There is no evidence that any Hamas militants raped anyone on Oct 7th, other than an eyewitness report. The false claim that 40 babies were beheaded was also made by an eyewitness report. I get the impression that these types of allegations are being reported in the news to justify Israel's bombing and killing of thousands of innocent civilians and kids, as to give the impression that all Palestinians living in Gaza are a bunch of rapist and baby beheaders, and thus they deserve to be killed by the tens of thousands. Lately, when going onto Dr. Alexanders's substack I feel like I am surrounded by a bunch of gullible propagandized morons who will believe any story that shines Palestinians in a negative light, no matter how little evidence there is to back it up. You guys remind me of the morons who believe any story that shines Russians in a negative light.

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At this point, I think Alexander is on someone’s payroll. Israel lies without ceasing and he pretends not to notice.

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He probably goes to an evangelical church where they tell him Jews are the chosen people. It's to his credit that he lets us comment though.

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As Dr. Shiva call them, Zionist cocksuckers, sucking Zionist cock. LOL. On the receiving end of Zionist $. Either that, or blackmailed by Israeli intelligence, like how Epstein would film influential guys like Dr. Alexander with young girls so they do what they are told afterwards. Or, third option is DR. Alexander is just a gullible propagandized moron.

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It's shocking to think that some people would think it's ok to supply kiddies to pedos to get kompromat on them but apparently it doesn't offend their value system:

Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State: Chapter 14: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal - Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System Kindle Edition


Jeffrey Epstein book claims he and Ghislaine Maxwell were 'Mossad spies' who 'filmed US politicians and power players having sex with underage girls to blackmail them'


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Yes, Dr. Shiva appears to be the only one who is not a whore for Israel and Zio $$$. RFK Jr is disgusting. Same for all the rest of them.

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Alexander is expressing his righteous outrage, as every decent human being should be doing, and not making pathetic excuses for Muslims and Hamas.

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Durane, I hate to say it, but you've gone full retard. You never go full retard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6WHBO_Qc-Q

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Dr. Alexander is on the right side of history here.

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Hahaha. laughable. Do you think that those who supported the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were on the right side of history? .

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Well, the woman who operates the Really Graceful youtube channel announced in her latest video "Israel Made Me An Offer" talked about how they offered her money to produce pro-Israel (pro-genocidal monster) content. Of course, being a moral person, she refused. But that's obviously what's going on in the background.

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Christians, aided and abetted by Israelis from the IDF, cut out the genitals of many of their victims, who were comprised of between 460 and 3,500 civilians, and stuffed their genitals in their mouths during the Sabra and Shatila massacre. This was verified by multiple international inquiries and a domestic Israeli inquiry.

The US has many times raped and beheaded babies and collected serial killer trinkets from civilian victims' body parts. This sort of behavior is so normal to Americans that one US president kept a serial killer trophy of a letter opener made from the body part of a dead victim on his desk. This is normal to Americans. All atrocities, including any HAMAS perpetrated atrocities and copycat atrocities must be condemned.

Christians, muslims, the US and the IDF all need to refrain from butchering civilians. Hunt for terrorists in an ethical way, like the British hunted the IRA.

Evil, and selective outrage, pretending that Christians, the US and the IDF are not mass murdering serial killers just like HAMAS and ISIS are, only begets more evil.

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Sure there are examples of atrocities from both sides, but the truth is 98% of atrocities are done by Muslims. As we've seen throughout all of recorded history. Where are the Christians today beheading babies, or raping hundreds of women?

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The US is not currently at war other than in Ukraine. The raping and beheading of "gook" babies in Vietnam is believed by many to have been the norm but covered up by the USMIL and government. Christians and Americans usually rape and behead babiessurreptitiosly. But they still bomb and shoot and murder and maim. Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. He slaughtered 168 innocent Americans, many of them DoD civilian employees. Anders Breivik was a big time muslim hating Christian. He bombed 209 and then slaughtered another 77 at a youth league meeting in Norway in 2011. He didn't kill any muslims, just Nordic people. No Americans remember because no Americans give a shit about blonde haired blue eyed girls getting butchered by Christians in places like Norway. Brenton Tarrant was a Christian. He went bersek at two mosques in Christchurch in 2019. Heshot 91, wounding 41 moslems and killing 50. Again, nobody remembers because when Christians commit mass murders nobody gives a shit.

