And a lot of American degenerates would like to legalize pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia etc. This is a large part of the reason Soviet and Eastern European communism endured for so long.'
'There is no US tolerance for sexual freedom to be a normal heterosexual.’
So true.
A couple thoughts:
1.) While this mindset may partially be attributed to a misguided effort to promote 'population control,' it doesn't explain the equally ridiculous practice of aiding and encouraging homosexuals of both sexes in creating designer babies, half their genetic offspring and half from a donor egg or sperm (often selected from a catalogue) with paid 'gestational surrogates.' Destruction of the nuclear family a likely motive.
2.) Corporate policies discouraging dating and relationships among co-workers is also problematic. My parents met at the office. My father's sister met her husband working at the same company. Disallowing this practice makes it more difficult for singles to meet and evaluate each other as potential mates in an environment where they can comfortably observe each other's social skills and character (as opposed to meeting in a bar or online where people often misrepresent themselves).
What kind of people? People like those in the White House who prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event and declared Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility,.” What an example for the rest of the world. Is it any wonder that Russia, Serbia, Belarus and large parts of Asia, Africa and the Caribbean reject the US notion of a rules based international order.
Being a normal heterosexual is socially stigmatized in the United States. But look at what passes for normal in the United States.
In this video, said to be "disgusting," "creepy" and "eye-opening" the president purportedly elected by the United States people and the representative of the US on the world stage is seen ‘crossing boundaries’ with both women and children as well as saying inappropriate things while being narrated by trauma expert Anthony Zenkus who in the video details some of the ways sexual predators harm children, not only physically, but mentally. The video is commonly accompanied by the hashtag, #HeebieJeebieJoe as well as #BidensBoundaries on X/Twitter.
"As a professional in the field of sexual violence, I'm saying that we need to talk about Joe Biden's unsafe behaviors around children and adults. Boundaries matter. #BidensBoundaries" - Professor Zenkus
Your linked video is disturbing. It was obvious the children publicly victimized by Joe Biden were uncomfortable and squirming - and that the adults accompanying them also noticed the troubling circumstances but did not intervene to protect the children. I shudder to think what happens behind closed doors.
This is not the country I grew up in. It's some sort of perverted night mare.
My feeling is if you are an adult, and that is the lifestyle you choose, fine. Only engage other adults who willingly participate. Leave the young alone, leave the non-consenting adults alone.
Your point is so well taken. Forty years of touchy-feely, teaching little kids up is down, and who knows what. Yet they keep electing him
Many adults who appear to have chosen that lifestyle have shared that their first 'sexual' experience involved being victimized by an adult member of the same sex.
Big Pharma trap entitled "Where did the "Experts" go Wrong with Covid?" - my summary: The point is that you are analyzing vaccines, while the COVID "vaccines" are the gene therapies, which utilize nanotechnology.
Frankly, the bottom line on non-heterosexual folks is that they are parasitic. The same is true of all adults not having kids, not just the current LBGTQWERTY gang we’re supposed to prize above normals. By the time said adult is 40-50, he or she is living off the work of other peoples’ children. While that is no business of society, society should be no business of theirs. If they are not interested enough in the future to populate it, no logical reason exists for their enfranchisement.
these people should be under psychiatric care, not celebrated
'There is no US tolerance for sexual freedom to be a normal heterosexual.’
So true.
A couple thoughts:
1.) While this mindset may partially be attributed to a misguided effort to promote 'population control,' it doesn't explain the equally ridiculous practice of aiding and encouraging homosexuals of both sexes in creating designer babies, half their genetic offspring and half from a donor egg or sperm (often selected from a catalogue) with paid 'gestational surrogates.' Destruction of the nuclear family a likely motive.
2.) Corporate policies discouraging dating and relationships among co-workers is also problematic. My parents met at the office. My father's sister met her husband working at the same company. Disallowing this practice makes it more difficult for singles to meet and evaluate each other as potential mates in an environment where they can comfortably observe each other's social skills and character (as opposed to meeting in a bar or online where people often misrepresent themselves).
Sorry if that's off topic...
These sexual Transgenderism policies came from UN UNESCO and what kind of evil people would allow our children to be poisoned by these perversions???
What kind of people? People like those in the White House who prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event and declared Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility,.” What an example for the rest of the world. Is it any wonder that Russia, Serbia, Belarus and large parts of Asia, Africa and the Caribbean reject the US notion of a rules based international order.
Children are not consenting to perversion .
Without proper guidance and upbringing, children are easily influenced by whoever gives them attention.
yes, correct, thank you for sharing
US ideals of homonormativity, transnormativity and pedonormativity. Cool!
Typical gibberish by WokeNotAwake. Though he is correct in the sentiment, his argument is full of nonsense and fallacies.
How to awake the woke crowd?
That’s a $100Bln question.
One canNOT teach nothing to anyone. One can only help learning to those who want and put necessary time and effort.
In a similar fashion, we can only help those in the process of awakening.
Better approach, it seems to me, is to minimize the spread of wokeness, and restore INTEGRITY as the first step to restoring culture.
I don't care what anyone does with anyone(s) else as long as all parties are consenting adults
Being a normal heterosexual is socially stigmatized in the United States. But look at what passes for normal in the United States.
In this video, said to be "disgusting," "creepy" and "eye-opening" the president purportedly elected by the United States people and the representative of the US on the world stage is seen ‘crossing boundaries’ with both women and children as well as saying inappropriate things while being narrated by trauma expert Anthony Zenkus who in the video details some of the ways sexual predators harm children, not only physically, but mentally. The video is commonly accompanied by the hashtag, #HeebieJeebieJoe as well as #BidensBoundaries on X/Twitter.
"As a professional in the field of sexual violence, I'm saying that we need to talk about Joe Biden's unsafe behaviors around children and adults. Boundaries matter. #BidensBoundaries" - Professor Zenkus
Your linked video is disturbing. It was obvious the children publicly victimized by Joe Biden were uncomfortable and squirming - and that the adults accompanying them also noticed the troubling circumstances but did not intervene to protect the children. I shudder to think what happens behind closed doors.
This is not the country I grew up in. It's some sort of perverted night mare.
My feeling is if you are an adult, and that is the lifestyle you choose, fine. Only engage other adults who willingly participate. Leave the young alone, leave the non-consenting adults alone.
Your point is so well taken. Forty years of touchy-feely, teaching little kids up is down, and who knows what. Yet they keep electing him
Many adults who appear to have chosen that lifestyle have shared that their first 'sexual' experience involved being victimized by an adult member of the same sex.
Big Pharma trap entitled "Where did the "Experts" go Wrong with Covid?" - my summary: The point is that you are analyzing vaccines, while the COVID "vaccines" are the gene therapies, which utilize nanotechnology.
Frankly, the bottom line on non-heterosexual folks is that they are parasitic. The same is true of all adults not having kids, not just the current LBGTQWERTY gang we’re supposed to prize above normals. By the time said adult is 40-50, he or she is living off the work of other peoples’ children. While that is no business of society, society should be no business of theirs. If they are not interested enough in the future to populate it, no logical reason exists for their enfranchisement.
As the Bible notes; there is nothing new under the sun.
The attempts to destroy the union possible between a man and a woman (merging souls) while making love is a powerful temptation to the Global Deletes.
The fall of every empire is preceded by such corruption- especially child abuse- the very antithesis of the aforementioned sacred union.
Such corruption is shocking to most people because it’s so foreign and abhorrent but it’s all part of the cycle of human history.