of 15 persons who died after vaccination. Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.
You are preaching to the choir! The Pfizer research showed over 1000 negative outcomes! These studies should be stacked up and be sent to our Congressman in DC and demand they stop the massive medical crime against American citizens! The truth tellers should be invited to present the facts to the Senators in a General Session.
Yep! Just bear in mind that this atrocity is being foisted on the entire western world. Our “leaders” like Scarf Lady and the Little Guy were just following their friends the Asians.
Are you still thanking and admiring Malone? Especially as he and a few others in the MFM would have us sing kumbaya and not get caught up in the quagmire of anger in wanting accountability?
Ok...but careful that what he and his mates are really saying is that we need to pause the injections. Recognize that he and others refuse to actually say that this was an intentional act....they prefer the bad actors (greed, negligence, etc.) in an administrative agency prone to poor management and big pharma capture. Sorry, but that approach actually stops way short of actually acknowledging what we are up against.
So many millions took all for granted, didn’t do their due diligence and got lazy. Willingly rolled u their sleeves. Trusted the government, trusted medicine. I guess my former career in the AF and healthcare taught me a lesson or 2.
Hey I was right with all the willing back in 1976 and the Swine Flu debacle. I got my shot and immediately had a reaction consisting of giant angry red hives over 100% of my body. It took me nearly two years to recover. Even to this day I have repercussions like psoriatic arthritis. I have had zero flu shots since and really never had the flu. I don’t trust the medical establishment and I will never start.
Well the RINOs have control of the House. But is there a single one who is not having his orher palm greased by Big Pharma? Isn't it more important to them to protect the borders in Eutope?
It would resemble British Parlaiment. Nobody would show up...or everyone would walk out.
Money talks...money screams...money buys those dream machines...money's what it takes to make it rock.
The truth...in a political environment is always anathema.
Every Senator by now has had more than ample time to figure this out...but they are all being paid to shut up...and many likely believe the lie regardless. My family is full of such morons.
Pfizer and the other Israeli-based NWO bioweapons companies actually working as weapons companies for the Israeli NWO criminal terrorist government, with Israel acknowledged by military specialists to have perhaps the largest or second largest bioweapons development facilities in the entire world, told the UN WEF-complicit criminal terrorist-infiltrated governments exactly what results they could expect from these bioweapons long before they were even distributed by those governments. It is a matter of historical record that Pfizer told all governments of the same 'side-effects' that they subsequently wanted the same governments to keep secret for 75 years.
The results of their tests were long before already requested and approved by those Israeli-dominated governments.
That fact is often overlooked. It is no use appealing to your governments for a review, pure physical force is the only way to remove these scum, they are using pure physical force to kill or disable or sterilize all of us after all, but people like self-admitted Jewish tribal people like Alex Jones and Rima Laibow say whatever you do, don't physically fight, that is exactly what TPTB want you to do so they can start to hurt you say Rima Laibow and Alex Jones. People like Alex Jones and Rima Laibow, being die-hard Jews, never ever tell us that Israel and their intended NWO one world government being pushed by their WEF/UN front is behind this. They want us to keep still while we get killed, while playing the heroes.
We are being exterminated already, full stop, nothing short of, so what is there to lose? But one person will look pretty silly standing up in the street. I meet a lot of very intelligent people who have done the math, but they feel alone, that nobody is with them, the controlled MSM continually tells them so.
But how about millions all together make sure everybody has the knowledge and get the confidence, and coordinate to stand up together, we can only encourage all others to do that, the governments that are murdering us have the confidence to do that to us, they don't need lawful permission or our votes to do that, they even tell us that we voted for them when we did not, they just need their arrogance and conceited hatred and weaponized power enabled by stolen money through usurious banking to kill us all.
But Israel never did, it is all a psyop. You really need to watch this 13 minute video very carefully from beginning to end to see the truth of what I am saying, if you take your eyes off it just for a few seconds you may will miss very brief but very important pieces of footage showing you exactly what I am saying.
Only one patient, #9, lived 6 months. But people are dying 2+ years beyond the date of vaccination. And many are dying soom after 2nd & 3rd booster. More autopsies must be performed on these patients. One would expect much more internal destruction, further deterioration of affected organs, and of course, massive obstructions in vessels that take 6 months + to grow.
