
the message is that FLOTUS Jill is engaging in elder abuse of Biden...by this Beau video...

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Whatever "abuse" Joe Biden has received, or receives in what remains of his life, is 100% DESERVED!

Therefore, I will NOT be calling the 'Elder Abuse Hotline' to report any "abuse" towards Biden.

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Zero sympathy. Biden is an amoral, corrupt criminal VP/(p)resident, father and son both complicit in foreign collusion with Ukraine, China, and Romania, making millions selling out the American people. Hunter has brokered daddy’s political influence for decades. This has affected US foreign policy. The Bidens are a threat to US national security. Traitor Joe is a CCP puppet, bought and paid for courtesy of the Chinese Communist Party, father (The Big Guy) and son both complicit. This is TREASON.

And Traitor Joe is the Zionist UN/WEF globalist puppet installed to destroy the US from within. No doubt, prior to his current state of advanced dementia he knew quite well the role he’s playing. The systematic destruction of this nation within 3.5 years of him as faux POTUS is near total. FJB et al.

He cannot be re-elected. He wasn’t elected in


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can you tell us how you really feel?

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I left out pathological liar, ped, and satanic (Zionist/Luciferian cabal). :/

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I was gonna add this, but you beat me to it! 😂👍🏻

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😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣

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Hunter is a CIA asset.

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I think so...

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No wonder he's allowed in those meetings without a security clearance.

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Absolutely. Good point.

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No doubt in my mind, Kathleen.

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His involvement with the biolabs in Ukraine is confirmation.

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I am sorry to disagree with you this has been a “worthless son of a bitch all of his adult life, groomed in the shadow of psychopaths- How could this generate a decent human being?

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hi Milt, the video is not praise, its asking if FLOTUS Jill is an enabler and engaging in elder abuse...the fear in her eyes tells me they are afraid to lose power...they thought 4 more years to finish USA off...and dont be fooled, it aint over, 45 could lose...the left et al. will no do all to pull off a win...dont sit back people

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They have the alphabet agencies, the media, and the world globalists, byt srtasngely enough - the globalists have lost in Germany, France and England the people have had enough of the elites-i am concerned about GOOGLE Google has the algorhythms perfected and could change between 1.4 million votes to 6.4 million votes to the left s advantage--

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You said it! He is so freaking arrogant.

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Karma is a bitch

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I have another name for her too: 2 _ _ _. You ever see those pictures with her and

Willie Brown?

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Please accept my apologies in advance for writing this post. I do believe it’s crucial and relatable to the main story you’ve posted here, Dr Alexander.

I few months ago I watched an interview Tucker Carlson had with Bret Weinstein. It’s take. Me some time to digest and write about. I believe Beau Biden was a very good man. “Only the good die young” as the saying goes and Beau’s loss has affected many people who loved him. I also believe if Beau was alive today, he may have talked sense into his Father’s “senseless behavior” and or those today who are “worse than Joe” because they should know better.

What’s happening to America, becomes very, very clear Dr Alexander. Yes I say it again, I respected Beau Biden, the one and only Biden I can say this about.

How this article relates to Beau and if Beau was still alive, is why I decided to write this today.

I am convinced and with certainty, we now know, China has produced an “Army of military age men” over the years. I knew back when they had a “one child” policy and “only the boy’s” would live. This may become an issue later on. Well later on is now. Tragic? Most certainly yes this is tragic. Without a doubt!

IMO, all lives are consequential, male and female alike. But this was China’s policy and the CCP is China’s Leadership. Why did china choose this? Well we’re finding out why everyday. The interview Bret had with Tucker Carlson painted a dark and nefarious picture. When I first watched this interview a few months ago, it wasn’t quite clear. IMO, today it’s crystal clear and why so many “Chinese Military Age Men” were making this journey and traveling through such a difficult jungle as the “Darian Gap, has become so obvious. To invade America.

Yes this makes perfect sense now and is much clearer than I ever realized.

The Chinese military age men are treated differently than an average migrant traveler. They have specific locations they stop at. And only are they allowed in. These same Chinese men are and have been deployed all over America once they cross our border. I can guarantee this is exactly what’s happening now. I understand with clarity today why. And yes, I’ll say it again, I do believe Beau Biden would have been the “adult” in the room of his father’s failed presidency.