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I remember these events. The "Christians" envolved were either fanatics or mentally ill. Again the mass killings of innocents is 99% Muslim, 1% Christians.

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Yeah, I'm aware most terrorists are muslims. Most transgender are probably Americans. That doesn't mean most Americans are transgenders. Yet.

Take a quick look, but not too quick, at this:


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Who's payroll are you on? What motivates you to support the Islamic terror?

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There was no eyewitness report of beheadings. It was third hand hearsay.

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I believe there was at least one eyewitness report of a baby beheaded, which turned out not being true. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231027-israeli-officer-says-he-found-baby-beheaded-in-hamas-attack

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Thanks for that information. I had not seen that. There seems to be two articles mentioning Colonel Golan Vach. He uses different words in each. It is not clear if the head was chopped off or the baby was decapitated by a bomb or grenade. He claims to have personally seen the bodies at least.

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Plenty of videos and sworn testimony of IDF soldiers seeing all of this with their own eyes. I believe them more than lying Hamas.

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Where is this? I have been searching for a month now. Most people give links to video they did not watch or articles they did not read. Sworn testimony??? Where the F did you see that?

I have not even seen where one of these accounts was even questions by reporter to clarify details, let alone a cross examination by a skilled lawyer.

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You are aware that all of these articles are from Jewish owned/ State owned Media aren’t you? BBC? CNN? ABC? FAKE MEDIA. Operation Mockingbird- look it up and fast.

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The IDF soldiers are trained to lie. You do understand this by now, no? We live in a huge LIE. ANYTHING coming out from Government all over the world LIES. All to the play on your emotions. Please do more homework. The truth is out there.

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Only the Qur'an demands that Muslims lie. The Qur'an does this hundreds of times. Show us where in the Bible or Torah that God commands Christians and Jews to lie?

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The Synagogue of Satan is what Jesus Christ calls the fake Jews. They don’t “follow “ the Bible - they follow EVIL. Full stop.

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look in the mirror. This is so obviously Hamas propaganda.

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Did you read or watch any of those? They are not what you say. Are you a pathological liar?

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I saw all of them confirming the Oct 7 attack. You're in denial for no reason

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"DUANE HAYES 6 hrs ago

Plenty of videos and sworn testimony of IDF soldiers seeing all of this with their own eyes. "

That is the claim that you made. You were clearly lying. There was not one sworn testimony anywhere that you linked. Or IDF soldiers seeing with their own eyes. None of them were there until hours or days later.

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I am not denying the attack. There is clear evidence of shootings and use of grenades to murder.

I am questioning the extraordinary claims of beheadings and mutilations.

Did you not see Paul's post at the top of this thread? That is what this thread is about. Learn to read.

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Thank you for your post, Michael. You are correct--there's no evidence of rapes (the LA times initially reported that right after 10/7, but then retracted the story). And there's no evidence of beheaded babies. It's atrocity propaganda- they are using it as cover and justification for slaughtering thousands of innocent women, children and babies. When nobody was buying their beheaded babies propaganda and baked baby in an oven lie, then the went back and started churning out the BS about the mass rapes. It was so obvious that it was a coordinated propaganda campaign. Ryan Cristian at Last American Vagabond has been covering this story and the lack of evidence. It's quite interesting that people who know the media lied about everything concerning covid, somehow now believe the media when it comes to Israel. Here in America we get nothing but Zionist propaganda from the corporate media. We know who owns the media- it's obvious.

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Thanks, I watch the Last American Vagabond show, and he is doing good work exposing this propaganda.

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Yes, Ryan's been doing an excellent job calling out all the lies and propaganda.

And for what it's worth, I think most of the examples of so-called Islamic terrorism are just intelligence agency operations. Post 9/11, when I looked into these closely, most seemed to be nothing but psyops. Unfortunately, most just believe the propaganda from the MSM. Dr. Alexander has previously posted on the Bataclan event (I guess in doing so, he's trying to justify Israel's genocide of the Palestinians by basically saying "see look what these Islamic terrorists have done in the past), and I've pointed out that there are many anomalies with the official story:




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I agree, and would go as far as to say that 9/11 itself was likely an intelligence agency operation.