As someone who has suffered from Stills Disease brought in after a flu vaccination in 1990, I find these results consistent with what I experienced for years before MTX & Remicade calmed the autoimmune inflammation, which in turn allowed healing to occur long after the pathogen was gone. The manufacturer of the flu vax I got them was experimenti.g with pegylated lipid & spike protein vaccines in the late 80s. They stopped that line after so many soldiers were harmed by vaccines during Operation Desert Storm. Which coincidentally or not was the same period of time I got sick.
The inflammation, fevers, polyarthralgia, hyperferritinemia, vasculitis , liver & kidney injury to near failure, pericarditis, circulation issues likely due to blood coagulation & edema are all hallmarks of hyperinflation, oxidative stress due to autoimmunity. Millions suffer from ASIA syndrome, or autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants from prior traditional vaccines. What's different about Covid vaccines is the obstructive clot-like structures , turbo cancers and myocarditis killing young healthy individuals. The immune system has a limited number of tricks, so it isn't unexpected to see injuries from the Covid vaccines to be similar to those of other vaccines, toxins, poisons, & even venom.
Vaccines have always harmed a percentage of recipients. But billions got the same Covid vaccines at the same time with a high degree of focus on their reactions & symptoms. And this should be key to proving mRNA vaccines are dangerous, deadly, and need to be stopped, forever. Unfortunately, billions are being spent to hide the harm. There's just too much corruption & money involved. The solution is mass rejection of all vaccines and lawful elections to throw out corrupt tyrants before they can pass laws to inject everyone against their will. And to dissolve the agencies behind this plandemic.
I did have critics say to me if so, then where are the autopsies?? I was able to present this paper of 15 autopsies, here is proof positive that the Covid shots are deadly.
BioNTech, Pfizer, Moderna, DARPA, Fauci, Collins, Walensky, Biden, and many others (including Malone) who developed, mandated, and profited from mRNA-LNP (false) 'vaccines' have opened a Pandora's Box into the world.
It cannot be closed, as a genie cannot be put back in the bottle.
But humans must never again be subjected to medical/genetic experimentation and totalitarian rule by evil 'geniuses' and political fools.
The corrupt tresonous govt. doing unconstitutional evils towards us and Our USA WE HAVE THE RIGHTS TO STOP THEM SO UNITE TO FULFILL OUR OBLIGATION TO GOD AND OUR UNITED SATES OF AMERICA
Not clear from the article whether histopatholgical changes seen were related to autoantigenic 'spike' protein, or some LNP component, both identified as highly proinflammatory, or some other compositional batch variable component or inorganic agent. A key hall mark is variability of batch number and individual vial composition and synthetic polynucleotide inclusion, not to mention individual physiological/immunological variation. There is no generalisability to be seen here save the unpredictable, unsafe and ineffective nature of the shots.
Where were these experts three years ago? We were told that these mRNA medications have been in development for at least fifteen years. Certainly autopsies were performed on the lab rats during the trials. Wouldn’t these autopsies reveal the same results as the ones that are cited in this article?
Bhakdi was there 3 years ago just people did not pay any attention what he said. He did not need stats to prove that he is right he knew it ahead of time.
They did Randy. This is an old report first released in 2021. Of course it was banned in many places. Here is the accompanying video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHIT55iM4Zv9/
For those who want to learn more about the synthetic biology rabbit hole goes, watch the Celeste Solum modules on this topic. Just watched module 2: Module 2: Editing Food Using Synthetic Biology for Bondage and Occupation
Our food supply is being dismantled on many different levels. You are seeing the train derailments, the manufacturing and processing plants being taken out, farmers not able to acquire what they need such as fertilizer for commercial farming, and restructuring the plants for different functions using:
DNA Reading
DNA Writing
DNA Silencing
DNA Activation
What are the spiritual implications of Synthetic Biology in our food?
We will also be discussing how art plays a factor on the legality of changing the food you eat.
If food is not to eat, what are the new purposes of food?
See you today at Noon, Central Time with a LIVE Questions and Answer period after the presentation.
My humble thanks for your interest. Humanity is on the line.
