contacts! “Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.” You read that 100% correct! If you come into contact, you could die!
The US is Number One in the world for LGBT+, tied in first place, with the Philippines, and a very significant proportion of Americans, more than in any other country, are closet homosexuals, or bisexuals, so Monkeypox is a real risk and it's imperative to stop the spread. Unlike in any other country, sodomy is enshrined in the US constitution as a "right (SCOTUS: Lawrence v. Texas). Given the concerns about vaccines it is imperative that the US, as an LGBT+ nation that follows the constitution, and which seeks to impose its values around the world, in Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe, adopt prudent and sensible proposals for limiting the spread of Monkeypox.
GAY and bisexual males, trannies, e.g. people like Bruce Jenner etc., men who have multiple sex partners and engage in rough, skin to skin male penis-male anal sex and biting and tearing etc. given there are micro tears on the penis shaft and anus due to the type of skin-to-skin sexual intimacy gay males/bisexual males engage in must:
1)have no, I mean NO sex for 3-6 months to get this infection to burn out, this Clade 1b, and this must be simultaneous across GAY communities in North America, Europe etc. Global. Due to rapid air travel.
2)GAY males, bisexual males, men who engage in high-risk intimate behaviors and sharing of needles etc. must not have multiple sex partners for 3 to 6 months, confining themselves to one monogamous partner, IF they must have sex. They should STOP UNTIL!
3)no skin to skin contact of any sort among gay, bisexual community, trannies…none!
4)ensuring pus filled pustules, blisters on the penis, on and around the anus, on the skin, do not rupture for the content is highly infectious and function to spread Monkeypox (MPOX); same with most STDs
5)no sharing of sexual intimacy paraphernalia among gay, bisexual community, trannies…no needles, nothing…no bathhouses, no communal bathing etc.
6)public health must enact acute surveillance and contact tracing in the localized communities
7)we should tap low risk pregnancy women in sentinel surveillance just as a precaution to see if there is any expansion
8)IMO if the pathogen is starved of hosts, so NO sexual contact or no multiple partners, then it can burn out without the need for a vaccine
9)enhanced routine public health service messages (PSAs) to the GAY/bisexual high-risk community on curtailing high-risk behavior
10)No vaccine or boosters at this time given the specific vaccine has failed in the target group; I think the focus has to be on PSAs, acute surveillance, contact tracing, and eliminating multiple sex partners. No sex contact especially if symptoms become visible etc. No sex contact for 6 months.
And if that's not scary enough: From Geert: “I continue to emphasize that in highly vaccinated countries Bird Flu may start to spread asymptomatically via vaccinees and that C-19 unvaccinated who vaccinate against seasonal/common Flu are at high risk of contracting Ab-dependent enhancement of avian Flu disease!”
the recall antibodies are to the initial prime or exposure and in this case to the seasonal flu vaccine derived would be susceptible to the more serious avian flu if they make it more the lab...we have no indication it poses any threat to humans
This mpox injection is dangerous to all. If anyone decides to take it- they are supposed to quarantine for at least 4 weeks because there is shedding that can cause small pox to the unjabbed who are exposed to anyone who received it. Not only the person who received it but their linens, the bathroom, and environment they’re using. And all of it is on the gov website.
So ask -how did they come up with 4 weeks to isolate ? Is that like 2 weeks to curb the spread? Or Mr na only stays in the arm? Or 6 ft apart? All of that info was a lie.
As far as shedding. People are still shedding after 3 years and it varies from individual to individual with Mr na.
What if these mpox acam jabs interact with someone who already has Mr na or is exposed to mRNA? what toxic blend occurred if that overlaps internally or exposure through shedding?
The shedding for mRNA also lingers from exposure to individuals, on linens, bathroom exposure and all of it is true and how it has damaged the health of so many individuals for an indefinite time frame.
What if the mpox is given to people who are in their private lives going to clubs and exposing others shedding on them at those clubs , using the public bathrooms, or what If they are working in a school teaching and or indoctrinating children who will be exposed and those children take it home to their families - we already know shedding carries over to unvaccinated and they carried it to other people and environments when Mr na injections are given. It all depends on the intensity of exposure and how many people are simultaneously shedding. How do we know the acam isn’t doing the Indefinite shedding?
Anyone who considers this deadly spreading and shedding injection creates a serious issue.
Does anyone think people are going to be honest and self isolate for 4 weeks? If that 4 weeks is based on fact or is it another guess that’s going to be another indefinite exposure?
