Applying "Occams Razor" to all this insanity is fairly easy, CIA director Casey in 1991 spelled it out: "When everything the USA people think is a lie, our mission at the CIA is complete";
Believing that your asshole is your real brain is not a new idea, but just an example of Orwellian 'double-think' CIA runs the USA MSM, but why is "Lying their mission" why must the USA society be composed of Idiots? The only logical explanation is that dumb sheep are easier to sheer & slaughter;
Casey is right about one thing, once everything the USA public believe is a "LIE" there mission is complete, because no humans will be able to communicate like as shown here on substack, because everybody is just repeating lies;
Berenson’s first mistake is thinking “Goldberg is a progressive, though an open-minded one.” There is no such thing as a narcissistic/idealistic progressive being open minded. That is like believing socialists aren’t tyrannical.
"HOW & WHY the JEWS Destroyed USA" - It's must reading, then come back & read Berenson/Goldberg after having "KUNSTLER" explain exactly how&why they did what they did;
"The USA is a 3rd world country with nukes" - Charlie Beckwith Founder of "Delta Force" 1996
At no time in world history was USA anything close to a 1st world country morons who say this have never been to Singapore, or Japan; Even today Japan & China are covered with 'bullet trains' and in the USA there is not a single 'bullet train' in the entire country;
The USA is a sewer, it was begat as a back water penal colony for UK ( The empire where the sun never sets ), and it evolved from AG-PENAL, to INDUSTRIAL-PENAL, and now information-penal; Today closure is required because 90% of the humans in USA must be destroyed, per "Deagel Report" planning from Rockefeller NWO 1950's on schedule;
SBF called his FTX "Ethical Theft" like Robin Hood in reverse he was stealing from the poor to finance the rich demoRat Party;
It's clear today that when somebody says "Ethical" that the person is a criminal; I just call it Jew-Shit, cuz if you watch it closely enough, you see the pattern where all these common criminals are in general part of that (((TRIBE)))
USA is Kleptocracy, a Government of common low-class crime familys; Perfect example is SBF both his parents taught "LAW" at Stanford University, which mints out the future USA federal judges; SBF bought $100's of Millions of USD "GIFTS" for his parents, who clearly knew it was stolen money, yet they're still educating tomorrows "Federal Judges"
See Australia as the test case for western gambling throughout society...and now canucks are experiencing - 'sportsaction' owned by the Mohawk indians + NJ! Hey Gretzky (MGM) - what are the odds on Trudeau, the Stanley Cup and your son in law this year? Got any inside skinny for us peasants?
In the education of the past generations of parents who cannot impart to their children is COMMON SENSE
They have been dumbed into looking at big brother to tell them what to do
I stopped looking at THE NEWS 40 years ago
Just as an example what media did in 9 /11
they repeated over and over again the same thing and everytime there is a EVENT it is repeated over and over again
What is "BRAIN WASHING"?? Exactly the elite progressives running the USA think-tank call the "ANUS our First-Brain"
Applying "Occams Razor" to all this insanity is fairly easy, CIA director Casey in 1991 spelled it out: "When everything the USA people think is a lie, our mission at the CIA is complete";
Believing that your asshole is your real brain is not a new idea, but just an example of Orwellian 'double-think' CIA runs the USA MSM, but why is "Lying their mission" why must the USA society be composed of Idiots? The only logical explanation is that dumb sheep are easier to sheer & slaughter;
Casey is right about one thing, once everything the USA public believe is a "LIE" there mission is complete, because no humans will be able to communicate like as shown here on substack, because everybody is just repeating lies;
The ZOG actually calls it "ANAL Cleansing"
Berenson’s first mistake is thinking “Goldberg is a progressive, though an open-minded one.” There is no such thing as a narcissistic/idealistic progressive being open minded. That is like believing socialists aren’t tyrannical.
Berenson feeds from the same pig-trough as Goldberg;
To get the real SITREP of their shit-show you must read Kunstler, who last month detailed it in complete - "How the Jews destroyed the USA"
"HOW & WHY the JEWS Destroyed USA" - It's must reading, then come back & read Berenson/Goldberg after having "KUNSTLER" explain exactly how&why they did what they did;
Berenson is Goldberg in drag. They're different sides of the same coin. Scratch a Berenson and you'll find a Goldberg.
"We are the wealthiest society in HUMAN History"
Bull fucking SHIT
"The USA is a 3rd world country with nukes" - Charlie Beckwith Founder of "Delta Force" 1996
At no time in world history was USA anything close to a 1st world country morons who say this have never been to Singapore, or Japan; Even today Japan & China are covered with 'bullet trains' and in the USA there is not a single 'bullet train' in the entire country;
The USA is a sewer, it was begat as a back water penal colony for UK ( The empire where the sun never sets ), and it evolved from AG-PENAL, to INDUSTRIAL-PENAL, and now information-penal; Today closure is required because 90% of the humans in USA must be destroyed, per "Deagel Report" planning from Rockefeller NWO 1950's on schedule;
SBF called his FTX "Ethical Theft" like Robin Hood in reverse he was stealing from the poor to finance the rich demoRat Party;
It's clear today that when somebody says "Ethical" that the person is a criminal; I just call it Jew-Shit, cuz if you watch it closely enough, you see the pattern where all these common criminals are in general part of that (((TRIBE)))
USA is Kleptocracy, a Government of common low-class crime familys; Perfect example is SBF both his parents taught "LAW" at Stanford University, which mints out the future USA federal judges; SBF bought $100's of Millions of USD "GIFTS" for his parents, who clearly knew it was stolen money, yet they're still educating tomorrows "Federal Judges"
See Australia as the test case for western gambling throughout society...and now canucks are experiencing - 'sportsaction' owned by the Mohawk indians + NJ! Hey Gretzky (MGM) - what are the odds on Trudeau, the Stanley Cup and your son in law this year? Got any inside skinny for us peasants?