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Oh, yeah, for sure- 9/11 CIA/Mossad, with a heavy hand from the Zionist cabal (high level Zionists here in America, like Lucky Larry Silverstein and others)

9/11 Missing Links (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11)


Masters of Deception

http://www.lesvisible.net/DOCS/MastersOfDeception.pdf (pg 54 -NYC Zio cabal)

9/11 The Deception That Changed the World- Christopher Bollyn


9/11 Enemies Foreign and Domestic By Ed Hendrie





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9/11 was a false flag to serve as pre-text for pre-planned wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and more.

"IT IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAIN that 9-11 was a Mossad operation - period."---Alan Sabrosky

'TROIKA OF TERROR - Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak, President Shimon Peres, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are pulling the United States into war with Iran. These three men are architectural level planners of the 9/11 terror deception; they are Israel's "Troika of Terror".'---[2011 Nov] Solving 9/11 to End the Zionist War Plan for Iran by Christopher Bollyn

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Morons indeed. All that stuff has been debunked. The only baby that was killed was by the Israeli military.

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Christians, who committed the Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinians and Lebanese, while aided and abetted by Israelis from the IDF, cut out the genitals of many of their victims, who were comprised of between 460 and 3,500 civilians, and stuffed their genitals in their mouths. Eyes were gouged out, vaginas were gouged out, and testicles were cut off. They were stuffed in the mouths of their victims. This was verified afterwards by multiple international inquiries and a domestic inquiry.

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You ain't seen nuthin yet. If you think Christians and the IDF are cruel, wait until you find out what Americans are like. See the primary sources in the references for this article. The depravity, cruelty and evil of what the Nazis, even Mengele, did pales in comparison.

United States War Crimes


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Yea, I think it is strange that so many people are getting their panties in a bunch about this supposed rape that probably never even happened, when we Americans are the #1 war crime committers in the world. Acutally, I guess it is not very surprising becuase it is being used as justification to commit more war crimes on behalf of Israel and USA.

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You just have to look at the attitude of the US to Russia and Ukraine to see what really offends Americans. Americans have gone apeshit over Russia's prohibition on pedophile, gay and gender transitioning propaganda in schools. The US resents having had to take action against Jeffrey Epstein who, as you know, appears to have been not merely a Zionist but a Mossad agent. He was closely connected to Ehud Barak, former Israeli PM and othertop Israelis who flew on the Lolita Express.

To Make Everyone Forget Jeffrey Epstein Was A Zionist


Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State: Chapter 14: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal - Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System Kindle Edition


For writer who broke Epstein case, a rumored Mossad link is worth digging into


Jeffrey Epstein book claims he and Ghislaine Maxwell were 'Mossad spies' who 'filmed US politicians and power players having sex with underage girls to blackmail them'


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These events from 100 years ago, and during WW2 are not the way we conduct ourselves today. The most recent horror was the My Lai massacre, and those crimes were prosecuted. The Hamas attackers and Muslim terrorists are treated like hero's by the Palestinians and receive payments for life for their terror.

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This was done by Lebanese forces, their credentials as being Christians, defies all logic.

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Sadly, many folks still believe these lies and use them to justify Israel's bombing and killing of thousands of innocent civilians and kids in Gaza.

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Wow, I hate to say it, but you have become such a gullible moron Duane. Did you even read that? "Hamas had a premeditated plan to use sexual violence as a weapon of war, an Israeli women's rights campaigner and lawyer has said." Please read the last part of that sentence....."an Israeli women's rights campaigner and lawyer has said." That means there is no evidence to back that up other than some Israeli propagandist said it was so. Please Duane, FuC% off.

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No evidence. The internet has pages of evidence

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Again, why don't you go play hide and go F yourself.

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typical response when faced with facts, just blow up and call names.

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What facts? You are linking to articles saying that so and so Israeli person says this and that. That is not facts. I'm not going to waste any more time arguing with you Duane. We are going to have to agree to disagree. I am calling you gullible and propagandized becuase that is my honest opinion as it relates to your blind belief in these types of stories and support for this war.

