The family unit is indeed the moral fabric, and most basic building block to a well functioning society , and for that matter ' province, state or country .

The globalists know this , which is why they are INTENT on destroying the family unit .

It's complicated and multi fauceted , but observations are powerful.

For instance, when people stopped going to church on Sundays and rather to shopping malls, it was clear that money was being worshipped .

In essence an "unholy society" has weakened morals, values, and ethics.

The family unit is under serious attack and unless we go back and fix this issue- we are doomed into a society of no rights, and less happiness and fulfillment . Life in this state is slavery.

Don't worry about grandma, she is not coming to our house for Christmas, to see the grandkids , because she is NOT vaccinated and puts us all at risk.

Yes, that was exactly HEALTH CANADA and Justin Trudeaus policy , as well as rhe Fauci and Biden team . It is called "divide and conquer," a tactic of war (and dirty politics) .

Hello world are you listening? - .....your family is EVERYTHING. Without it, you are nothing!

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It is definitely interesting that some people don’t want kids - or any more kids - due to illness and disability. Maybe as more people become aware of how harmful vaccines are, this can change?

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The world is so dangerous right now, I don't blame anyone for not having children. I worry about mine constantly and they're all adults now.

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Thank you Paul for this. It's so true these women saying this. I'm 51 too old for this shiznat and the woke ideological standpoint is sickening. The family unit divided people have one foot in, one foot out. Society dumbing down and the centuries of old lies continue today. Reality sets in, we have to remember to pray to our God of our own understanding and be vigilant in faith. Bless.

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To the couples how are afraid of having a sick child. Get some genetic testing done if there are serious problems in your family. My niece had a child unexpectedly born with a genetic defect. He’s 13 now and is doing great. He is having a normal life. Most likely will go to college and get married. The vast majority of babies are born in good health. If you don’t want a sickly child, don’t follow the CDC childhood vaccination schedule. I did a deep dive into childhood vaccines 4 years ago, and I regret every vaccine I’ve had and every jab our children have had. 72 vaccines by the age of 18 can’t possibly be safe. Big pharma has complete from liability from the damage caused by vaccines thanks to a 1986 law. They can’t be sued for harm. Read Dissolving Illusions by Dr. S. Humphries. Look up Dr. Paul Thomas and his studies. Change your search engine to DuckDuckGo otherwise google censors information. Our children and grandchildren are the best things that we have in our lives.

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023

The old days of dad with a shotgun ensuring that the groom does the right thing by the heavily pregnant bride who gives birth after the church wedding to a healthy son or daughter are long gone.

In today's America dad may not have a shotgun due to restrictive gun control laws and he walks his drag queen or transgender son or daughter to to a courthouse for a same sex civil union then goes to a pride parade.

If one of the couple has a uterus then a baby may be conceived from a turkey baster with the help of a gay sperm donor.

If the baby not then aborted as part of a satanic ritual and is carried full term it is possible that it will be full of reverse transcribed mRNA plus spike protein and will be infertile.

By the time it's in kindergarten Elon Musk will likely have chipped its brain and the Lincoln Project will be seeking to harvest it for adrenochrome.

By junior high school time the Dems and RINOS will likely have legalized pedophile and zoophile marriage and it will be betrothed to a geriatric Dem or RINO or maybe a canine.

This is what immigrants are flooding across the southern border to become part of?

They really must be optimists.

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Where I go to Mass, we have many families with 7 - 10 kids. (Go puke, scummy leftist parasites. Oops, is that charitable of me?)

As Mark Steyn said, "The future belongs to those who show up for it.

And one more thing, I don't read Berenson.

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The old timer Bilderberg Cartel-Corporation's policies were perfectly published in Huxley's Brave New World. The first target was the father as his leadership is critical within both the family and its embedded culture. Father leadership was attacked by Cartel funds (using our debt-slavery Central banks meaning our very culture, each one of us via labor is in working and in taxation funded Bildeberg attack orgs. We're paying for our own destruction) using several female political empowerment programs nicely published by Bernays, Freud's nephew. btw, while Freud's work was adopted by Cartel thugs using his framework that pointed out that the basic cause of discontent in successful cultures is infantile maintenance (men failing to mature before death), Freud did NOT accept Cartel policy. Why? They were children themselves.