No hiding or shucking and jiving, they feel comfortable just coming right out and telling you the jab will ill you and if you are dumb enough to still take it you get a Darwin Award.
Can you spell it out? Close contact in my mind, is a hug, kiss on the cheek, handshake. Is it broken skin that is the problem, the oozing skin? Is it the breathe of people? the saliva? The sweat?
the broken skin has infectious pus...not breathe or saliva etc...its the rough skin to skin contact in bisexual and gays...look, see my guidance uptop...
If this clade out of Congo and now in Sweden is a more dangerous variant of mpox outside the African continent, yet localized to the GAY, BISEXUAL community, why can’t the GAY community etc. control their sexual behavior and work to reduce risk among themselves? Why is this the problem of low-risk monogamous heterosexual populations, UNLESS, UNLESS I say, governments and woke, sick, deranged, psychotic malevolent health officials are deliberately doing nothing and actually ‘promoting’, facilitating and letting the GAY and BISEXUAL population with their high-risk dangerous behaviors, EXPAND monkeypox to the general populations…this is only worrisome and vexing if allowed to expand to the general populations. There is no evidence it is in the general populations. Anywhere globally. We have to constrain it to the high-risk sexual networks it thrives in and work to burn it out there.
Deliberate effort to expand it to the low-risk populations!! Prove me wrong!
IMO what I just stated is what is happening.
Why must GAY and BISEXUAL males still have 100 sexual partners (I am staggered on why GAY men must sleep around so much!!) and go to orgies and bathhouses and then place the low-risk heterosexual community in harms way and thus expand monkeypox to low-risk people? For we know many bisexual males are perverted and sleezy that way, actually in committed marriages or engagements or living with monogamous heterosexual women who have no clue they are sleeping with high-risk men who, on the way home from work or when away from home, goes and fornicates and fellates and engages in high-risk intimate contact with monkeypox or HIV infected men/partners. With lesions, warts, pus filled lesions, infectious lesions.
Bad enough we have to worry about our partners being men or women who went and took the Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin Pfizer, Moderna, Weissman et al. deadly COVID mRNA vaccine that causes vaccine, mRNA, fragments, antibodies, spike protein, spike fragments, LNP etc. shedding to the unvaccinated, the Malone Bourla Bancel Kariko et al. mRNA technology vaccine and content e.g. spike protein, micro mRNAs etc. transmitted in breast milk to baby in utero, crosses the placenta to baby in utero, damaging sperm motility and fertility etc. and even evidence of aerosolized transfer from vaccinated to unvaccinated persons…skin to skin transfer (shedding).
She, the low-risk monogamous heterosexual woman (especially if pregnant, in the state of becoming pregnant or soon after pregnancy (pre-natal, peri-nata etc.) is the lowest risk person in any society for any STD, HIV etc.) thinks she is in a low-risk stable 2 person heterosexual relationship, when her partner is actually engaged in high risk sexual intimacy with HIV infected, STD infected, monkeypox infected men who are deceiving her;
then she gets one of these infections…note again, monkeypox nor was HIV etc., an infection of the general heterosexual population. The CDC and NIH and PHAC and Health Canada and SAGE etc. and our ‘woke’ putrid dangerous sellout leftist governments and their health agencies and officials wish it to be, they WANT it to ‘expand’ to the general population to then tell you that GAYS and BISEXUALS and heterosexuals have the same risk. Are all the same. They are NOT! That has always been the lie and continues to be.
This is ‘woke’ bullshit, this is pure politics and lives are put at risk to satisfy the woke rapture! Innocent people are placed in danger. To promote and sell a lie!
Again, public health has failed because of taboo, woke madness, and not wanting to hurt GAY male feelings and impact the politics, the votes…votes, votes, votes but I speak my mind:
Monkeypox (MPOX) GUIDANCE by Dr. Paul Alexander
GAY and bisexual males, trannies, e.g. people like Bruce Jenner etc., men who have multiple sex partners and engage in rough, skin to skin male penis-male anal sex and biting and tearing etc. given there are micro tears on the penis shaft and anus due to the type of skin-to-skin sexual intimacy gay males/bisexual males engage in must:
1)have no, I mean NO sex for 3-6 months to get this infection to burn out, this Clade 1b, and this must be simultaneous across GAY communities in North America, Europe etc. Global. Due to rapid air travel.
2)GAY males, bisexual males, men who engage in high-risk intimate behaviors and sharing of needles etc. must not have multiple sex partners for 3 to 6 months, confining themselves to one monogamous partner, IF they must have sex. They should STOP UNTIL!
