ile, in levels of senility, POTUS Biden could barely walk off the stage, this is so embarassing and catastrophic and our enemies will poke now! we are now shown to be vulnerable
The blithering nitwit gig is part of the show to distract you Americans and the West, while the real biz of money, pharma, media and the death machine of war marches on inexorably.
The USA is one big Matrix movie.
Matrix to the Max, and Max is mad as fuck.
Problem is - real flesh and blood people die on account of US weapons sales and supplies in the Ukraine, Russia, Gaza and the West Bank, Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, etc. etc.
However, the world is and always has been built on the backs of slaves.
They used to be nigga slaves.
Fast forward 500 years, modern wage slaves are in the West.
The keyboard warriors who type furiously, thinking it matters.
Look at your dwindling bank balance.
At the every increasing costs of living.
Covid injections won't kill that many, despite what Paul et al say.
Starvation, lack of access to real medical care, unemployment, bankruptcy, drug abuse, alcoholism, domestic violence, crime, and suicide will kill 100,000 fold more.
Sci-fi and FX are played out non-stop the moment you look at your smartphone.
They have told so many blatant lies and they think we have believed them all. They have to be delusional to think anybody believes Biden is mentally intact.
Yes, just pick every word in the dictionary that describes treason, corruption, racist, demonic, pedophile and a sexual predator and you capture this man’s personality!!
I agree about his chronic stupidity, etc (look below in comments) but that goes for all the puppets that have been the presidents and other paid off minions of the monsters who have been controlling OUR country (for that matter the world) for over a century. My question is: is he really demented or is he being drugged to be that way? These monsters always have a plan a few steps ahead. They often show us that plan, too, in their words or videos (Event 201).
To answer your specific question, I'd say he really is demented _and_ he is being drugged to be minimally functional. Without those drugs, he would be non-functional.
I think democrats cant move him as cant chance Madame VP giggles and cackles, and republicans want him there to run against, to run on..this is why the American people are the losers, we have 2 parties that are high crime bandits
They will have stand in body doubles, AI virtual computer recreations, and animatronic puppets, all ready to go. They will not let the 'real' Joe Biden out
We definitely know Obama is he puppet master and like a number of his close communist associates…Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice and like there is some Soros input! He bragged about his third term. He stayed in Washington for that reason.
I consider Jarrett and Rice to be Obama's direct handlers, with more powerful globalist forces behind them. Obama is not bright enough to be puppet master but he serves as their figurehead for obvious reasons.
The mere fact that Biden was boasting about dedicating a total of five hours to answering DOJ questions about his unauthorized possession of documents during the two days after the October 7 attack in Israel is clear evidence from Biden's own mouth, on camera, that his presence and 'leadership' during a major international event is unnecessary.
His handlers were likely relieved he was out of the room while the grown-ups were discussing the U.S. response.
A U.S. President in command of his senses would have postponed the interviews to attend to the crisis at hand.
Biden does not exist.
He is a hologram churned out by AI.
The blithering nitwit gig is part of the show to distract you Americans and the West, while the real biz of money, pharma, media and the death machine of war marches on inexorably.
The USA is one big Matrix movie.
Matrix to the Max, and Max is mad as fuck.
Problem is - real flesh and blood people die on account of US weapons sales and supplies in the Ukraine, Russia, Gaza and the West Bank, Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, etc. etc.
However, the world is and always has been built on the backs of slaves.
They used to be nigga slaves.
Fast forward 500 years, modern wage slaves are in the West.
The keyboard warriors who type furiously, thinking it matters.
Look at your dwindling bank balance.
At the every increasing costs of living.
Covid injections won't kill that many, despite what Paul et al say.
Starvation, lack of access to real medical care, unemployment, bankruptcy, drug abuse, alcoholism, domestic violence, crime, and suicide will kill 100,000 fold more.
Sci-fi and FX are played out non-stop the moment you look at your smartphone.
It's way too late to turn back.
You can only save yourself.
Do you have the balls to?
Or are you full of shit just like all the rest?
They have told so many blatant lies and they think we have believed them all. They have to be delusional to think anybody believes Biden is mentally intact.
Actually, there are too many ill-informed, naive "independent" voters who don't know how stupid Biden always was and how senile he now is.
You left off racist and corrupt! Yet they don’t like Orange Man bad!
And perverse….
Of stupid, senile, racist, corrupt, and perverse the one with the biggest negative impact for the world is corrupt.
Yes, just pick every word in the dictionary that describes treason, corruption, racist, demonic, pedophile and a sexual predator and you capture this man’s personality!!
I agree about his chronic stupidity, etc (look below in comments) but that goes for all the puppets that have been the presidents and other paid off minions of the monsters who have been controlling OUR country (for that matter the world) for over a century. My question is: is he really demented or is he being drugged to be that way? These monsters always have a plan a few steps ahead. They often show us that plan, too, in their words or videos (Event 201).
I agree with your main point.
To answer your specific question, I'd say he really is demented _and_ he is being drugged to be minimally functional. Without those drugs, he would be non-functional.
Interesting perspective. Wouldn't surprise me what they would do.
On the upside he found his way off the stage all by himself.
They gave him the good drugs for this one.
its embarassing, I dont want us to make fun, no, but this is very serious.
I think democrats cant move him as cant chance Madame VP giggles and cackles, and republicans want him there to run against, to run on..this is why the American people are the losers, we have 2 parties that are high crime bandits
They will have stand in body doubles, AI virtual computer recreations, and animatronic puppets, all ready to go. They will not let the 'real' Joe Biden out
in public much longer.
our enemies know that the pResident is just a figurehead anyway.
The Press is now asking questions about his "diminished capacity." BIG change there.
Who told the press it was okay to now do this? This was supposed to be another one of those taboo, off-limits topics.
Apparently not anymore.
Who are our real rulers going to pick to replace this guy ... before November?
We definitely know Obama is he puppet master and like a number of his close communist associates…Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice and like there is some Soros input! He bragged about his third term. He stayed in Washington for that reason.
I consider Jarrett and Rice to be Obama's direct handlers, with more powerful globalist forces behind them. Obama is not bright enough to be puppet master but he serves as their figurehead for obvious reasons.
It makes sense. They were there during Obama’s so called real terms!
If I'm not mistaken, I seem to recall Jarrett actually lived at the White House.
I believe so, but I wasn’t 100% sure!!! That says a lot right there!
I'll get back to you to confirm after I verify my memory of that later today.
This is the archived Daily Mail article I recalled:
The mere fact that Biden was boasting about dedicating a total of five hours to answering DOJ questions about his unauthorized possession of documents during the two days after the October 7 attack in Israel is clear evidence from Biden's own mouth, on camera, that his presence and 'leadership' during a major international event is unnecessary.
His handlers were likely relieved he was out of the room while the grown-ups were discussing the U.S. response.
A U.S. President in command of his senses would have postponed the interviews to attend to the crisis at hand.
New science explaining so much intransigent stupidity
At the DNC Convention in Chicago, Brandon and Harass will be replaced by some combination of M. Obama, G. Newsom, and G. Whitmer.
And we all know if they pick Michael it will really be Ovomits 4th term!
There have been many.