BOOM! Dr. Alexander exactly right! WHO ARE THE GROWNUP IN THE GROUP? Who is standing with over 80 million of us, I am still looking! The only 1, I can see is PRESIDENT TRUMP. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO GET RID OF EVIL DEMONCRATS, RINOS AND WEAK KNEED REPUBLICANS, VOTE ALL OUT!

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exactly correct...its like a game

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Nailed it on getting rid of all 'Insiders'! The whole mess is corrupt.

Only, who do you vote for? The Two-Party Trade-off Trap has to be addressed, if a legitimate, Constitution/Bill of Rights-respecting, of/by/for the people democratic government is to be achieved.

NO multi-millionaires/billionaires in a government of your peers - and with nobody permitted to claim themselves 'above the law' to make themselves centi-millionaires/billionaires from the public purse and the abused rights, bodies and possessions of citizens.

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I've wondered that. Same for Bruce Willis.

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I sure hope the Trump’s have learned from good docs like you, & others, that the mRNA LNP clot shots are just as deadly as that bullet Donald dodged. This may very well be the way the get that family. Trump better wise up on the bio weapons program DARPA has goin on. Lest he end up falling on that sword. Jus sayin.

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Honestly Denise, knowing everything we’ve learned about these “clot shots”, I’m beginning to think Trump is either part of this entire destruction or he’s been so compromised. The fact that JD Vance is now his VP choice, makes me think, not only is Trump compromised but he was told who to pick as his VP.

Think about the connections JD Vance has to the bioweapon conglomerates? Not to mention, IMO, he came out of NOWHERE, the same way Obama did!

Yes Denise I agree with your statement about Trump. I would feel better if he Trump, came out and denounced these “Shots to the Heart” shots as I call them!

But nothing! Nobody can tell me there’s something far worse happening to America than the dots I’ve connected so far. And I’m a NOBODY!

Thanks Denise for shedding common sense to yes an easy to read common sense explanation.


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JD Vance is very good buds with Don Trump, Jr. This is who helped push JD to the VP position. Don Sr. is still surrounding himself with infiltrators who will expose all his strategies to their handlers. Kari Lake would never do this to Trump. He should’ve overridden his son, & made a better choice!

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Thank you Denise for filling me in. There’s so much, much! I can’t keep up with it all.

I watch part of a Shannon Joy video recently and she seems to be “poking the monster”! She didn’t have good things to say about JD Vance. I haven’t researched him much myself.

I thought the same way about Kari Lake.

Thanks Denise.


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Trump is the best choice for POTUS, but has had the mRNA shots too, including boosters. As well.as the injection, he has had the infection. Spike protein is not harmless. He must move rapidly to implement his program. I know people love Vance but he is not Trump. There is only one Donald J Trump. Time is is of the essence. As the poet Andrew Marvell said in '"To His Coy Mistress"

But at my back I always hear

Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie

Deserts of vast eternity.


Had we but world enough and time,

This coyness, lady, were no crime.

We would sit down, and think which way

To walk, and pass our long love’s day.

Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side

Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide

Of Humber would complain. I would

Love you ten years before the flood,

And you should, if you please, refuse

Till the conversion of the Jews.

My vegetable love should grow

Vaster than empires and more slow;

An hundred years should go to praise

Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;

Two hundred to adore each breast,

But thirty thousand to the rest;

An age at least to every part,

And the last age should show your heart.

For, lady, you deserve this state,

Nor would I love at lower rate.

But at my back I always hear

Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie

Deserts of vast eternity.

Thy beauty shall no more be found;

Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound

My echoing song; then worms shall try

That long-preserved virginity,

And your quaint honour turn to dust,

And into ashes all my lust;

The grave’s a fine and private place,

But none, I think, do there embrace.

Now therefore, while the youthful hue

Sits on thy skin like morning dew,

And while thy willing soul transpires

At every pore with instant fires,

Now let us sport us while we may,

And now, like amorous birds of prey,

Rather at once our time devour

Than languish in his slow-chapped power.

Let us roll all our strength and all

Our sweetness up into one ball,

And tear our pleasures with rough strife

Through the iron gates of life:

Thus, though we cannot make our sun

Stand still, yet we will make him run.

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again, you have saved your magnus opus for now...excellent post.

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Jul 20Edited

Are the flu shots destroying the elderly ? Statins too are devastating them. Stop those . Put them on Ivermectin and CoQ10 (the ubuquinol formulation which is bioavailable) instead.

Also. force the food companies to remove seed oils (canola oil and soybean oil which are actually lubricants for machinery) and fructose syrup from the food supply.

Seeing reports that ivermectin is reversing neurodegeneration. It should be available over the counter in pharmacies. Apparently in Mexico you can get it in vending machines. It is safer than tylenol or ASA

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flu shots never worked.

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And also stop the GMO proliferation. It’s as bad as the mRNA technology. They’re gearing up to destroy Mexico’s corn. Hundreds of heritage varieties that have Traditionally been around for centuries. These assholes are completely diabolical. They truly are evil & want to get rid of all that is good on this Earth!

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Add stop the chemtrails. Tennessee made it a law no spraying over their state.

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Oh yes! How could I forget? Our DS lackey, Gov. Greg Abbott, hasn’t outlawed this for Texas yet. He ain’t done poisoning us.

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Whatever Biden suffers from he deserves. That old saying about karma.