Here is your link to the Synthetic Biology Webinar Module 2
Q&A will be conducted via the Rumble live stream chat
The MSM, health bureaucrats and mainstream scientists are attributing the recent increases in autoimmune disease, turbocancers, cardiac death and autoimmune disease to past covid infection and reinfection alone, seeking to exonerate the vaccines and potentially to lay the blame for the deaths and disease on you and others Dr. Alexander. Here, Walter M Chesnut implicates the vaccines in MS and cardiac death. He is calling for histology of the brainstem on all sudden cardiac deaths in those under 60.
An Urgent Update to the Global Demyelination Epidemic Hypothesis – Sudden Deaths/Long COVID explained?
The WHO website itself shows that COVID Vaccination can induce MS/AI against Myelin
The good Doctors and their study figure in the first post Undoing of Evil series, December of 2021--https://palexander.substack.com/p/bhakdi-and-burkhardt-on-covid-vaccines/comments. Also, Dr. Gburhardt is a principal in this from Stands the Human Being--https://www.ur1light.com/post/into-the-shots-dr-arne-burkhardt-dr-trozzi-and-the-german-working-group-dr-paul-marik. They’re like you, Paul--they keep going!
Draft Treaty Released! WHO DG Threatens The Next Pandemic Even Deadlier Than Covid Is Coming Demands "Enhanced International Cooperation" & Urges Sign The Pandemic Accord "A Generational Commitment"
There are no negotiations with terrorists. IOJ wrote & let the WHO & States know people don't want the Trojan horse treaty! The Great Reset Of Rule of Law & action to Sue The WHO are our only hope now
You are preaching to the choir! The Pfizer research showed over 1000 negative outcomes! These studies should be stacked up and be sent to our Congressman in DC and demand they stop the massive medical crime against American citizens! The truth tellers should be invited to present the facts to the Senators in a General Session.
Yep! Just bear in mind that this atrocity is being foisted on the entire western world. Our “leaders” like Scarf Lady and the Little Guy were just following their friends the Asians.
Right on. The origin of this bio weapon exercise began in the good old USA under Fauci guidance!
Yes. Both SARS-CoV-2 and the jabs.
Are you still thanking and admiring Malone? Especially as he and a few others in the MFM would have us sing kumbaya and not get caught up in the quagmire of anger in wanting accountability?
He is a dichotomy but his articles are reinforcing the fact we need to stop the injections!
Ok...but careful that what he and his mates are really saying is that we need to pause the injections. Recognize that he and others refuse to actually say that this was an intentional act....they prefer the bad actors (greed, negligence, etc.) in an administrative agency prone to poor management and big pharma capture. Sorry, but that approach actually stops way short of actually acknowledging what we are up against.
You maybe right that he has one foot in each camp!
So many millions took all for granted, didn’t do their due diligence and got lazy. Willingly rolled u their sleeves. Trusted the government, trusted medicine. I guess my former career in the AF and healthcare taught me a lesson or 2.
Hey I was right with all the willing back in 1976 and the Swine Flu debacle. I got my shot and immediately had a reaction consisting of giant angry red hives over 100% of my body. It took me nearly two years to recover. Even to this day I have repercussions like psoriatic arthritis. I have had zero flu shots since and really never had the flu. I don’t trust the medical establishment and I will never start.
Well the RINOs have control of the House. But is there a single one who is not having his orher palm greased by Big Pharma? Isn't it more important to them to protect the borders in Eutope?
It would resemble British Parlaiment. Nobody would show up...or everyone would walk out.
Money talks...money screams...money buys those dream machines...money's what it takes to make it rock.
The truth...in a political environment is always anathema.
Every Senator by now has had more than ample time to figure this out...but they are all being paid to shut up...and many likely believe the lie regardless. My family is full of such morons.
Pfizer and the other Israeli-based NWO bioweapons companies actually working as weapons companies for the Israeli NWO criminal terrorist government, with Israel acknowledged by military specialists to have perhaps the largest or second largest bioweapons development facilities in the entire world, told the UN WEF-complicit criminal terrorist-infiltrated governments exactly what results they could expect from these bioweapons long before they were even distributed by those governments. It is a matter of historical record that Pfizer told all governments of the same 'side-effects' that they subsequently wanted the same governments to keep secret for 75 years.
The results of their tests were long before already requested and approved by those Israeli-dominated governments.
