Personally, I think he should dial back what he is saying to something more like "long covid is far less common than believed."

He wrote this earlier looking at a French study of 27,000.


The gist of the research is that self-reported long covid symptoms had no correlation with prior covid exposure.

Here is the study, linked in the substack post as well.


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This is the problem with propaganda projects, and the firehose of disinformation. Every one of us searching for truth is a conspiracy theorist. And while that term is pejorative, to be sure, it amply describes how each person makes mistakes filling in the gaps of information they don't have, and updating their priors of trust. This is why a government that engages in propaganda with respect to its own people should be seen as terrorizing them. We need to use this moment to reconfigure all of our institutions of trust.

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My partner and I had Covid in January 2021. Both cases mild, but she had more pronounced symptoms than me. Unfortunately she still suffers from bouts of shortness of breath, and tiredness to this day. At times like that her oxygen saturation levels are measurably lower; she's got a simple monitor, that clamps to the fingertip. I doubt very much that its psychosomatic. Its like a kind of asthma. There was a time, when people thought that asthma was brought on by stress and anxiety. Granted, there are aspects of emotional training/triggering involving the endocrine system, which is coupled to the immune system, but the overall bodily reaction to an allergy is much more complex than a mere psychosomatic condition. There are very real physiological processes underpinning it.

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Interesting I to have had shortness of breath and fatigue . I thought I did well to interrupt the cytokine storm that was kicking in , from the odd pains in more organs and sudden triggering of my chronic back pain , with high dose Cbd cannabis . But I have noticed these kinds of old man out of shape stuff . I am now curious about this gut reservoir evidence here as a possible mechanism of ongoing symptoms


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This is very interesting, thank you for sharing

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Amen! Berenson ticked off a lot of subscribers a few months ago when he basically mocked long covid as well as other chronic illnesses. People such as myself who have had to deal with things like "long mono" (though it was never called that) were shocked and dismayed by his callous behavior. He's not only probably dead wrong about this issue, his smug dismissal will be a turn off to people who think that "anti-vaxxers" are just selfish and heartless. It's bad optics in the least. I still read his stuff but wish he'd find another hill to die on.

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Damn. That is really disappointing. He's had some great coverage, but as Dr Alexander said in this post, he should stay in his lane. He's playing very fast and loose.

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Bad decision to say such a thing. Alex Berenson reported on the excess death in Europe but wouldn't speculate on the cause; however, we have data on causes of long COVID and he is okay speculating it is psychological. This paper shows a mechanism for PASC: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.25.449905v1 I expect more from Berenson. Anecdotally, I'm recovering from a SARS-CoV-2 infection and the brain fog is impacting my work +3 days after negative antigen test. I'm hopeful supplements like selenium and N-acetyl Cysteine will clear it up, but I have little doubt the cause is this virus.

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Sorry to hear, hope the brain fog resolves soon. I'm on day 3-4 of mild COVID (seems like Omicron) but pretty fatigued and foggy feeling. Can you link to some data on selenium and glucosamine? Thanks!

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Also, I was able to test negative for antigen 7 days after first onset symptoms. I used povidone-iodine nasal mist and gargled with mouthwash containing chlorhexidine. Fairly certain I had Omicron as well since it was localized to my nasal cavity and pharynx.

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I'm sorry. I meant N-acetyl Cysteine not glucosamine. Both Selenium and that are anti-oxidants.

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I remember Steve Kirsch talking about fluvoxamine helping with brain fog.

This is an interesting article: Fluvoxamine: A Review of Its Mechanism of Action and Its Role in COVID-19 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.652688/full

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It is on FLCCC's recommendation for I-Recover protocol too. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-protocol/ I generally don't like SSRI use. Thanks for the recommendation though.

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Saffron is nature’s version look it up!

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We couldn't believe he actually said that. We know people with long covid and doctor Malone had it and took monoclonal antibodies to help with it and said it really helped him along with prednisone and IVE. Many of us noticed months ago with his reporting that he didn't follow doctors that actually treat covid or the reoccurring symptoms from it. Some of his reporting was good, but much was way behind the 8 ball. I would send him studies and podcasts from docs and finally gave up. It's a shame Tucker won't have real doctors on for a full hour to talk about these important issues, but Tucker did say a couple weeks ago, it's time to move from Covid. I was livid when he said that... after all the graft, lying and dying of patients for no reason, he wants to move on from Covid. We regular Joe's out here, no more than he does but haven't made a dime off it. I'll take real docs for $1000 Alex all day long.