So as not to have him become and be used as such. Beau Biden would have saved his father’s “embarrassment”! Beau Biden was quite rational to say the least. The other family members only care about themselves and is why they’ve allowed Joe to be put in such an embarrassing position! Maybe I’m wrong, but Beau was a more of a humane person than all of them combined. So I have to believe Beau would have had his father’s best interest at heart.

What China is doing to America is undeniable ! I don’t think this would have happened without someone like Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been and is still being used a s“ROUGE”! A front! Or cover for what’s truly happening to our “Great Nation”! The plan to use him and use him to “distract and deflect” is what’s really going on! Even the nonsense “is he running or isn’t he running” baloney.

I understand greatly, instinctively why, America is being “invaded” and how. This is so very important. We must connect such a “dysfunctional President” with an absolute Chinese military / migrant combined Invasion! Why both? Because “true migrants” are part of the “ROUGE” or as cover for the real threat being thrusted upon all Americans. We’re being systematically attacked and taken over! Mark my words!

Unless? Unless an awful amount of bloodshed happens? Possibly or will Americans comply? Which is exactly what was determined with the Covid lockdowns.

Presently, there’s two very different, coordinated operations going on at the same time. And it’s important to note, two very different migration routes. One for migrants and the other for Chinese militants. Additionally, there’s a “massive bridge” being constructed rapidly in order to bring “YUKA ” as the

Panamanians were told!

Another “ROUGE” used against the Panamanian people and the American people. This is absolutely why, it was so important to have a weak and feeble, unaware President such as Joe Biden! Metaphorically speaking for Jill and Hunter Biden and others, “What the hell right? Joe’s so demented he doesn’t know what’s going on anyway, so why not get the full use out of him? Just the thought is how “sick” these people are to allow him to continue on! Simply to allow him to move forward is a travesty! It’s elder abuse at the highest level! But, what do they care about it if, there isn’t an America left? Food for thought.

Now, the Panamanians realize the reality for this bridge is not for “YUKA” but to facilitate transportation vehicles, operational infrastructure and other transportation services necessary to, well yes,

“Invade America”! As we see happening every day! I’m sure there’s a staging area somewhere before the “Darian Gap” and Panama. Hiding of course, waiting for the bridge’s completion. Suddenly all the disaster’s inside America make sense. Suddenly the Chinese Spy Balloon’s make sense. Suddenly all the benefits given to the “CCP” makes sense. Suddenly, yes Suddenly!

Our present government and president Biden unknowingly, make sense. Our government is making this happen in unison with and for China! Along other nefarious actors such as BHO? Absolutely YES! This is Barack Hussein Obamas “Fundamental Transformation of America” now isn’t it?

Also involved the “United Nations” and many other NGO’s all involved. UNICEF’s logo can be seen alongside our American flag on some of the encampment stops along the way! You can’t make this up! You have to see it to believe it! This is the truth! IMO, TRUTH is the only rational choice one can make. Simply watch the footage, it paints a very dark picture and clearly shows, yes the “TRUTH”!

Additionally, and to make matters more clear, has anyone noticed the massive amount of wealthy people fleeing California and other places around America?Why? Because our political leaders have been completely compromised! Paid off, bought out, etc.

What’s clear is, our

“United States Government” has not the slightest interest in protecting America’s position as a world leader anymore! Most certainly today, the world continues to take notice as well. Most countries see quite clearly, our leaders do not have the American people, best interests at heart! They have

“SOLD US OUT”! For sure!

So why now? Why would I reply to this article about Beau Biden? As I said in the beginning of this reply, my primary reason is to “shed light” on what’s really happening with President Biden and why he was allowed to continue his presidency for so long. Why this has happened becomes so obvious. A weak president, who hasn’t any idea what’s going on, is the perfect choice for a “front” allowing “nefarious people” to inflict the most “misery and pain” upon all Americans, the same people a president is “sworn to protect”!

I hope I’ve opened the eyes to others. Again, I do believe if Beau Biden was alive today, he would not have allowed this kind of a “mockery” to be made of his dad! I would like to believe this Beau had more decent morals than the rest of his family combined!

I love America! I would die for America! I now realize, America has been “SOLD OUT” completely! We can’t keep burying our heads in the sand of this reality! Time is running out. A President Trump administration may not be able to do anything! Someone must take the reins! Someone must lead, not to hell, but to the nation America was founded upon! A leader admits his or her failure’s and successes and leads his or her country in a positive and uplifting manner! Not in this way! In order for others to follow, WE MUST HAVE A GREAT LEADER! Without leadership, followers are lost! Americans are LOST!

