Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

The spike protein, both from infection with SARS-CoV-2 and from the injections appears to be highly pathogenic. "COVID-19" may be relatively trivial compared to the chronic disease process that follows it. There appears to be long term persistence of the virus or viral fragments in the body following resolution of "COVID-19." SARS-CoV-2 appears to be oncogenic, cardiotoxic, neurodegenerative, immune suppressing and ACE2 destroying. It may cause chronic inflammation and to appears to mimic the effects of radiation. It may eventually cause AIDS, by a different process to HIV. The main culprit may be the spike protein. Walter M Chesnut suggests berberine may be helpful in countering spike protein.

Berberine: Inhibiting Activation of Fibrocytes. Berberine also inhibits inflammation, making it a potentially very important player in dealing with the Spike Protein.


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Any way to get it out of the food?

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Dr. Paul, have you seen this?

Undetectable Micro blood clots! How interesting🤔


I guess it's ok to discuss poison poke problems now so long as you mix the fake pandemic oops I mean the COVID in with the vaxx?

These are all vaxx injuries!

Every last one...

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What about Dr. Kalcker and his CDS cure?

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Looks good, Paul.

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