AwakeNotWoke, a subscriber to my stack, added to the strong work by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin on the fraud and insanity of Kinsey and 'sexual freedom' with this addition...see below
And a lot of American degenerates would like to legalize pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia etc. This is a large part of the reason Soviet and Eastern European communism endured for so long.'
What sexual freedom? The only sexual freedom Americans and others corrupted by Americans such as Kinsey, including the British, Dutch and other Western Europeans with their US influenced Tavistock Institute mentalities have is to engage in gay or transexual acts or paraphilias. "Heteronormativity" is verboten. And a lot of American degenerates would like to legalize pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia etc. This is a large part of the reason Soviet and Eastern European communism endured for so long. It wasn't that the leaders in those countries thought their economic systems would lead ultimately to economic outcomes on a par with those achieved by Chinese communism in the 21st century. There was a realistic fear of US cultural imperialism. The SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas ultimately found what the rest of the world had long suspected, i.e., that getting sodomized is so important to Americans that it has been made a protected constitutional right. Even though they have now rejected communism, former Soviet and Eastern European countries other than Ukraine continue to also reject US ideals of homonormativity, transnormativity and pedonormativity. People in these countries are not, as they are often accused by Americans of being, "homophobic," "transphobic" etc. Rather, Americans are heterophobic. There is no US tolerance for sexual freedom to be a normal heterosexual.’
these people should be under psychiatric care, not celebrated
'There is no US tolerance for sexual freedom to be a normal heterosexual.’
So true.
A couple thoughts:
1.) While this mindset may partially be attributed to a misguided effort to promote 'population control,' it doesn't explain the equally ridiculous practice of aiding and encouraging homosexuals of both sexes in creating designer babies, half their genetic offspring and half from a donor egg or sperm (often selected from a catalogue) with paid 'gestational surrogates.' Destruction of the nuclear family a likely motive.
2.) Corporate policies discouraging dating and relationships among co-workers is also problematic. My parents met at the office. My father's sister met her husband working at the same company. Disallowing this practice makes it more difficult for singles to meet and evaluate each other as potential mates in an environment where they can comfortably observe each other's social skills and character (as opposed to meeting in a bar or online where people often misrepresent themselves).
Sorry if that's off topic...