3)no skin to skin contact of any sort among gay, bisexual community, trannies…none!
4)ensuring pus filled pustules, blisters on the penis, on and around the anus, on the skin, do not rupture for the content is highly infectious and function to spread Monkeypox (MPOX); same with most STDs
5)no sharing of sexual intimacy paraphernalia among gay, bisexual community, trannies…no needles, nothing…no bathhouses, no communal bathing etc.
6)public health must enact acute surveillance and contact tracing in the localized communities
7)we should tap low risk pregnancy women in sentinel surveillance just as a precaution to see if there is any expansion
8)IMO if the pathogen is starved of hosts, so NO sexual contact or no multiple partners, then it can burn out without the need for a vaccine
9)enhanced routine public health service messages (PSAs) to the GAY/bisexual high-risk community on curtailing high-risk behavior
10)No vaccine or boosters at this time given the specific vaccine has failed in the target group; I think the focus has to be on PSAs, acute surveillance, contact tracing, and eliminating multiple sex partners. No sex contact especially if symptoms become visible etc. No sex contact for 6 months.
The vacc is not just aimed at Monkeypox, it's basically a vaxx with the smallpox strain. This is what makes it lethal. If you've been vaccinated against the lattest, it means you're old LOL and you are 85% protected. Please check the info. "A vaccine for Smallpox called ACAM2000 (and now TGA recommended for Monkeypox) which was approved in Australia 2009 can cause death to the unvaccinated and vaxxed." on 2nd Smartest Guy in the World substack.
and still the masses havent woken up which is hardly surprising considering msm refuse to report about it....go to and scrol down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..that said dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress currently has over 259000 signatures
Be vaccine or mRNA poison can ever be trusted again.
nothing mRNA, nothing like this...they need hundred years of proper research before even raise that name to us again.
The US is Number One in the world for LGBT+, tied in first place, with the Philippines, and a very significant proportion of Americans, more than in any other country, are closet homosexuals, or bisexuals, so Monkeypox is a real risk and it's imperative to stop the spread. Unlike in any other country, sodomy is enshrined in the US constitution as a "right (SCOTUS: Lawrence v. Texas). Given the concerns about vaccines it is imperative that the US, as an LGBT+ nation that follows the constitution, and which seeks to impose its values around the world, in Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe, adopt prudent and sensible proposals for limiting the spread of Monkeypox.
Where it's Most & Least Common To Be LGBT+,Australia%2C%20each%20with%209%20percent.
great sharing, I have written this many times and given guidance...
Monkeypox (MPOX) GUIDANCE by Dr. Paul Alexander
GAY and bisexual males, trannies, e.g. people like Bruce Jenner etc., men who have multiple sex partners and engage in rough, skin to skin male penis-male anal sex and biting and tearing etc. given there are micro tears on the penis shaft and anus due to the type of skin-to-skin sexual intimacy gay males/bisexual males engage in must:
1)have no, I mean NO sex for 3-6 months to get this infection to burn out, this Clade 1b, and this must be simultaneous across GAY communities in North America, Europe etc. Global. Due to rapid air travel.
2)GAY males, bisexual males, men who engage in high-risk intimate behaviors and sharing of needles etc. must not have multiple sex partners for 3 to 6 months, confining themselves to one monogamous partner, IF they must have sex. They should STOP UNTIL!
3)no skin to skin contact of any sort among gay, bisexual community, trannies…none!
4)ensuring pus filled pustules, blisters on the penis, on and around the anus, on the skin, do not rupture for the content is highly infectious and function to spread Monkeypox (MPOX); same with most STDs
5)no sharing of sexual intimacy paraphernalia among gay, bisexual community, trannies…no needles, nothing…no bathhouses, no communal bathing etc.
6)public health must enact acute surveillance and contact tracing in the localized communities
7)we should tap low risk pregnancy women in sentinel surveillance just as a precaution to see if there is any expansion
8)IMO if the pathogen is starved of hosts, so NO sexual contact or no multiple partners, then it can burn out without the need for a vaccine
9)enhanced routine public health service messages (PSAs) to the GAY/bisexual high-risk community on curtailing high-risk behavior
10)No vaccine or boosters at this time given the specific vaccine has failed in the target group; I think the focus has to be on PSAs, acute surveillance, contact tracing, and eliminating multiple sex partners. No sex contact especially if symptoms become visible etc. No sex contact for 6 months.
Just say NO!
This is all part of the plan to cull the herd.... Pax
sure part
shariah islam...look carefully...
