On day 1 of Biden open borders every person in Congress should have stood and processed treason charges against the American h ateing resident in our White House. What is wrong with all of us as we watch and do nothing? Dereliction of duties - all of them.

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And canada. Don’t forget Canada is a safe haven for terrorists.

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Peter and all,

Thank you for your continuing great work educating Americans, presenting solid TRUTHS before it is too late to ‘cut the snake off at the head!’

We ALL want the global psychopaths prosecuted, right?

HOW? Unity!

WHY? This is what your enemy fears most!

Is it past time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to support these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival?



2. DEPRIVATION OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW statute…ALL our rights were crushed the past 3 years, right?

Do you know your rights? If not, then you have NO rights!


Aren’t these 2 critical issues highest priority to get right for America AND future generations?

Good always wins over evil…ONLY if you UNITE and do something!

P.S. I pray for ALL brave persons like you and Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) everyday!

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All of this administration should be brought up on treason charges. That use to bring the death penalty.

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Far more than 10 million Vaticans have run the border, flown here, etc., and look at Pedo's support system, all added to the 40 trillion debt, meanwhile the POS threatens medicare and social security for the elderly. With over 800 US military bases around the world guarding oil flows and over 6000 military bases domestically, employing the very few in numbers of young Americans and I'm not counting all the National Guardsmen employed by each State. Point being is that our kids are directly controlled by our military and our military is controlled by CFR/Tri and all controlled by Bilderbergs. Look at Pedo as a picture of a Bilderberg Lackey. Add to that photo his entire Freak Show of Anti Christ pukes.

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They’re forming armies inside our borders. Some time before the election next year, they will be deployed to commit terrorism throughout the country. Then will come the “terrorism lockdowns” -- you will need to get a pass from the government app helpfully installed on your phone without your consent to be able to leave your home. Get caught without the pass and you will get sent to a “terrorism quarantine camp” until you can prove your innocence. White people will be especially suspect and subject to preemptive confinement. Guns will be confiscated.

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https://www.cf.org/news/bush-obama-clinton-team-up-with-american-express-to-fly-migrants-into-american-communities/ Obama, Bush and Clintons are flying them in too. A non-governmental organization (NGO) founded by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama and backed by a litany of multinational corporations is teaming up with American Express to fly migrants into the United States.

The NGO, called Welcome.US, was initially launched to work with President Joe Biden’s administration in resettling some 85,000 Afghans across the U.S. in 2021 and 2022, as Breitbart News reported extensively at the time.

For its Afghan operation, the NGO helped fly close to 20,000 Afghans to American communities funded by millions raised from donations and supported by corporate backers like Walmart, Airbnb, the New York Times, the Business Roundtable, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Starbucks, the Washington Post, Goldman Sachs, Goodwill Industries, Microsoft, and Chobani.

The NGO also has ties to billionaire George Soros, as members of his Open Society Foundation sit on the group’s “National Welcome Council.”

Now, the NGO is teaming up with the open borders group Miles4Migrants as well as American Express Global Business Travel to fund flights to American communities for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine, and Nicaragua.

“Donations are needed to fund the flights for newcomers to travel to the United States,” the initiative’s webpage states:

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