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All you have to do is review a history of Islam, and the Oct 7 attack fits in exactly with their religion and their stated goals in life. When have they not said that Israel must be eliminated? They've been offered peace, and their own state, over and over, but they refuse to allow Israel's right to exist. Israel has made video's that many international journalists and state leaders have viewed, and they all report that all of these atrocities are for real. Are all the polls that reveal 75% of the Palestinians support Hamas and the brutal attacks not true?

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Gaza, half the size of New York City, has 2.2 million people: half are innocent children, has become a “graveyard for thousands of children” as described by the United Nations... and for dozens of reporters. Israel banned foreign reporters from entering Gaza, it was left to Palestinian journalists to risk their lives to bear witness to the world. As Reporters Without Borders put it, Israel is “close to imposing an all-out media blackout in Gaza”.

1 Dec 2023. Seven weeks of relentless Israeli attacks in Gaza killed at least 14,854 Palestinians, more than a third of them children, and displaced at least 1.5 million, according to Gaza officials….

"There's Nothing You Can Say To Make Me Accept The Murder Of Thousands Of Children"

Nobel Peace Prize Mother Theresa: “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Israel has abortion up to 9 months. It's just another country teaching its citizens a right to the most violent act against the most innocent victim.

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation to get the Gaza gasfield and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!


The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Prof, is this, at the link below, accurate?

Interview: The Racist Ideology of Zionism and Genocide in Gaza


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Hamas propaganda is unbelievable to anyone rational.

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Israel should have been created from half of the US. It does not matter that some Jewish people do not have an historical association with North America. Neither do most Americans. At one stage it was planned to create Israel from part of Australia. US land should be given to the Jewish people to create a new homeland now. The American people deserve this. It would be far cheaper for the US to support israel if Israel did not exist at such a great distance from its host. Israel would be far safer from nuclear attack if the eastern half of the US was to become the new Israel. If Israel remains in its present location, what do you think will eventually happen? A proposal for Israel to be recreated from US land, preferably the entire eastern half of the US, should be put to the UN General Assembly each year and then, because it will initially be rejected, each year thereafter.

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Is that a joke or are you out of your mind?

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It may sound crazy but if it were put to the UN General Assembly it would eventually gain traction even though it would be controversial at first. The American people deserve this. Israel's security would be much less expensive for the US to maintain if it was co-located with the US on what is currently US land. Current residents of the eastern half of the US could be relocated to the western half. The US is the most Jewish nation on earth otherthan Israel so it makes sense. Many of the current federal cabinet and politicians in the US are Jewish, e.g., Adam Schiff, Anthony Weiner, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Merrick Garland, Chuck Schumer, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Blinken, Al Franken, Janet Yellen, Alejandro Mayorkas, Bernie Sanders, Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, Jon Ossoff, Michael Bennet, Jacky Rosen, Brian Schatz, Ron Wyden, Ben Cardin, Jerry Nadler, Brad Sherman, Jan Schakowsky, Steve Cohen, Suzanne Bonamici, Lois Frankel, Brad Schneider, Josh Gottheimer, Jamie Raskin, David Kustoff, Susan Wild, Mike Levin, Dean Phillips, Kimberly Schrier, Elissa Slotkin, Jake Auchinkloss, Sara Jacobs, Kathy Manning, Becca Balint, Dan Goldman, Greg Landsman, Seth Magaziner, Mary Miller, Jared Moskowitz.

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Although I like your thinking, I live below the Mason-Dixon line. We already have FAR TOO MANY braindead zionist worshippers in this neck of the woods. But, as soon as they all die off from the zionist-created jibby-jabby, I have no doubt the Bernsteinses and Epsteinses will be snatching up the newly vacated land. Compliments of Blackrock and Vanguard.

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The UN General assembly is 99% anti-Semitic and supports the elimination of Israel. Makes sense for the United States to get out of the UN and remove any of it from our country.

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At the time Israel was created in 1948 even the United States was antisemitic. The area given to the Jews for their new state was largely unpopulated. Read Mark Twain's description of Jerusalem. Since this was their ancestral home for thousands of years it made much sense at the time to give this to the Jews of the world. Now that Israel is well established, it makes all the sense in the world to support it.

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Why post this if not to justify the ongoing slaughter of, thus far, 15,000 women and children and the total demolition of infrastructure that is home to over 2 million people, which will certainly lead to the deaths of a share of them. And of course there are a lot of not-murderous good men slaughtered as well who nobody seems to give a shit about. Supporting evil is evil.