Sure is.
No more need be said.
And if that's not scary enough: From Geert: “I continue to emphasize that in highly vaccinated countries Bird Flu may start to spread asymptomatically via vaccinees and that C-19 unvaccinated who vaccinate against seasonal/common Flu are at high risk of contracting Ab-dependent enhancement of avian Flu disease!”
because of original antigenic sin
the recall antibodies are to the initial prime or exposure and in this case to the seasonal flu vaccine derived would be susceptible to the more serious avian flu if they make it more the lab...we have no indication it poses any threat to humans
the flu shot creates a disaster for it does not work
never did, its a farse
The vaccine is LIVE which means a person can get the disease from the shot!
you are on the right track and even right.
This mpox injection is dangerous to all. If anyone decides to take it- they are supposed to quarantine for at least 4 weeks because there is shedding that can cause small pox to the unjabbed who are exposed to anyone who received it. Not only the person who received it but their linens, the bathroom, and environment they’re using. And all of it is on the gov website.
So ask -how did they come up with 4 weeks to isolate ? Is that like 2 weeks to curb the spread? Or Mr na only stays in the arm? Or 6 ft apart? All of that info was a lie.
As far as shedding. People are still shedding after 3 years and it varies from individual to individual with Mr na.
What if these mpox acam jabs interact with someone who already has Mr na or is exposed to mRNA? what toxic blend occurred if that overlaps internally or exposure through shedding?
The shedding for mRNA also lingers from exposure to individuals, on linens, bathroom exposure and all of it is true and how it has damaged the health of so many individuals for an indefinite time frame.
What if the mpox is given to people who are in their private lives going to clubs and exposing others shedding on them at those clubs , using the public bathrooms, or what If they are working in a school teaching and or indoctrinating children who will be exposed and those children take it home to their families - we already know shedding carries over to unvaccinated and they carried it to other people and environments when Mr na injections are given. It all depends on the intensity of exposure and how many people are simultaneously shedding. How do we know the acam isn’t doing the Indefinite shedding?
Anyone who considers this deadly spreading and shedding injection creates a serious issue.
Does anyone think people are going to be honest and self isolate for 4 weeks? If that 4 weeks is based on fact or is it another guess that’s going to be another indefinite exposure?
What a mess.
It's intentional and these bastards will continue to kill and poison. A silent war on the people.
No hiding or shucking and jiving, they feel comfortable just coming right out and telling you the jab will ill you and if you are dumb enough to still take it you get a Darwin Award.
Can you spell it out? Close contact in my mind, is a hug, kiss on the cheek, handshake. Is it broken skin that is the problem, the oozing skin? Is it the breathe of people? the saliva? The sweat?
the broken skin has infectious pus...not breathe or saliva etc...its the rough skin to skin contact in bisexual and gays...look, see my guidance uptop...
If this clade out of Congo and now in Sweden is a more dangerous variant of mpox outside the African continent, yet localized to the GAY, BISEXUAL community, why can’t the GAY community etc. control their sexual behavior and work to reduce risk among themselves? Why is this the problem of low-risk monogamous heterosexual populations, UNLESS, UNLESS I say, governments and woke, sick, deranged, psychotic malevolent health officials are deliberately doing nothing and actually ‘promoting’, facilitating and letting the GAY and BISEXUAL population with their high-risk dangerous behaviors, EXPAND monkeypox to the general populations…this is only worrisome and vexing if allowed to expand to the general populations. There is no evidence it is in the general populations. Anywhere globally. We have to constrain it to the high-risk sexual networks it thrives in and work to burn it out there.
Deliberate effort to expand it to the low-risk populations!! Prove me wrong!
IMO what I just stated is what is happening.
Why must GAY and BISEXUAL males still have 100 sexual partners (I am staggered on why GAY men must sleep around so much!!) and go to orgies and bathhouses and then place the low-risk heterosexual community in harms way and thus expand monkeypox to low-risk people? For we know many bisexual males are perverted and sleezy that way, actually in committed marriages or engagements or living with monogamous heterosexual women who have no clue they are sleeping with high-risk men who, on the way home from work or when away from home, goes and fornicates and fellates and engages in high-risk intimate contact with monkeypox or HIV infected men/partners. With lesions, warts, pus filled lesions, infectious lesions.