That fact is often overlooked. It is no use appealing to your governments for a review, pure physical force is the only way to remove these scum, they are using pure physical force to kill or disable or sterilize all of us after all, but people like self-admitted Jewish tribal people like Alex Jones and Rima Laibow say whatever you do, don't physically fight, that is exactly what TPTB want you to do so they can start to hurt you say Rima Laibow and Alex Jones. People like Alex Jones and Rima Laibow, being die-hard Jews, never ever tell us that Israel and their intended NWO one world government being pushed by their WEF/UN front is behind this. They want us to keep still while we get killed, while playing the heroes.
We are being exterminated already, full stop, nothing short of, so what is there to lose? But one person will look pretty silly standing up in the street. I meet a lot of very intelligent people who have done the math, but they feel alone, that nobody is with them, the controlled MSM continually tells them so.
But how about millions all together make sure everybody has the knowledge and get the confidence, and coordinate to stand up together, we can only encourage all others to do that, the governments that are murdering us have the confidence to do that to us, they don't need lawful permission or our votes to do that, they even tell us that we voted for them when we did not, they just need their arrogance and conceited hatred and weaponized power enabled by stolen money through usurious banking to kill us all.
So.. explain to me why Israel embraced the injections and over 90% were injected!
But Israel never did, it is all a psyop. You really need to watch this 13 minute video very carefully from beginning to end to see the truth of what I am saying, if you take your eyes off it just for a few seconds you may will miss very brief but very important pieces of footage showing you exactly what I am saying.
See also
Only one patient, #9, lived 6 months. But people are dying 2+ years beyond the date of vaccination. And many are dying soom after 2nd & 3rd booster. More autopsies must be performed on these patients. One would expect much more internal destruction, further deterioration of affected organs, and of course, massive obstructions in vessels that take 6 months + to grow.
As someone who has suffered from Stills Disease brought in after a flu vaccination in 1990, I find these results consistent with what I experienced for years before MTX & Remicade calmed the autoimmune inflammation, which in turn allowed healing to occur long after the pathogen was gone. The manufacturer of the flu vax I got them was experimenti.g with pegylated lipid & spike protein vaccines in the late 80s. They stopped that line after so many soldiers were harmed by vaccines during Operation Desert Storm. Which coincidentally or not was the same period of time I got sick.
The inflammation, fevers, polyarthralgia, hyperferritinemia, vasculitis , liver & kidney injury to near failure, pericarditis, circulation issues likely due to blood coagulation & edema are all hallmarks of hyperinflation, oxidative stress due to autoimmunity. Millions suffer from ASIA syndrome, or autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants from prior traditional vaccines. What's different about Covid vaccines is the obstructive clot-like structures , turbo cancers and myocarditis killing young healthy individuals. The immune system has a limited number of tricks, so it isn't unexpected to see injuries from the Covid vaccines to be similar to those of other vaccines, toxins, poisons, & even venom.
Vaccines have always harmed a percentage of recipients. But billions got the same Covid vaccines at the same time with a high degree of focus on their reactions & symptoms. And this should be key to proving mRNA vaccines are dangerous, deadly, and need to be stopped, forever. Unfortunately, billions are being spent to hide the harm. There's just too much corruption & money involved. The solution is mass rejection of all vaccines and lawful elections to throw out corrupt tyrants before they can pass laws to inject everyone against their will. And to dissolve the agencies behind this plandemic.
I did have critics say to me if so, then where are the autopsies?? I was able to present this paper of 15 autopsies, here is proof positive that the Covid shots are deadly.
BioNTech, Pfizer, Moderna, DARPA, Fauci, Collins, Walensky, Biden, and many others (including Malone) who developed, mandated, and profited from mRNA-LNP (false) 'vaccines' have opened a Pandora's Box into the world.
It cannot be closed, as a genie cannot be put back in the bottle.
But humans must never again be subjected to medical/genetic experimentation and totalitarian rule by evil 'geniuses' and political fools.
