these people should be under psychiatric care, not celebrated

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'There is no US tolerance for sexual freedom to be a normal heterosexual.’

So true.

A couple thoughts:

1.) While this mindset may partially be attributed to a misguided effort to promote 'population control,' it doesn't explain the equally ridiculous practice of aiding and encouraging homosexuals of both sexes in creating designer babies, half their genetic offspring and half from a donor egg or sperm (often selected from a catalogue) with paid 'gestational surrogates.' Destruction of the nuclear family a likely motive.

2.) Corporate policies discouraging dating and relationships among co-workers is also problematic. My parents met at the office. My father's sister met her husband working at the same company. Disallowing this practice makes it more difficult for singles to meet and evaluate each other as potential mates in an environment where they can comfortably observe each other's social skills and character (as opposed to meeting in a bar or online where people often misrepresent themselves).

Sorry if that's off topic...

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These sexual Transgenderism policies came from UN UNESCO and what kind of evil people would allow our children to be poisoned by these perversions???

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Children are not consenting to perversion .

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US ideals of homonormativity, transnormativity and pedonormativity. Cool!

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I don't care what anyone does with anyone(s) else as long as all parties are consenting adults

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Big Pharma trap entitled "Where did the "Experts" go Wrong with Covid?" - my summary: The point is that you are analyzing vaccines, while the COVID "vaccines" are the gene therapies, which utilize nanotechnology.

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Frankly, the bottom line on non-heterosexual folks is that they are parasitic. The same is true of all adults not having kids, not just the current LBGTQWERTY gang we’re supposed to prize above normals. By the time said adult is 40-50, he or she is living off the work of other peoples’ children. While that is no business of society, society should be no business of theirs. If they are not interested enough in the future to populate it, no logical reason exists for their enfranchisement.

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As the Bible notes; there is nothing new under the sun.

The attempts to destroy the union possible between a man and a woman (merging souls) while making love is a powerful temptation to the Global Deletes.

The fall of every empire is preceded by such corruption- especially child abuse- the very antithesis of the aforementioned sacred union.

Such corruption is shocking to most people because it’s so foreign and abhorrent but it’s all part of the cycle of human history.

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