Bad enough we have to worry about our partners being men or women who went and took the Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin Pfizer, Moderna, Weissman et al. deadly COVID mRNA vaccine that causes vaccine, mRNA, fragments, antibodies, spike protein, spike fragments, LNP etc. shedding to the unvaccinated, the Malone Bourla Bancel Kariko et al. mRNA technology vaccine and content e.g. spike protein, micro mRNAs etc. transmitted in breast milk to baby in utero, crosses the placenta to baby in utero, damaging sperm motility and fertility etc. and even evidence of aerosolized transfer from vaccinated to unvaccinated persons…skin to skin transfer (shedding).
She, the low-risk monogamous heterosexual woman (especially if pregnant, in the state of becoming pregnant or soon after pregnancy (pre-natal, peri-nata etc.) is the lowest risk person in any society for any STD, HIV etc.) thinks she is in a low-risk stable 2 person heterosexual relationship, when her partner is actually engaged in high risk sexual intimacy with HIV infected, STD infected, monkeypox infected men who are deceiving her;
then she gets one of these infections…note again, monkeypox nor was HIV etc., an infection of the general heterosexual population. The CDC and NIH and PHAC and Health Canada and SAGE etc. and our ‘woke’ putrid dangerous sellout leftist governments and their health agencies and officials wish it to be, they WANT it to ‘expand’ to the general population to then tell you that GAYS and BISEXUALS and heterosexuals have the same risk. Are all the same. They are NOT! That has always been the lie and continues to be.
This is ‘woke’ bullshit, this is pure politics and lives are put at risk to satisfy the woke rapture! Innocent people are placed in danger. To promote and sell a lie!
Again, public health has failed because of taboo, woke madness, and not wanting to hurt GAY male feelings and impact the politics, the votes…votes, votes, votes but I speak my mind:
Monkeypox (MPOX) GUIDANCE by Dr. Paul Alexander
GAY and bisexual males, trannies, e.g. people like Bruce Jenner etc., men who have multiple sex partners and engage in rough, skin to skin male penis-male anal sex and biting and tearing etc. given there are micro tears on the penis shaft and anus due to the type of skin-to-skin sexual intimacy gay males/bisexual males engage in must:
1)have no, I mean NO sex for 3-6 months to get this infection to burn out, this Clade 1b, and this must be simultaneous across GAY communities in North America, Europe etc. Global. Due to rapid air travel.
2)GAY males, bisexual males, men who engage in high-risk intimate behaviors and sharing of needles etc. must not have multiple sex partners for 3 to 6 months, confining themselves to one monogamous partner, IF they must have sex. They should STOP UNTIL!
3)no skin to skin contact of any sort among gay, bisexual community, trannies…none!
4)ensuring pus filled pustules, blisters on the penis, on and around the anus, on the skin, do not rupture for the content is highly infectious and function to spread Monkeypox (MPOX); same with most STDs
5)no sharing of sexual intimacy paraphernalia among gay, bisexual community, trannies…no needles, nothing…no bathhouses, no communal bathing etc.
6)public health must enact acute surveillance and contact tracing in the localized communities
7)we should tap low risk pregnancy women in sentinel surveillance just as a precaution to see if there is any expansion
8)IMO if the pathogen is starved of hosts, so NO sexual contact or no multiple partners, then it can burn out without the need for a vaccine
9)enhanced routine public health service messages (PSAs) to the GAY/bisexual high-risk community on curtailing high-risk behavior
10)No vaccine or boosters at this time given the specific vaccine has failed in the target group; I think the focus has to be on PSAs, acute surveillance, contact tracing, and eliminating multiple sex partners. No sex contact especially if symptoms become visible etc. No sex contact for 6 months.
Just say NO!
What they need is an extra large dosage of Chastity101 delivered daily.
The vacc is not just aimed at Monkeypox, it's basically a vaxx with the smallpox strain. This is what makes it lethal. If you've been vaccinated against the lattest, it means you're old LOL and you are 85% protected. Please check the info. "A vaccine for Smallpox called ACAM2000 (and now TGA recommended for Monkeypox) which was approved in Australia 2009 can cause death to the unvaccinated and vaxxed." on 2nd Smartest Guy in the World substack.
My husband let his doctor convince him to get the covid vaccine and he ended up in ICU for 5 days with myocarditis!
Trying to date but the only attractive persons I find happen to be vaccinated. Ugh.
Keep Climbing.
So Many Of The Medical Freedom Doctors
Have Indignantly Hung Themselves
From The Lowermost Branches
On The Tree Of Knowledge.
Casting Only Shadows.
and still the masses havent woken up which is hardly surprising considering msm refuse to report about it....go to and scrol down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..that said dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress currently has over 259000 signatures