It's not called the clot shot for nothing.

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These jabs were designed by sociopaths with malignant intent to create a stealth Holocaust.

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Dr Sucharit Bhakdi another ONE of OUR True "HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERO!" doctors4covidethics.org . Dr Burkhardt too

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The finding by Messrs Bhakdi et al from the autopsies done by Prof Burckhardt that: ..."The first thing to note is that the labelled vaccine shows up in the blood plasma after a very short time—within only a quarter of an hour", was , and I am not a scientist, if I am not mistaken EXACTLY what Dr Richard Fleming found from placing a sample of each jab directly into human blood many months ago- his slides show that after a very short space of time, clotting reactions are very visible ( with apologies to Dr F if my precis is too simplistic). Can it possibly be that Fauci and his "professional cronies" around the world - Farrar, Whitty, Vallance, van Tam in the UK for starters - are the "stinking dirty rats" heading for the few lifeboats available. Dr.P please keep well and keep going and may I request you do not hold back one iota when suggesting corrective measures for these Mengele clones?

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This should be shared widely. Descriptions, pictures all leading to proof that these were poisonous. What else can be added?

Most people, as long as the shot has not "hit home" will still deny this is happening. "well, I got so many doses and I'm fine, why bother"? Others knew the shots could harm or kill them but did it anyways to keep their job; others sacrificed themselves to be able to visit or care for loved ones. It was a hell of a carnage and a heavy cohercition game.

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I have two friends with serious cardio issues post jab -- not showing damage with the usual tests... but no doubt the inflammation has caused permanent damage to their vascular systems...

I will not be passing this along - nor this https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/sped-spike-protein-endothelial-disease

For obvious reasons.

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So sad... Thank you for the document. When will this stop?... If we don't suffer of actual heart diseases from the C0v infection or jabbs we're still heartbroken as we are witnessing people we love going downhill. I'm also on paranoid mode from shedding of others (and my husband's)... God bless you!

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OMG I was just wondering yesterday what happened to our wonderful Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. Can’t wait to read this substack, thank you.

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So does the same apply to natural infection?

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good ?.

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So sad our medical professions are so compromised that they would lie and say the spike stays in the injection site only, when it was known that it disseminated quickly from past trials. Amazing that so many trusted their government so heartily. It cost many their good health and way too many it cost their lives. Thank you for posting this very interesting proof of the experimental injections' harm. Bhakdi posted a video early that caught my attention and I thank him for warning people.

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In a world where science is well-respected and valued, this would be a "we got 'em".

In this crazy world, where science "is what we tell you it is, now shut up" - there is no guarantee.

But it takes a village.

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Thank you for this article. I will pass this along to the quadrashotted, who will promptly ignore me as they moan about "how everyone seems to be falling apart."

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This is great. Accessible to laypersons and all in one place. Super.

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Mitochondrial mutagenesis.

Damage to mitochondrial DNA leads to poor energy production within cells.

Cells unable to produce the required ATP needed for healthy protein synthesis cannot keep up with their regular function. They also pollute the environment with oxidative stress.

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..."This technology has failed and must be abandoned."...This is what long term trials and studies are for. The fact that trials were abandoned before marketing this unworldly substance, speaks of an extreme passion for earning profits no matter what and an extreme dispassion for life.

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Re your car accident.

Tyre blow outs causing catostrophic loss of control are as rare as hens teeth in rocking horse sh1t.

Keep away from door knobs.


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