Some helpful pointers...

Break each fast period with black coffee and a fat... some use butter ... some use a tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil... this speeds up fat burning part of the fast ... do not eat any other food for at least two hours.take one astaxanthin... with the coffee

Two supplements that help the cells and mitochondria turnover of autophagy and mitophagy.take last thing at night.

Fisetin (strawberry extract) autophagy.

Pomengranate for mitophagy.

Those dead and defunct cells remove during rest and repair phase of sleep..

You will feel amazing within the first week... energy stays all day.

Astaxanthin for energy

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I have a friend who has long covid. Her doctor said she has inflammation around her brain among other symptoms. I’m going to suggest she fast. I sure hope it helps her in some way.

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I have been intermittent fasting the past four months. Does seem to give me routine in my days and keeps me from eating junk at night. I’ve also lost 4 pounds which I don’t need to but for those looking to lose weight, I guess it’s good. Next stop- a 2 day fast.

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I have fasted and used ivermectin and experienced herxing/autophagy.


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Fasting in various degrees has been in practice for thousands of years. Yet, man has survived. He will never survive the terrors of big pharma drugs.

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Dr Mercola recommends intermittent fasting and he is my health guru

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The inner bark of Cats claw vine and root can be used as a herb that helps aid in autophagy along with fasting. There are some other herbs that work too. Best to seek out a great Naturopath.

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Do we know the ingredients in the jabs? If so, does anyone have a link?

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Iintermittent fasting is not fasting. Fasting is the period of 24+ hours of having no food, and drinking only water. I do not know why people need to change the meaning of words.

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Anyone have experience with the Phoenix Protocol of dry fasting as detailed by Dr. August Dunning?

I’ve read the book and seen some YouTube testimonies but have not tried it. It honestly seems suicidal but maybe he’s correct.

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