How is this legal?

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sounds like treason

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The US government is illegal. It is not nation of laws, it is a nation of flaws and scoflaws.

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Yes, it appears that way. However, what if each and every "screw up" was carefully planned to the last detail?

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It's legal because they say so, and they have all the toys. Who do we have to fight that? Senator Bitch McCommie? He needs to get his estrogen level checked.

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A Marxist tenant is to capture all means of production.

China makes everything, the US is just a colony. The Marxists have won because we had Politicians like Bill Clinton.

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Exactly! America was always a producer. What an amazing country we once had. It is gone.

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Teachers don't teach, they indoctrinate lifestyle rather than the basic facts necessary to produce. Saw a man on the street interviewer. A college graduate didn't know which ocean surrounded the UK.

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My son showed me a tiktok video with a man-on-the-street interviewing college students who were clueless about basic information that used to be taught in social studies, government, and math classes in high school.

the public school he goes to in central Missouri gives 50% minimum grades to everyone enrolled even if they don't turn in work. Turning it all in wrong will still get you passed to the next grade.

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Knew it was bad, but had no idea. Because I'm always a conspiracy theorist, is this another WEF action toward the end game. A society with no skills to defend itself?

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Don't forget Senator bitch mc commie's wife's family is high CCP endorsing. Huge ship transportation owners...

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It isnt left vs right it is Globalists vs the Human.

However, it was Slick Willie who put China in the World Trad Organization and with that we started to feed the enemy. He thought if we gave China all our factories and money they would be our friend. Oops.

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Yup. I've lost respect for 99% of them. We need to get rid of the fossils. I'm one and knew when to quit. I think you're too kind to the clintonista. He was a criminal as governor and carried it into the WH. The only thing he knows is money, cover his arse, and how many women. To me the worst thing that happened was started by FDR, and finished by Nixon. Getting off the gold standard.

We've given up the ship. biden, mc connell, nancy and the rest of them.

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I agree. If they have been in office before covid fire them. Shun them. Ruin them.

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You are not a fossil as your thought is too quick for that.

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LoL, thanks. Maybe I should run for congress and turn it into Congress. Nah, rather sit home eating bonbons. Have a good one.

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China Joe and the Demopublican party are Chinese assets. We are held hostage to traitors and bury our heads in partisan cheers. From an FBI that is pro-Chinese to one stolen election to Biden unleashing espionage against US citizens 4 weeks before the election why anyone thinks we have legitimate governance is incomprehensible.

We are a nation of Quislings.

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BRAVO! I’ve been saying this for YEARS! I believe the United States of America is under foreign occupation. And it is our “own” countrymen who have sold our birthright. The only thing that hasn’t been accomplished yet, is disarming millions of Americans. Pathetic

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more "fresh hell"

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These animals in Government on both sides of the border are planning something. These Chinese police in Canada didn't get here by accident. MP here in Ontario Leslyn Lewis just posted papers showing Canadaians that Trudeau signed a contract with WEF for $105./million for Digital ID tracking for Canadian citizens. Not a Conspiracy Theory anymore. An actual signed contract.

So Trudeau hikes taxes by triple just this past week. Taking our monies, giving to WEF to track us with our own monies👿

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And tracking is just the beginning...

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No one is coming to save us…it’s up to us.

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This needs to be shut down now!

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Tell china to get their spy operations out of our country or we'll send them all to the moon on a rocket ship. Fed up with greedy, selfish, traitorous china infronging on our country!

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Who will tell China anything? Brain ded bye den and his useless son are up to their eye balls in debt to China. Senator Bitch mc commie's family is high ranking CCP useful US "tray tors"

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China is smarter than a fool who would allow spies on the ground. They have no police powers. They are spies.

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There is a lots of corruption in China. From high ranked govt people to bankers who stole citizens assets and ran away. Those are targeted. Some took hundreds of millions of rmb. Not talking about businesses who took loans for big projects and disappeared with the money. They must be held accountable in a way or other, in my opinion. No comments about the legal part, because I don’t know. It must be a convention between CN and all those countries. Besides, China does not allow double citizenship. Those may be targeted as well. My opinion.

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Here is the report from Safeguard Defenders on where ALL the Chinese police stations are


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Soon, we'll have a Chinese endorsed president.

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Only US law should have jurisdiction in the USA.

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If citizens had wanted to be monitored, they wouldn’t have moved!!!

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I doubt it is to monitor their citizens I believe it is to control and direct subversion to steal corporate secrets and undermine the US Constitution!

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We are under foreign occupation

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It is real as I took a photo of a chinese police station on Capel St Dublin.

How could this be legal? What about Chinese who have Canadian citizenship? Hong Kongers, who I have regularly demonstrated with AGAINST the CCP regime. What protections do they have when the CCP government does NOT recognise Chinese that are of other nationalities-ie Chinese born and who have Canadian citizenship. Where is there protection? What about the Uyghurs, Tibetans? The chinese police are CCP Public Security and are really heavy.

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They even extend the definition of Chinese to those who weren't born in China at all but had parents with Chinese citizenship.

There have been cases of intimidation of EU/USA/Commonwealth citizens of Chinese ancestry who spoke out against CCP policies. That's the appalling extent of the CCP's megalomania.

They truly believe all ex-pat and foreign born Chinese owe their allegiance and loyalty to China based on race alone.

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Yes and it shows you how insanely controlling these commies are. So we have to put pressure on our governments to kick these bastards out of OUR countries otherwise we are becoming more and more a vassal territory of China.

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I think it’s too late. Too many politicians are helping Chyna.

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Is the law. If they are foreign citizens cannot have the Chinese citizenship. Snowden got Russian citizenship and he is willing to keep the American one. So when he will come to the US he will be hold accountable for whatever of accusations against him.

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