More "Medi/Science" Codswallop to keep the sheep running for their next vaccine shots: 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON, unlike those synthetic mRNA vaccines, ALSO verified by Alberta Medical University - Canada. Do it - you will be amazed at how quickly it destroys colds and flu in the nasal passages of your head. No infection, no Covid possible. Spread the word to everyone please. Neti pots are like using a garden sprinkler to put out a house fire. your life, your choice!! AND free!!

You either go with the "Horseshit" or you use your "common sense" and use that instead - unless you are already Brain Dead and then it won't matter which way you jump anyway!!

What is a "Christian" - more religious nuts, who think their "God" is gong to save them from Covid - well it is not stopping your church ministers from getting Covid, so are they "really" the link between you and your God, or are they just another form of playing on your vulnerabilities, for your financial contributions, to house, keep and feed them and adorn their churches with your wealth - all income tax free. Shoe me a Minister (head of church) - I will show you another millionaire.

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Dr. Alexander, have you seen what's happening in Australia?

On 7 January 2023, Dr Monique Ryan MP (@Mon4Kooyong) tweeted in connection with the ABC article at the link:

"In May 2022, Australians voted for integrity and transparency in government. We deserve to see the minutes of National Cabinet meetings, the (unredacted) Halton report, and the govt’s rationale for not extending availability of vaccines and antivirals."

As data continue to be reported showing more vaccine doses = increased subsequent COVID-19 infection rates and immune changes in vaccinees linked to cancer progression, the Moderna vaccine appears to have become unavailable in Australia and there are anecdotal reports that early in the vaccine rollout racists who had had contact with anti-vaxxers on anti-vaxx websites, after the anti-vaxxers were driven 'underground' due to censorship of dissidents, joined with public health bureaucrats who had prioritised First Nations (Indigenous) people for jabs to encourage, rather than discourage, First Nations people and racists' political opponents to get the vaccine. There are anecdotal reports that racists also encouraged booster uptake in First Nations people and racists' political opponents, but refused to take the jabs themselves. Why would they do this and what do the secret data say about the changes after the vaccine rollout on First Nations' COVID-19 infection rates, myocarditis and cardiac-related deaths and cancers?


Australian governments have kept much of their COVID research and modelling secret. Why?


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Hello, this is Rupert Sayre, the associate of The Shadow. I'd like to give an update on the man who at my last report had taken the Zelenko Protocol (Zinc, Zinc Ionophore, Vitamin C, Vitamin D) and had the inflammation and swelling in both his feet reduce to two small unremarkable spots.

We decided that he would stop taking the Zelenko Protocol and we'd see what happened next. I examined his feet the next day and I noticed swelling on his right outer ankle. I decided to wait and see what happened next and examined his feet the next day. The next day, I saw swelling and inflammation now at his right outer ankle, top of his right foot, and at his left outer ankle. I again decided to wait and see what happened next. On the third day, I saw that the previous areas with swelling had become more swollen. As he had no trouble walking and didn't report any problems, I decided to wait another day and see what happened. On the fourth day, today, I checked his feet again and noticed that the swelling had reduced in all the former areas and that his feet looked more normal. This was without him taking any of the Zelenko Protocol.

From these observations and my previous ones, I theorize that: (1) The Zelenko Protocol stopped the mRNA Poison from replicating it's Spike Proteins. (2) With the Spike Proteins no longer being produced, this Man's Body's Immune System began destroying the Spike Proteins which reduced the Inflammation. While at the same time, his Body's Immune System began destroying the mRNA Poison in his blood which produced the purplish bruises under his skin. (3) With a sufficient amount of the mRNA Poison destroyed, the remaining mRNA produced less Spike Proteins which his Body's Immune System could neutralize -- presently seen. (4) Other mRNA Poison injected people can reproduce these results. (5) mRNA Poison injected people who did not develop severe illnesses either had smaller doses of mRNA Poison or their Body's Immune Systems were stronger and could neutralize the mRNA Poison. (6) mRNA Poison injected people who are not exhibiting any Blood Inflammation - Behcet's Disease symptoms can take the Zelenko Protocol for a month or so, neutralize remaining mRNA Poison in their bodies with their immune systems, and can go forward living healthy lives.

More observations need to be done to prove or disprove my theories.

As I said previously, I believe we can find an Antidote to the mRNA Poison Injection through The Scientific Method and through People Combining their Brainpower.

The Shadow is your worst nightmare.



1 > Observe natural phenomena.

2 > Formulate hypothesis.

3 > Test hypothesis via rigorous experimentation

4 > 4A. Establish theory based upon repeated validation of results.


4 > 4B. Modify hypothesis

4B > Back to #3. Test hypothesis...

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Another false conclusion based on the Viral Mythology. Those same observations can be explained without the need of a "Viral Pathogen" sneaking around, looking for a "Host, etc. At least some insight into Exosomes was mentioned.

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Dr. please do not use “magic.” This is deleting your narrative with this word with Christian readers.

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