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Totally and thank you. Totally nailed it!

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Even on Dr. Alexander’s site, the Hamas enthusiasts unabashedly spew hatred and propaganda. No doubt they believe the Nazis were victims of the Holocaust.

Sickening! It is hard to come to terms with what America has become. A hotbed of vile, blatant antisemitism, misogyny,, psychopathy and dehumanization. Cheering for savagery.

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"Nazi" is a propaganda word to short circuit thinking. I see it's working well.

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What is sickening is people like you who suck up all the lying propaganda on mainstream media and then call people who do actual research into a subject names. Zionist IsNOTreal and their zionist U.S. counterparts will be destroyed. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

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My husband’ ie e, her sister and their mother were among the Hamas victims. The sister was gang raped, her Brest and arm hacked off before she was shot in the face. Her mother was beaten, tied up, stomped on made to watch her daughter brutalized before being shot in the head. His niece, an Israeli immigrant pediatric oncologist married to his nephew committed suicide two weeks ago after learning what her mother and sister suffered. It was fined. We’re not Jewish. Fuck you!

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I hope you understand Hamas is an Israeli created and funded terrorist organization. So, technically, what you are saying is Israel funded the atrocities against their own citizens in order to blame the Palestinians so they could genocide them. You just don't realize that is what you are saying. No need to be hostile. You need to research the terrorist roots of zionist Israel. Maybe start with Irgun and continue from there. Lots of documented false flag operations with Irgun and Menachem Begin. The zionists never change their playbook. Cause the attack on themselves and play the victim. Classic.

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That's a debunked fable

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Debunked by whom?? There are far too many reports in credible literature on the subject to say Zionist Irgun terrorist reports are "debunked." Of course, if your news sources are FOX, CNN and MSNBC, that would explain a lot. Or else you're getting paid by the same MOSSAD agent as Dr. Alexander.

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There have been reports of the US behaving like Nazis in every major conflict the US has ever been involved in. The US has raped and beheaded babies and made trinkets from body parts, just like serial killers do. No nation on earth does this with more regularity than the US does. The US has committed atrocities of this nature in Haiti, the Philippines, Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Americans have many times raped their war victims. Not even Nazis did this. One would be hard pressed to find any credible accounts of Nazis raping the Jews. The Nazis did not even allow consensual, let alone, perverted, sexual contact with Jewish people.

One US president even kept a serial killer "trophy" of a letter opener made from the body part of the cadaver of a person killed by a US serviceman on his desk. That is how normal serial killer behavior is to Americans. Even US presidents keep serial killer trophies.

Christians, who committed the Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinians and Lebanese, while aided and abetted by Israelis from the IDF, cut out the genitals of many of their victims, who were comprised of between 460 and 3,500 civilians, and stuffed their genitals in their mouths. Eyes were gouged out, vaginas were gouged out, and testicles were cut off. They were stuffed in the mouths of their victims. This was verified afterwards by multiple international inquiries and a domestic inquiry.

I have a low opinion of the muslims' religion and their God delusion and condemn the atrocities of HAMAS and ISIS who in their actions behaved just like the US at Mai Lai and in many other places and just like the brutal, barbaric and hateful, murderous Christians and IDF did in Lebanonwhen Christians and the IDF were butchering civilians in a refugee camp.

Any atrocity carried out by HAMAS or ISIS, which were created more recently than the Sabra and Shatila massacre, is just history repeating itself only with muslims carrying out the atrocity instead of Christians and the IDF.

Unfortunately, HAMAS and ISIS appear to have behaved like Christians, the US and the IDF.

Christians, muslims, the US and the IDF all need to refrain from butchering civilians. Hunt for terrorists in an ethical way, like the British hunted the IRA.

Evil, including the evil of selective outrage, such as pretending that Christians, the US and the IDF are not mass murdering serial killers just like HAMAS and ISIS are, only begets more evil.