America is lost!

Americans have been

“SOLD-OUT” one piece of land at a time! Kind of like herding cattle to a lake for water! Most Americans don’t know what’s happening! We must open our eyes, all of America’s EYES!

The scariest part about the past few years is and starting with the contrived covid lockdowns to an aggressive, multiple faceted, perfectly blended and disguised coordinated migration crisis! Both being dubbed as an “Humanitarian Crisis” have been nothing short of a “ROUGE” people! And yes this wouldn’t have been quite so simple had it not been for an incapable, dysfunctional President such as Joe Biden! Think about how badly they have used this man? And how much they have “SCREWED AMERICA”?

By allowing such a mass migration thru a very dense jungle / forest such as the

“Darien Gap” with complete disregard for human life, knowing that many, many people will die, or robbed, rapped and tortured, all of the above, is an absolute “HUMAN TRAVESTY”! Jail? This is beyond and or as equal to what they did to humanity with the COVID SCAM!

Our government KNOWS THIS!

Our government FACILITATED THIS!

Our governments are GUILTY OF THIS!

Our government has once again, In conjunction, has caused the largest HUMANITARIAN CRISIS in my lifetime!



Please forgive me for going off the rail Dr Alexander. This is so important for every American to watch. To understand what’s really happening to our GREAT NATION, THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

And how this is being done as I write this piece today!

“Sleepy Joe Biden” was and still is, the “PERFECT COVER” for our United States Government and those third parties involved. Collectively and completely they are responsible for such a massive disaster awaiting the American people.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Thanks for that long and thoughtful post, AJR !!

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You’re welcome Darkstar. I appreciate your input. We’re facing some very telling challenges, to say the least and hopefully something I write or you write Darkstar helps me or you or someone else, make more connections out everything.


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Sure, Trump will go after them. He’ll go after them just like he put Hillary in jail like he said he was going to do when he was running for his first term.

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I would apply your fecalness term to Trump and the GOP with its swamploving. Trump is a total supporter of his agenda 2025 which is nothing other than a call for formalizing his fascist goals with the presidency being a totalitarian dictator. If those goals are your core values then you should spend your time talking about them and see how many on the Right actually support the total destruction of democracy as a political ideology. This is not a support for Biden or any individual but a call out on your attacking democratic values with the non-specific claim for undefined values. This was always a pluralist society which Trump, the nazi-lover can't abide by. Many on the right also seem to think that sharing this society with all its members equally frightens them. However that fear, like all fears are based on lies and ignorance and isolation which prevents real experiences that would put these lies to rest.

Let me note that what you began to do with this blog is exactly what I am discussing: the presentation of meaningful information to put the lies the covid debacle. So I know you understand exactly what ignorance means for a power structure able to manipulate a public with propaganda. If you want to support a fascist agenda at least have the courage and honesty to fess up to this goals so people can see what is at stake with Trump/GOP fascism.

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Tanya what could be more FASCIST than mandating a bioweapon?

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We are a REPUBLIC not a democracy. So, what does JOEBAMA have to offer? Excuse me, you must have been talking about the Leftists/Communists when you said they manipulate a

public with propaganda. We don't need obama's ideology that's for sure.

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"Tanya" is a liberal progressive Karen.

She shows up here to spew her liberal hate.

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Thanks for letting me know. Now, we know the rest of the story :-)

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If you click on her name, she describes herself as a "progressive activist all her life."

Super Karen.

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Sorry but the Right is quite confused getting people to spout comments that have no basis in reality. To be precise: the US is structured as a Republic but we operate politically in a democratic process with rules, processes and practices that define how decision-making occurs. These are two terms that have nothing to do with each other but the Right has been propagandized into thinking they are saying something significant when they only want to claim we are a Republic. The Constitution clearly defines democratic process; Calling us a Republic actually says nothing about how the country will make decisions. If this is your goal--to change how we operate then that is what you need to discuss and not throw out a term that carries no functional meaning.

As to your second gaslighting point: The propaganda machine is well honed by the GOP/Trump and his people as well as other people with power. Your very attempts to criticize with ad hominems/gas lighting is direct example of how propagandized you yourself are.

