it's for your health". Intentions to vaccinate kids is not only fraudulent but a crime equivalent to murder. The Nazi eugenicists are having a field day and hardly anybody is aware.

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I’m in WA John. It’s a mad scene eh? They’ve really gotten keen with the masking haven’t they? Is there anywhere on the web that WA doctors are posting about the increase they are seeing?

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Not that I know of. I think they're all scared to lose their licenses and/or secretly happy with their vastly increased incomes since the flu arrived. Their bubble will burst soon enough when the truth finally leaks through to the public sheep. The media have succeeded with their constant propaganda and censorship to create mass psychosis.

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They sure have! And how easy was it? Then again West Aussies are among the most compliant, comfortable and apathetic people on the face of the planet. I wonder if it will ever penetrate into the mainstream. I’m convinced they’ll be able to hide this for a long time, sufficient enough that most of the perpetrators escape repercussions and most folk are not concerned because “it happened such a long time ago.” Just like JFK, just like 9/11 etc ...

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It will take a big change to a truly conservative Australian government who will allow free speech and make the media accountable.

How to make people drop the duopoly? A lot of campaigning will help. Leaflet drops explaining the situation in basic terms, to educate the sheep.

I'm hoping Trump's return will see a lot of perpetrators being jailed and the whole NWO exposed for what it is. I hear that the European courts have begun indictments of people like Soros, Gates and Fauci for crimes against humanity.

We can only hope the trend will continue world wide.

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I fear the ICC is a toothless tiger. Watch in awe as people don’t care ... even as the all cause mortality rate goes up. One of the beautiful/diabolical things about the jabs is that their side effects present in a thousand different ways (1271). So it will always be hard to pin it on the vax. Furthermore, increases in all these diseases gets big pharma rubbing their hands together with glee! “Ohhh goodie! We have a pill for that!” They say.

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Correct. Apparently, if the injured people can prove that big pharma has committed fraud then big pharma's immunity from prosecution will be invalid. It's time to break the stranglehold that big pharma and the NWO bankers has on the world. Trump is our only hope for now, but Putin is also fighting the NWO and their world banking monopoly. He's had enough of the corrupt western system that's been trying to break him with all their unfair sanctions. The NWO are hoping for escalation because to them, war means more profit and they don't car how many people die.

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I am in Australia, I forward some of D Alexander’s substack articles to GP practices that have email addresses ( some do not appear to have accessible emails) as I can, hoping they may see the light, as they say “ nothing ventured nothing gained”

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I sent plenty of Dr Alexander's subs to my unrequited pen pal the NSW Health Minister in 2021 and early 2022. He and his Dept cannot claim ignorance.

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So does Tam in Canada I reckon. Canadian officials are completely out of their depth it appears.

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How can the people of New Zealand and Australia deny at this time, that both lock downs and vaccination has been a total failure, with grave consequences. As I posted, despite all their mistakes, natural herd immunity will soon come to both isolated countries. That is unless their immune systems have been damaged with all their vaccination. Both counties have about 85% of population receive at least one jab, with 50% receiving the recent booster - did nothing to stop the highly transmissible Omicron.

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One a side note; besides *Dr. Robert Malone, who else is also MRNA vaccinated among; Cole, McCullough, Zelenko, Shankara, Bhakdi etc.?

*See Rogan transcript

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