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No argument there. The U.S. has instigated nearly every global conflict and much though I hate to go there, I believe this admin was instrumental in stoking the Hamas invasion deliberately for very nefarious reasons and not because they’re pro-Israel.It’s also appalling that Yemen, Iran, Somalia, Niger, Ethiopia/Eritrea,, Libya, Serbia/Kosovo, Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, Venezuela’s preparation to invade Guyana have been largely ignored, notably because we’ve created most and others had signed peace treaties prior to Trump leaving office without bonds or shots fired. Iran was near overthrowing the horrific Ayatollah regime without any military intervention and Biden created the ultimate betrayal.Ditto the proxy war between Russia/Ukraine. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine/Russia 2014,Egypt, Syria,…. All products of the U.S. The Bush Cartel, Clinton, Obama and Biden have destabilized the Middle East, Africa, Latin, Haiti and the U.S. America, Africa, Europe’s Eastern bloc , Asia , Philippines,

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Well you're sure wrong there. How did the USA start WW2 when Germany invaded? How did the USA start WW1?

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Why are you going back to wrongdoing of Americans from years ago. Sure, we're all guilty, but the atrocities are being committed by Islam in the present.

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Why do you shill so hard for the zionists? Are you on MOSSAD's payroll? Some of my favorite YT channels have been putting out videos reporting that the zionists are trying to recruit them to create pro-Israeli content. Of course, they have all refused the offer and retained their integrity to report the truth. IsNOTreal must be getting desperate because they're losing the propaganda war. YOU, on the other hand, either took the MOSSAD money or you're just too blind to see past your own nose. #StopGenocideInGaza #FreePalestine

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Yes, Really Graceful youtube channel just put out a video "Israel Made me an Offer"--so we know it's going on behind the scenes. The Zionist genocidal psychopaths are offering to pay people for pro-Zio/pro-genocide content.

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The atrocities by Hamas are there for all to see, unless you're blind as a bat. Then why wouldn't you believe eyewitness sworn testimony.

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No, Duane, they are skillful sleights of hand to make you accept Israel’s deceptive narrative.

We need to know exactly who killed who on 10/7 and 10/8, because there is a lot of information coming out about IDF carelessly killing everyone when they could not tell who they were killing.


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That sounds like more atrocity propaganda. This has happened in every war and been revealed to be fake each time. Most of the allegations about Oct 7th were already revealed as fake and Israel has now "misplaced" their camera footage. I bet we haven't heard anything about DNA testing from rapes because as one Israeli whistleblower said, on camera it was civilians who carried out rapes and not Hamas.

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More and more evidence of the atrocities are shown every day.

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Quite the opposite. It is raining retractions.

Early, inflammatory claims retracted:




Intention of genocide.


IR video from IDF Apache Helicopters:


This video featuring an IDF officer bares on the issue of civilian deaths.


Israel admits...


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Why do you get sucked into such propaganda? I am totally mystified about these rapes as much as the baby beheadings trumpeted by Biden. Israel has been known to sweep up Palestine women and children. To extract information from the Palestinian women, they will rape and video the event so that basically she will be shamed if shown to her community. Katie Halper and Aron Mate are Gaza experts and yet you get sucked into the paid for. BS. ,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe2M__K73a0

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The only thing that MIGHT make a difference is the fact that America is highly armed and I do believe most that are armed will not hesitate to use their weapons and their right to defend themselves and their loved ones. Our armed country is the only thing that has prevented a massive ground attack at this point, but when they are giving the evil monster hamas soldiers mind altering drugs, they will not care how many of us are armed, they will go balls to the wall to kill as many of us that they can!

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“evil monster Hamas”..... shows your head is up inside a Zionist’s large intestine.

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Were you trying to prove Michael’s comment above?

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Wasn't really trying to prove anything, it was what came to my mind as I finished reading his Article. It's coming to America and we had all better believe it and prepare!

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Do not conflate other terror attacks with Oct 7. Israel has lied repeatedly about that day in order to create public support for genocide in Gaza. The is no proof of any rapes that day.

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Wow, the people in support of ham-ass and hellbent on making Israel the evil ones is astonishing, but you all have the right to believe what you want. I suppose you all also don't believe the holocaust really happened either with all the proof in vids and photos in our archives, not to mention the survivors that have come forward??? Mind boggling to say the least!