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He also said there's not enough evidence ivermectin works. He's a bit rough here and there.

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To be fair ( and I do not like non medical people giving their uneducated opinions in public discourse like reporters ) , Berenson's topic seemed to be centered around long haul covid and Disability checks..

He likened it to Fibromyalgia, which is clinically a tad difficult to prove as black and white. He added that these people then really think they are sick and take dangerous drugs. Well , in a way that is true , but at what point does the patient take responsibility for his own actions? Like the addict , alcohol or drugs, almost everything we blame on a disease.

However, it is not Berenson's call or any of us to say someone is not experiencing pain or suffering or any other physical or mental symptoms.

Sadly now , I know too many people who are afraid of joint surgery because they feel their pain will not be addressed properly post op. Not everyone gets addicted to pain killers like those parents who complained to Trump made it seem.

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He does great work. But yeah on this not so much. My wife ended up in the hospital despite Aggressive home treatment with everything, including Nebulized Budesonide. Just could not get her O2 stable. She had pneumonia in both along with Covid. She was only in 3 days. 8 weeks hence and she has neurological issues, occasional racing heart, serious fatigue. It’s not “in her head.” After 41 yrs of marriage I can say that with certainty. Alex needs to follow the science.

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Well , I want to see the actual episode before I go off on Alex. I follow his substack too and it won’t be difficult to explore it in his thread.

I think we must always consider how power would behave when initiating any plan to undermine private power of the labor force. The counter narrative will likely be a play as well. So don’t put your trust in those leading voices challenging the narrative . Because if money and privilege goes to those pushing narratives , then some will also go to controlling the counter narrative as well.

Alex is also demonstratively more hungry for income , then any other substack I follow. He regularly asks for subscription money and reminds everyone to buy his book . So it’s also possible Alex is making a move to get that big NY times woke population to buy his work .

Who knows , but it will unfold

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I believe Berenson has convinced himself this is true for political reasons. He's done a lot of good, but he IS a former NYT Reporter and all those years of training in selective reporting to prove something for political reasons is well-ingrained.

I believe he is doing it to try to fight the arguments that (1) you should get vaccinated because even if your covid appears mild, you-- or your children-- could get long covid and suffer from symptoms for years to come; and (2) any cascade of health problems we see in the coming years will be a result of "long covid" even in people who didn't know they had covid (and thus we cannot ascribe these issues to the vaccines).

So my suspicion is that Alex may be operating from the POV that killing the long covid claims is fundamental to his stance against the vaccines. Unfortunately, he is wrong and his stubbornness on this front and willingness to dig in here really appear to be vestiges of his time in the legacy media. This is making an argument solely for the sake of what you believe the outcome of people believing you will be, not because you are 100% seeking truth wherever it may lead you.

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Alex Berenson is full of crap. I used to respect what he wrote; in fact his was substack was the first that I suscribed to. But then he started pushing his book, Pandemia. I didn't pay money for post after post on promotion of his book. Then he went on a tirade repetitively about Twitter. I thought to myself, get over it, move on. Anyway, in the end I quit his subscription.

As far as long Covid, I suppose he knows more than Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and Robert Malone combined. I, as a practitioner have seen many patients with what's called Post Viral Sequelae or Post Viral Syndrome. Long Covid is just another form of this condition.

I saw Berenson's interview on Tucker Carlson. He is way off-base. He touted that there was no science. Well here's some science, Mr Berenson. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.698169/full

Stop conflating people trying to rip off the system with fake symptoms, with a very real health issue. If you want to make medical judgements, I suggest you take some time off, enroll in a medical school and then you can call yourself an expert.

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I have both seen and discussed long Covid with far too many patients. These people suffer . They are in real ongoing pain . Be glad to pass it on to Berenson if I develop it after just having gas Omicron which was indeed a cake walk .

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Dr. Malone said he had long covid during his interview with Joe Rogan

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I told him he was wrong for saying that. He discredited himself by saying that….covid is very real. Long covid is very real.

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Dr Paul, I understood the 15 month finding of spike protein still in the blood to be the result of a jab and not the result of a wild type transmission ?

Also, is this new variant from southern France really a Influenza and covid combo??

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Thanks DP, I read this pertained to the shot and did not see it also was related to the infection itself. Good clarification.

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