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Iat would be paradoxical if that sick mentally contorted son of a bitch Biden’s pareisis was further

exacerbated by the very shots he mandated-i hope he stays in to the bitter end -as the war in Ukraine would have never been had he allowed the 2018 accords to be signed, \however our fucking deep state ( that needs to be torn to shreds) interfered and he busted up that agreement

by giving the Ukraines false hope and used them for a surrogate t o destroy Russia- however from very accurate accounts in the Ukraine - the Russians will over run the Ukraine before the election-The Fucking US media Whores ‘“Owned and Pimped by the CIA”-Have put a BLANKET on any real reporting --- Where are those two Media Whores Bash and Amaaanp[our-- I will tell you -they were given marching orders to stay on “The Israeli story”-We need to DESTROY the 4the estate which has subverted it’s originql manifesto and has now become the “ AVOWED ENEMIY ENEMY OF THES PEOPLES OF THE US AND THE WORLD.

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Biden will be stepping aside from the race. Do not be fooled by the narrative games and take your eyes off reality. We are in a war today with the globalists and their minions in DC. Yesterday’s is likely a precursor to a grid down, major false flag attack in our country that will be likely blamed on Russia or Iran and will be used as an excuse to push us into WW3. The folks in charge are guilty of mass murder and the theft of trillions of dollars from the middle class. They will not allow a November election unless they are 100 percent confident they can steal it. We need the quiet diplomacy currently underway to quickly succeed and take away the war option from the globalists!

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Treating VaXX-injured people like they are disposable is like leaving wounded soldiers on the battlefield to die. Disgusting, dividing arrogance. No better than the perps. Self righteous hypocrites. Most vaXX victims are due to PROMOTED fear, ignorance and propaganda.

THAT’s not the victims crime. Where did you learn to be like that ? Find a mirror !

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You will never convince me the Joe Biden, or any other member of the World Economic Forum, actually took the poison death shot. It was created to safely kill us, not them. Joe Biden was a wackjob long before they rigged him into the White House.

Want Proof?.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-quyw6ys8Qk

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again, could be true, bottom line is he is in bad shape. its like asking grandpa who is declining to be POTUS...are we eff in insane. if Trump was in his condition I would say get him to fuck out of here

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If in fact Biden was being injected with this known

“Bioweapon injection”I must say, those around him are much stupider than I thought.

Then again, research has shown the SHOT causes swelling of the hippocampus. This can lead to various neurological deficits, of which Biden has been displaying for some time now. Who knows, as evil as his handlers are, why not use Joe as a guinea pig?

This would certainly explain why his mental state has been failing rapidly. Especially knowing what’s been reported about neurological degenerative disorders due to inflammation of the hippocampus.

Will we ever learn the truth about the past 4 years or so? Nope!Everything has been a lie! Starting with, Biden winning, Covid lockdowns, the borders, J6, Ukraine, Israel, Russia, Trump indictments and most recently the assassination attempt on President Trump. And there are plenty more, including inflation, quantitative easing and on and on and on it goes!

Think about how many people are involved in covering up everything happening? The number of people involved, astonishing!

It would not surprise me one bit if in order to get the “full tank of gas” out of Joe Biden, give him another “Bioweapon Boost”!Nothing shocks me with these people! Not ONE THING!

If Congress gave a damn about America, both parties would come to an agreement as to what to do with Biden. Two years ago!Obviously Congress, neither party, gives a rats ass about America, nor are they interested in protecting Americans!

Biden has been nothing more than,

“A means to an end”! America is being dismantled, systematically destroyed. Every tool in the shed is being used, on multiple fronts.

So why not give Joe another “Bioweapon Injection”? He doesn’t even know he’s shitting himself, so what the heck?

At times, I feel humiliated to say I’m an American! And here’s why, everything I wrote here this morning. This in and of itself should never happen in America! I’m embarrassed and ashamed I can’t do a damn thing about the “state of the state” America is in today! It is absolutely humiliating!

Remember this, “We’re in it together”? Blow it out your rear! I am so sick and tired of being lied to while America is being destroyed! And show should everyone!

Thank you Dr Alexander, we truly need to “Stick it to the man”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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thank you AJR, some valuable inside information here. Looks like we the people are often on our own...the power of the purse is key and thats the role of congress and to wield it as needed. these pukes wield it for themselves...making inside backdoor deals. not for us the people.

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Exactly Dr Alexander! Which should perturb every American Citizen!

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Another brilliant way of saying it from Dr. A-“does not matter to the political putrid class and games that IMO, is comprised and played by often a den and cabal of thieves in the congress”

-Congress is mostly comprised period.

-Congress has more than enough skeletons in the coffers they steal from

-Congress needs to have one term


Oh what a tangled web of lies,

deceit, corruption and even murder plots are born in the halls of Congress.

Malone has his story he must stick to just like the SS bitch director must stick with in the sloped roof comments which is why 🇺🇸WTP must keep the spotlight on these people who are responsible for harming and killing innocent people who they are sworn to protect.

Like I said before “BRING IN THE MARINES”

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comprised? or compromised?

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Jul 20
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you have a point--comprised of and compromised by

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Politics has always been a dirty game - but we are seeing new levels being reached over the past few years.

Anyone with an example of "the perfect politician", please share. Until we find THAT person, Trump is clearly our nation's best hope - and a fine choice. The guy cares, imo.

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What is Trump's current stand on the mRNA "vaccines"? I need to know before I think of voting for him.

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he must not anymore state it was beneficial...COV ID nor vaccine weas mentioned at the RNC...that weas a decision made and folk like me had to abide. but it was wrong. all I have to say at this time for we are here due to that. you raise a good point.

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Jul 20
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Totally agree! Scary part is who has the "codes"......

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Jul 20
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could be correct too...

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The real elites do not consider those who we think of as 'elite', as actual elites. British/Thai Royal Families as an example, Biden + congress members as another.

They're dropping like Pflies.

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