There is no evidence that any Hamas militants raped anyone on Oct 7th, other than an eyewitness report. The false claim that 40 babies were beheaded was also made by an eyewitness report. I get the impression that these types of allegations are being reported in the news to justify Israel's bombing and killing of thousands of innocent civilians and kids, as to give the impression that all Palestinians living in Gaza are a bunch of rapist and baby beheaders, and thus they deserve to be killed by the tens of thousands. Lately, when going onto Dr. Alexanders's substack I feel like I am surrounded by a bunch of gullible propagandized morons who will believe any story that shines Palestinians in a negative light, no matter how little evidence there is to back it up. You guys remind me of the morons who believe any story that shines Russians in a negative light.

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Gaza, half the size of New York City, has 2.2 million people: half are innocent children, has become a “graveyard for thousands of children” as described by the United Nations... and for dozens of reporters. Israel banned foreign reporters from entering Gaza, it was left to Palestinian journalists to risk their lives to bear witness to the world. As Reporters Without Borders put it, Israel is “close to imposing an all-out media blackout in Gaza”.

1 Dec 2023. Seven weeks of relentless Israeli attacks in Gaza killed at least 14,854 Palestinians, more than a third of them children, and displaced at least 1.5 million, according to Gaza officials….

"There's Nothing You Can Say To Make Me Accept The Murder Of Thousands Of Children"

Nobel Peace Prize Mother Theresa: “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Israel has abortion up to 9 months. It's just another country teaching its citizens a right to the most violent act against the most innocent victim.

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation to get the Gaza gasfield and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!


The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Why post this if not to justify the ongoing slaughter of, thus far, 15,000 women and children and the total demolition of infrastructure that is home to over 2 million people, which will certainly lead to the deaths of a share of them. And of course there are a lot of not-murderous good men slaughtered as well who nobody seems to give a shit about. Supporting evil is evil.

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Even on Dr. Alexander’s site, the Hamas enthusiasts unabashedly spew hatred and propaganda. No doubt they believe the Nazis were victims of the Holocaust.

Sickening! It is hard to come to terms with what America has become. A hotbed of vile, blatant antisemitism, misogyny,, psychopathy and dehumanization. Cheering for savagery.

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Why do you shill so hard for the zionists? Are you on MOSSAD's payroll? Some of my favorite YT channels have been putting out videos reporting that the zionists are trying to recruit them to create pro-Israeli content. Of course, they have all refused the offer and retained their integrity to report the truth. IsNOTreal must be getting desperate because they're losing the propaganda war. YOU, on the other hand, either took the MOSSAD money or you're just too blind to see past your own nose. #StopGenocideInGaza #FreePalestine

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That sounds like more atrocity propaganda. This has happened in every war and been revealed to be fake each time. Most of the allegations about Oct 7th were already revealed as fake and Israel has now "misplaced" their camera footage. I bet we haven't heard anything about DNA testing from rapes because as one Israeli whistleblower said, on camera it was civilians who carried out rapes and not Hamas.

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Why do you get sucked into such propaganda? I am totally mystified about these rapes as much as the baby beheadings trumpeted by Biden. Israel has been known to sweep up Palestine women and children. To extract information from the Palestinian women, they will rape and video the event so that basically she will be shamed if shown to her community. Katie Halper and Aron Mate are Gaza experts and yet you get sucked into the paid for. BS. ,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe2M__K73a0

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The only thing that MIGHT make a difference is the fact that America is highly armed and I do believe most that are armed will not hesitate to use their weapons and their right to defend themselves and their loved ones. Our armed country is the only thing that has prevented a massive ground attack at this point, but when they are giving the evil monster hamas soldiers mind altering drugs, they will not care how many of us are armed, they will go balls to the wall to kill as many of us that they can!

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Do not conflate other terror attacks with Oct 7. Israel has lied repeatedly about that day in order to create public support for genocide in Gaza. The is no proof of any rapes that day.

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Wow, the people in support of ham-ass and hellbent on making Israel the evil ones is astonishing, but you all have the right to believe what you want. I suppose you all also don't believe the holocaust really happened either with all the proof in vids and photos in our archives, not to mention the survivors that have come forward??? Mind boggling to say the least!

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deletedDec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023
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