The spike protein, both from infection with SARS-CoV-2 and from the injections appears to be highly pathogenic. "COVID-19" may be relatively trivial compared to the chronic disease process that follows it. There appears to be long term persistence of the virus or viral fragments in the body following resolution of "COVID-19." SARS-CoV-2 appears to be oncogenic, cardiotoxic, neurodegenerative, immune suppressing and ACE2 destroying. It may cause chronic inflammation and to appears to mimic the effects of radiation. It may eventually cause AIDS, by a different process to HIV. The main culprit may be the spike protein. Walter M Chesnut suggests berberine may be helpful in countering spike protein.

Berberine: Inhibiting Activation of Fibrocytes. Berberine also inhibits inflammation, making it a potentially very important player in dealing with the Spike Protein.


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HIV has nothing to do with Aids, Berber is a good fine.

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Any way to get it out of the food?

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GMO? A related topic and most needed. Interestingly, Xi appears to be in position to correct GATT/WTO on this topic. Paul must triage the list of disasters. But be advised that Bayer/Monsanto might have angered Dragon Xi as the Chi's have over 7000 years of rice cultivation and appears they almost were tricked into future starvation (terminator seeds, courtesy of international/domestic terrorist corporation Monsanto/Bayer)

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"Paul must triage ..." No, that's not true. It's just what you are demanding that he do. it could be a good idea for him to do so but that's not the same as "he must." You sound like Faucu. You confuse what you want with a law of the universe. There is no moral imperative for Dr. Alexander to do what you demand. He can determine his own priorities. Try communicating rational preferences and suggestions instead of irrational demands.Time to take your hand off it scout. Ease up on your compulsive musturbating. You'll go blind.

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Any sources cited?

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Not saying it hard to be believed

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Dr. Paul, have you seen this?

Undetectable Micro blood clots! How interesting🤔


I guess it's ok to discuss poison poke problems now so long as you mix the fake pandemic oops I mean the COVID in with the vaxx?

These are all vaxx injuries!

Every last one...

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What about Dr. Kalcker and his CDS cure?

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Looks good, Paul.

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