The perfection of evil/Satanism is not complicated. Much more, but the above frames out the framework. A must read is Aldous' Brave New World. This is a quick read, concentrate of the first two chapters, the rest is event story. I'll link this old timer book.:


Also, Huxley noticed that the autism epidemic was embraced by the early Cartel Bilderberg Cartels in the book, but did not use the term. He simply pointed out that everyone was both mentally and physically SICK. This ties into the fake pandemic handing us all the bioweapon vaccines since Salk and Sabin. Stunning planning and astounding watching this crap come together at this point.

Personal observation when the pandemic hit and just after I saw the depth of the bioweapon nano attack, my first comment to the wife was, 'we grew up at the exact perfect time.' I was thinking of all the freedoms we had after WWII. We had so much fun!

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look at the programming that is placed in front of kids. No role models. Then look at the ' youth' worship. 40 is the new 20. Do the Hollywood set every get married early and have kids. Who are our role models more widely.

Education, career, the workforce.

Men have a bit to do with this too. They enjoy their 'freedom'.

the dating apps addict people to meeting New Conquest having a thrill of the conquest and moving on.

Just look at the concept of dowry for a hint. there needed to be social pressure for men to tie the knot. the clock ticks for women starting at 30. But I have found men feel that hard at 40. There is no warning that men will feel this. It is not discussed in society that they will have a yearning.

I have a friend who was married from 22. Her husband wanted a lifestyle marriage. when she turned 39 he announced he wanted kids. They had 3 years of turmoil testing anguish procedures medicalization of her fertility and NOTHING. she had been bringing up kids since she was 28. Another set of friends same thing. It was so late she couldn't use her eggs. She is feeling guilty about being an older mom. Does anyone teach women to discuss family planning early. This friend was afraid 'of losing him' if she pressed for children. It turns out he wanted kids too.

Someone should tell men they will feel the clock tick at 40. All of a sudden they are 40 are they now trying to prioritize a new life style. No one warns men they will feel a clock tick.

The other messaging that is there is that, fertility treatment will save you: look mom at 60 is possible etc.

No one I know who had kids regrets it. They regret not having them earlier and wonder how they could have wasted so many years. And I find this from MEN more true then women. Men are completely astounded by the new life and how profoundly they respond and how much purpose they have.

So we have let in a lot of men as immigrants illegals refugees without women. I think these will be looking to settle down. I wonder if they will naturally pressurize earlier marriage and families in the coming decade. It has been a buyers market for men, but this is about to change to a sellers market for women.

Another thing I noted among my set of very highly educated career women. A lot who didn't settle out of law school never found partners. Many men do not like to date 'up'. But women like to date 'up'. There were conversations about this, men saying they preferred NOT to date a woman who would 'take half' aka a lawyer, that they would prefer a legal assistant. That may be less common now, I don't know.

Serial monogamy is also really common, where an anchor is never set. There are industries that require endless single people.

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There is a documentary called Birthgap - Childless World which is worth watching:


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Woman, here, and I believe that parenting is the most important job in the world. That having been said, after more than 35 years of marriage, I have no two-leggeds of my own, by choice, and no regrets. Some observations:

1) Around 20% of women simply have no internal drive to procreate. None. We know from our earliest years that kids are not part of our identity and no matter how hard other women protest that “we don’t know what we’re missing”, we know we’re not missing anything because there’s nothing inside for us to miss! It’s as stupid and deaf as if we claimed that, because we love dogs, every woman therefore must have several dogs in her life. Some women (like me) are just instinctively drawn to being surrounded by animals and pets, others by kids. And some by both or neither. Women are diverse. Fortunately, modern societies allow us to make choices consistent with who we are, rather than with what tradition or culture says we “should” be. Let’s hang on to that, women who have no choices envy us.