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Comment deleted
Dec 6, 2023Edited
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Christians, who committed the Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinians and Lebanese, while aided and abetted by Israelis from the IDF, cut out the genitals of many of their victims, who were comprised of between 460 and 3,500 civilians, and stuffed their genitals in their mouths. Eyes were gouged out, vaginas were gouged out, and testicles were cut off. They were stuffed in the mouths of their victims. This was verified afterwards by multiple international inquiries and a domestic inquiry. I have a low opinion of the muslims' religion and their God delusion and condemn the atrocities of HAMAS and ISIS who in their actions behaved just like the brutal, barbaric and hateful, murderous Christians and IDF did when Christians and the IDF were butchering civilians.

Any atrocity carried out by HAMAS or ISIS, which were created more recently than the Sabra and Shatila massacre, is just history repeating itself only with muslims carrying out the atrocity instead of Christians and the IDF.

There have been reports of the US behaving like Nazis in every major conflict the US has ever been involved in. The US has raped and beheaded babies and made trinkets from body parts, just like serial killers do. No nation on earth does this with more regularity than the US does. The US has committed atrocities of this nature in Haiti, the Philippines, Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Americans have many times raped their war victims. Not even Nazis did this. One would be hard pressed to find any credible accounts of Nazis raping the Jews. The Nazis did not even allow consensual, let alone, perverted, sexual contact with Jewish people.

One US president even kept a serial killer "trophy" of a letter opener made from the body part of the cadaver of a person killed by a US serviceman on his desk. That is how normal serial killer behavior is to Americans. Even US presidents keep serial killer trophies.

Unfortunately, HAMAS and ISIS appear to have behaved like Christians, the US and the IDF.

Christians, muslims, the US and the IDF all need to refrain from butchering civilians. Hunt for terrorists in an ethical way, like the British hunted the IRA.

Evil, and selective outrage, pretending that Christians, the US and the IDF are not mass murdering serial killers just like HAMAS and ISIS are, only begets more evil.

"The Sabra and Shatila massacre was the killings of around 460 to 3,500 civilians—mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shias—in the city of Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War between 16 and 18 September 1982. It was perpetrated by the Lebanese Forces, one of the main Christian militias in Lebanon, allied with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that had surrounded Beirut's Sabra neighbourhood and the adjacent Shatila refugee camp.

"The killings are widely believed to have taken place under the command of Lebanese politician Elie Hobeika, whose family and fiancée had been murdered by Palestinian militants and left-wing Lebanese militias during the Damour massacre in 1976, itself a response to the Karantina massacre of Palestinians and Lebanese Shias at the hands of Christian militias In total, between 300 and 400 militiamen were involved in the massacre, including some from the South Lebanon Army. As the massacre unfolded, the IDF received reports of atrocities being committed, but did not take any action to stop it. Furthermore, Israeli troops were stationed at the exits of the area to prevent the camp's residents from leaving and, at the request of the Lebanese Forces, fired flares to illuminate Sabra and Shatila through the night during the massacre.

In February 1983, an independent commission chaired by assistant to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Seán MacBride concluded that the IDF, as the then occupying power over Sabra and Shatila, bore responsibility for the militia's massacre. The commission also stated that the massacre was a form of genocide. And in February 1983, the Israeli Kahan Commission found that Israeli military personnel had failed to take serious steps to stop the killings despite being aware of the militia's actions, and deemed that the IDF was indirectly responsible for the events, and forced erstwhile Israeli defense minister Ariel Sharon to resign from his position "for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge" during the massacre."

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Lebanon may be our future. It was once a wealthy Christian nation before mass migration made it Islamic. We may live to carry almost as much anger when our nations are destroyed.

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Satanism is a faster growing religion than islam in the US. This fits perfectly with US values. The SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas affirmed that the US constitution confers a right to be sodomized. No other nation has this right in their constitution. It is an exclusively American thing. The US love of Dylam Mulvaney and gender transitioning, of Pride Parades and pedos and drag queens grooming kids at school also fits.

Oxford University: Satanism ‘Fastest Growing Religion’ In America

Satanism is now the “fastest growing religion in the United States“, according to British researcher Dr. James Phillips, who warns “chances are now as high as one in 10 that the guy next door is a Satanist.“


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Very sick times we live in. Those who don't believe there IS a GOD, they had better be right!

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Non-white Christians. It's almost as if we need certain demographics to maintain civilisation.

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I don't believe that the Lebanese were really Christians.

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