Nah. Yoel Roth has blood on his hands for his known censorship of health safety like murderous jabs , immune-compromising masks, youth suicides from pandemic restrictions, genital mutilations of children and other heinous, deadly propaganda he pushed and censored. I could care less about that despicable man facing a comeuppance and reap the karma he's sown. His crimes against humanity exceed the sex crimes against children in severity. Any blood spilled is on his own hands

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Nailed it!

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Most of these Twitter people appear to have been grossly overpaid, self absorbed idiots frankly. This includes Vijaya who made $17M PER YEAR!!!!

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Roths Grindr files were leaked somewhere. Also old tweets about children and porn. Anyone defending Roth is going to regret it. Elon is no idiot. If anything Elon was reserved in his condemnation. If he hands the evidence to the FBI, what happens?

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Agree, I saw that too, he’s a sicko.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Maybe Alex is just throwing himself in front of the flying mud in hopes that his Covid dissident street cred can help a fellow Israeli spook in a jam.

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Nothing, because they're also into children, and covering for rhe other pedo's.

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But any agency qualified to investigate Won’t!

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Elon is the one in danger here!! The psychopaths will stop at nothing to silence him!

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"If he has evidence that Roth or other Twitter employees supported child sexual abuse on Twitter, he should take it to an agency qualified to investigate."

You mean, like the FBI?

Yeah. We'll see.

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Roth has some highly suspect tweets. There was a reason there was little oversight on Twitter in regards to child porn…

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I could not stand that moralistic pompous little man Yoel Roth way before musk said anything I do not think musks dislike of little Yoel Roth had to do with anything the NYT wrote.

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We see that if Elon isn't doing this NO ONE will! We have had enough of this corruption and silencing from agencies who are supposed to protect. We the People need to come together as a society with the freedom to stand up, speak out, and no longer be silenced!


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WTF do you mean by "if he has evidence"???

We KNOW Roth was in charge of the group at Twitter who let posts related to SA remain up while censoring over mere politics.

We KNOW (by Roth's own admission in a tweet that was released) that Roth had a separate "dirty account" that promoted the idea of children having sex with teachers and worse.

What more evidence do you need??

The past 24 hours has been very enlightening. The idea that several people who have built a reputation for fighting the medical deep state, and who cheered Musk's efforts to shine a light on what Twitter did on politics, are getting their panties in a twist about Musk taking on child abuse really makes one wonder how widespread the deviance is.

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"he should take it to an agency qualified to investigate"

Not sure you have rationalised the bigger picture.

The ONLY way to get appropriate investigations and prosecutions IS to go public first, that's where the USA is now.

Hell, Epstein ran a sex trafficking and paedophile island for decades, even after public disclosure in 2007 got a sweetheart deal because your higher authorities told Acosta it was "above his pay grade".

There IS a swamp, it IS running the show.

Not only is going public the only option, it is the safest for Musk himself. I care far more about the victims of these crimes than I do for the enablers.

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There are NO agencies left, who are fit to investigate.

THAT is the problem.

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Sorry Dr Paul A.,

Yoel has blood on his hands for alowing child exploitation and trafficking.

This need to be exposed.

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who was it at twitter to keep a kids SA clip up even when courts and law enforcement demanded and ordered it taken done an the original poster disclosed and for years twitter and @jack refused.

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Go read all the comments and find one that agrees with him.

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Berenson acts more and more like controlled opposition. He had his turn for a while at some legit stuff, but continues to devolve into someone acting like they are trying to get back in to the good graces with someone(s) on the Left. Something fishy going on with Roth. Dr. Alexander, please take more time before coming out with substacks like this one. It will only hurt your credibility with those who've seen the psyop for a few years now. And besides, people could accuse you of doing the same thing when you do your "wolves" posts. Musk hasn't given anyone any reason to think that he is flying off the handle "all of a sudden". Don't fall for the same technique the fed agencies have been doing for decades to discredit people revealing truths. He has more inside info than anyone else, apart from the spooks who spy on everyone's accounts at the FBI/etc. If someone does allegedly happen to be a pedo or some other sick person, and a citizen knows it, yes, it should be reported, but it doesn't mean that person reporting has to also stay hush hush. I would tell my friends and family to stay far away from that person until it got sorted out. Let's not fall for the Twitter equivalent of "we can't draw any reasonable conclusions on usage of cheap therapeutics in treating covid because there are no double-blinded studies showing it works." If you want to say Musk has to use disclaimers like "Credibly accused" when calling out people he may have seen evidence of, that is a point to consider. But as the world's richest man, who just spent 40 billion on an app, I am sure he has enough good lawyers around him knowledgeable on slander to not post things that would win in a court of law on those grounds. So let's avoid the 'slander' tag, if for no other reason that the Alinksy-ites like using that tactic on our own warriors to besmirch them so people who are not aware go "Oh, I can't listen to _____. Someone said he was ____." when the good guy is uncovering evil.

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Nah. Pedos have been a major problem on Twitter forever. The Twitter Files prove to what degree they were spying on everyone for political reasons which means they had the time and resources to find and prosecute pedos, not a peep.

This guy was in charge of safety and let pedophiles run rampant. He either is one or condones it. I have no problem if an angry mob gets him, there's no other justice left in this country for anyone in the elites and their servants.

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