This video below; meant to make it look like DeSantis and Hannity and Trump's daughter in law were going at it and DeSantis defending the FBI's actions...
The federal magistrate in question will certainly learn the personal meaning of a legal FBI search (he obviously didn't care to exercise or apply, on August 5, even the legal and ethical standards) when his office in WPB will be visited, one very special, karma-guided day, by a half-dozen or so of the aforementioned, upstanding G-persons, who, provided with and displaying a judge-issued, fully valid federal warrant, will remove and later search his hard drive at work for child porn, as specified in the earlier-filed, affidavit.
When is a raid not a legally authorized seizure of specified property? When it's not formalized in a kosher manner.
Trump suffered a raid. Rhinehart, his current nemesis, will experience, in turn, a real, bona-fide legal seizure, and just for starters. It's just a matter of time.
You can see the splicing everywhere. Doesn’t appear to be real!
Hope you are feeling a little better!
I thought it was real and I know very well they do stuff like this.
Most of us are dummies.
Thank you, you can see the glitching of the De Santis video, but good to know it is a fake.
Thanks. Keep praying for discernment everyone!
Who did the editing?
I think the guy on Twitter said he did it…he’s on the feed.
Ron'll handle this easily -- defensively like an attempted steal of second base after catching a fly ball in the outfield (back at Yale).
Ha!... Obviously hacked video. Good laugh
The federal magistrate in question will certainly learn the personal meaning of a legal FBI search (he obviously didn't care to exercise or apply, on August 5, even the legal and ethical standards) when his office in WPB will be visited, one very special, karma-guided day, by a half-dozen or so of the aforementioned, upstanding G-persons, who, provided with and displaying a judge-issued, fully valid federal warrant, will remove and later search his hard drive at work for child porn, as specified in the earlier-filed, affidavit.
When is a raid not a legally authorized seizure of specified property? When it's not formalized in a kosher manner.
Trump suffered a raid. Rhinehart, his current nemesis, will experience, in turn, a real, bona-fide legal seizure, and just for starters. It's just a matter of time.
Who did the editing?