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It's laughable claim that Trump is a nazi-lover. Do some research into where his parents are buried. It is the neocons and neolibs who are fascists. The US has murdered millions of foreign civilians in its endless wars. The Democrats butchered 2 million civilians in Vietnam and Bush butchered a million in Iraq. Trump stands against your murderous warmongering Tanya.

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A little homework assignment for Tanya - find out the difference between a Democracy and a Representative Republic.

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Do you prefer Kamala,Tanya?

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It is hard not to pity Joe who is now facing some tough challenges after having had an easy life for so long. He's had 50 years in public office and never worked a day in his life. He's not a particularly intelligent man and probably believed his own propaganda about the jabs and now the effect of his jabs and probably jab induced bouts of covid, possibly a persistent, hidden rather than acute transitory infection, are catching up with him as the spike protein ravages his brain. However, American men have for decades ranked far below many developed and even underdeveloped countries like Cuba for life expectancy and he has done nothing to address this tragedy. That men in many other countries live on average for nearly a decade longer than American men do is appalling. American women too have shorter life expectancy than women in many other countries. Biden, thanks to his easy life, has lived far longer than US life expectancy for men. That needs to be remembered when feeling sorry for him. As for the idea that he is finished and Trump will be President, that could be true. It's also entirely possible that the Democrats intend to ensure that their candidate is installed and will be successful and that it will be Biden, before being replaced as POTUS by Kamala.

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Biden mandated the covid DeathVax or people would lose their job.

In turn, that meant that SecDef Austin mandated the covid DeathVax to active duty military or they would be kicked out with a total loss of any VA benefits.

Both of them are murdering psychos.

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Unfortunately military personnel have long been used as guinea pigs for a wide variety of vaccine and drugs.

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Yes, but in this instance, it affected the entire military.

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Yes that is disgraceful.

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There were over 8,000+ troops that refused to take the covid DeathVax and were kicked out of the military. Many others just either resigned their commissions or left when their enlistments were up, even though they might have wanted to stay in and make the military a career.

They were not malcontents or malingers. They were independent thinkers who realized that taking an experimental mRNA shot full of spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol, and other toxins, would be akin to taking a death shot.

So many were threatened with less than honorable discharges which would mean a complete loss of VA benefits - home loan, health care, education, etc.

This was planned.

Decimation of the military from the within - those traitors in the Pentagon.

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And now they have to deal with VA!

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For sure!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

I hear ya - but I will withhold MY pity for him until the day he is locked up behind bars.....which never happens in THIS world, so I get to save MY pity for someone, well, more deserving.

He also more than likely has a larger "golden parachute" to cushion him and the rest of the biden crime family than any of us can even dream of.....Just sayin' !

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Oh, Please. No pity for JOE. He has stolen so much money and farmed it out to the

Biden Crime Family. They will live so high that money will never be an object. I don't

believe for a minute that JOE took the JAB. He had brain aneurysms. Maybe, that

is catching up with him, too. With JOE promoting the LGBTQ world , this adds

to the decline in the population. You will not know our Country, if Miss VP, the

Marxist, ever gets near the Oval Office. obama wanted her. So, he would be

running the show again.

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I don't one bit feel sorry for this LIAR and more. JOE sold us out to C-H-I-N-A and more. Woman Hunter is NOT legally allowed to attend those meetings. He has NO Security Clearance. WTH is going on? Dr. Jill should have fear. I hope they will be tormented for the rest of their lives.

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The medical people in my family say he doesn't have Parkinson's disease. His brain is

rotting from all the LIES he has told all his life.

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Diddly 46 has no idea about the last 6. years. He is a puppet. It is those that portrayed the scam on the people who committed Treason. Floutus46 included. Also the entirety of the WH staff.

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Wow. Crying out from the grave. How appropriately ironic.

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The house of Biden is falling down,for sure.

And the snake,Jill is losing power.

Or is she ?

I'll bet almost anything Jill has a diary and evidence on most of the big shots in DC and Hollywood.

And I bet she has them in a "death box".

If anything happens to her, that stuff hits the papers overnight

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" fecalness " .... Great word !

Perfectly descriptive....

....of all these bastards.

Here's another for your list - " shititude ".

Choose your own meaning, lol. Much like fecalness, I like the way it sounds.

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nice one, I shall use it

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

....with my blessings, Dr. Paul ✌️

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