2) Almost every woman who brags about being a mom described her kids in glowing terms like “funny, interesting and sweet” (or something similar). No, most of the time, they’re not. To the rest of us, they’re boring, unimpressive and annoying in their constant demands for attention. What seems precious to you comes off differently to us. Again, think of that irritatingly deaf friend who has “the greatest, cutest dog in the world!” After 15 minutes, you’re sick of the little rug rat constantly pulling antics and your friend being unable to hold an adult conversation without being distracted by fussing with her pup. Rin- Tin -Tin or Lassie playing the hero and constantly figuring out how to solve dangerous situations, your friend’s fluff ball isn’t. But she can’t see that. So you feel obliged to agree that Precious is just SOOO special because your friend would be very upset if you pointed out her baby’s just an average mutt. Well, that’s how we feel when you brag about your kids and how great being their mom is, and we’re biting our lips so we don’t offend you with the truth.

3) Some of us just aren’t up to the challenge of taking lifelong care of kids with birth defects. Some women are born with the nurse/caregiver archetype in their personalities, others aren’t. For a woman who has caregiver tendencies - which sometimes aren’t awakened until the birth of her own child - being called upon to nurse a dependent, especially for life, can actually be a blessing because it effortlessly fulfills a fundamental need (ie, it removes the requirement to go out and FIND a situation in which you can fulfill the function of caretaker, because the situation comes to you!). For others, taking care of a damaged child becomes simply a job they accept. For the rest of us born without the archetype, it’s agony. Filling the vast and constant physical and emotional needs of the dependent child destroys the ability of a mom without the caretaker archetype, to fulfill her own soul’s other needs. Neither she nor the child prosper. For society as well as the individuals involved, the situation becomes a net negative. Again, referring to the dog analogy, why would a woman who isn’t fulfilled by caretaking adopt an arthritic older dog with mange, if her goal is to have an energetic hiking and camping companion? What if adopting a dog was a lottery, and you didn’t know which animal you’d end up with? Would it make sense to pass if what you considered a worthwhile lifestyle depended on having a smart, hale animal by your side, but you knew you had a small, real chance of drawing a dumb, sickly creature with behavior problems instead? And you couldn’t just “send it back” because it didn’t work out? There would be many fewer dog owners in this world and nobody would fault their neighbors for choosing to not have a dog. Yet somehow the few who wind up fulfilled caring for a child with birth defects, feel justified in looking down their noses at those who don’t need to shoulder that burden to feel satisfied in life.

4) As the woman who started Fly It Forward, a global volunteer movement to get women and girls involved in aviation, observed from her travels, there are tens of millions of women around the world who are bored and underchallenged. They are forced into lives centered around the drudgery of making homes and raising children, and would jump for joy at the opportunity to develop themselves in the manner that men are allowed to. It’s really mostly a recent conceit of wealthier Western women that staying home is such a blessing. The general tendency of women given an honest choice and support for whatever they choose, is to have one or two children, and participate in the paid workforce as well. A substantial minority would honestly prefer paid work only, and wouldn’t make good moms because baking cookies for the school fundraiser or teaching Sunday school really DOESN’T fulfill their drive to build bridges, fly helicopters or simply get out of the house every day and think about something more challenging than how to get grass stains out of white pants.

I could go on much further, but I’ll end with two observations that almost nobody touches: first, being a mom/homemaker is a job that any woman with a functioning uterus and ovaries automatically qualifies for. There is no training required, no competency tests, no standards and no paths to professionalism. That makes it tough for women or men who value stations in life that must be earned, to put motherhoid on par with much else. Second, if society REALLY believed that having kids was so darned tough, important and fulfilling, the men would shove the women aside and claim that it was too important if a job to leave to the women. Professional child rearing societies would be formed, salaries paid, and standards instituted. Fatherhood would be considered the foundation of society and the women would be appointed the lesser tasks of going to school, supporting the family and running the outside business. Managing the home and family would become the destination to which society’s wealth, educational opportunities and prestige flowed. Until that day comes, ladies, you can tell yourselves the rest of us are selfish fools for not wanting to focus on kids and bask in your sense of greater wisdom and moral superiority, but the hard reality is that it’s just NOT the same as having at least one foot in the outside world and will NEVER be equivalent to a”real” career because men instinctively don’t see it that way (and probably never will).

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Men should be men, and women should be women. That statement terrifies Leftists and failure to heed that statement is at the root of many societal problems.

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