The corrupt tresonous govt. doing unconstitutional evils towards us and Our USA WE HAVE THE RIGHTS TO STOP THEM SO UNITE TO FULFILL OUR OBLIGATION TO GOD AND OUR UNITED SATES OF AMERICA
Vaccination prooven useless and dangerous 1889 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/129_XwOZmev8iZkORtwm6VWES9DjSbXWw/view?usp=drivesdk
Not clear from the article whether histopatholgical changes seen were related to autoantigenic 'spike' protein, or some LNP component, both identified as highly proinflammatory, or some other compositional batch variable component or inorganic agent. A key hall mark is variability of batch number and individual vial composition and synthetic polynucleotide inclusion, not to mention individual physiological/immunological variation. There is no generalisability to be seen here save the unpredictable, unsafe and ineffective nature of the shots.
Where were these experts three years ago? We were told that these mRNA medications have been in development for at least fifteen years. Certainly autopsies were performed on the lab rats during the trials. Wouldn’t these autopsies reveal the same results as the ones that are cited in this article?
Bhakdi was there 3 years ago just people did not pay any attention what he said. He did not need stats to prove that he is right he knew it ahead of time.
I once knew a Laslo Toth who was an auto mechanic specializing in foreign cars. He was in western Pennsylvania. Interesting!
I own a foreign car and maintain it but I am located in Canada. In Penmsylvania there were many Hungarians.
I would have never thought that there could be two Laszlo Toths in the world!! 👨🏻🦳👍🏻
They did Randy. This is an old report first released in 2021. Of course it was banned in many places. Here is the accompanying video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHIT55iM4Zv9/
Didn't autopsies all but stop during the so-called pandemic?
I think they used 8 rats!
I can name 8 rats they should have used !
Me too!
Yes, they would and yes, they did. Check out the BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports. PDF version.
Have any Drs. talked about shingles and covid jab???
...on why no vaccine can ever work or are they safe and effective.
For those who want to learn more about the synthetic biology rabbit hole goes, watch the Celeste Solum modules on this topic. Just watched module 2: Module 2: Editing Food Using Synthetic Biology for Bondage and Occupation
Our food supply is being dismantled on many different levels. You are seeing the train derailments, the manufacturing and processing plants being taken out, farmers not able to acquire what they need such as fertilizer for commercial farming, and restructuring the plants for different functions using:
DNA Reading
DNA Writing
DNA Silencing
DNA Activation
What are the spiritual implications of Synthetic Biology in our food?
We will also be discussing how art plays a factor on the legality of changing the food you eat.
If food is not to eat, what are the new purposes of food?
See you today at Noon, Central Time with a LIVE Questions and Answer period after the presentation.
My humble thanks for your interest. Humanity is on the line.
Here is your link to the Synthetic Biology Webinar Module 2
Q&A will be conducted via the Rumble live stream chat
The government is killing off the buffalo and planning to put everyone in every country on a reservation (15 minute city).
The Buffalo couldn’t shoot back.
The MSM, health bureaucrats and mainstream scientists are attributing the recent increases in autoimmune disease, turbocancers, cardiac death and autoimmune disease to past covid infection and reinfection alone, seeking to exonerate the vaccines and potentially to lay the blame for the deaths and disease on you and others Dr. Alexander. Here, Walter M Chesnut implicates the vaccines in MS and cardiac death. He is calling for histology of the brainstem on all sudden cardiac deaths in those under 60.
An Urgent Update to the Global Demyelination Epidemic Hypothesis – Sudden Deaths/Long COVID explained?
The WHO website itself shows that COVID Vaccination can induce MS/AI against Myelin
The control group, the unvaxed, are proving the Covid infection cause of death & injury claims to be false.
So…PETA is winning! Vegans are the end game!
The good Doctors and their study figure in the first post Undoing of Evil series, December of 2021--https://palexander.substack.com/p/bhakdi-and-burkhardt-on-covid-vaccines/comments. Also, Dr. Gburhardt is a principal in this from Stands the Human Being--https://www.ur1light.com/post/into-the-shots-dr-arne-burkhardt-dr-trozzi-and-the-german-working-group-dr-paul-marik. They’re like you, Paul--they keep going!
Draft Treaty Released! WHO DG Threatens The Next Pandemic Even Deadlier Than Covid Is Coming Demands "Enhanced International Cooperation" & Urges Sign The Pandemic Accord "A Generational Commitment"
There are no negotiations with terrorists. IOJ wrote & let the WHO & States know people don't want the Trojan horse treaty! The Great Reset Of Rule of Law & action to Sue The WHO are our only hope now