
I told you, the left wants 45 dead....and not afraid to say it

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I believe this action could be considered murder. I think the American people would recognize this as a coup d'État!

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We certainly don't want it to go that far!

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they will, we need stop them

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Actor Jon Voight described Donald Trump as a great, possibly the greatest US president.

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could be...he was Jan 20, 2020...could be again, based on next moves

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I concur :-) Love Jon Voight!

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If Joe's the best the Dems had to offer and the US chose to install him, as happened when he purportedly got 81 million votes and was then inaugurated, it follows that if he gets replaced by another Dem that the replacement will be America's second best.

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I get your point. As a matter of fact, the UK just did that, yesterday.

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ha ha ha

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You mean the color black. Just like JOE didn't fairly select a SCJ. Now, we are

stuck with Ketanji Jumanji. She's illegitimate and also related to Paul Ryan.

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Ketanji is related to a backstabbing RINO? I wouldn't wish that one anyone.

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She's no better in her own way!

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JOE wasn't the first Best, so how can you there be a second Best?

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When you vote in a primary or a general election do you not vote for the best?

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Sometimes, you have to pick the lesser of the two evils.

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So? And what , if anything, do you think they will do.

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That's the truth! They didn't do anything when LBJ took our silver. When LBJ made us register our guns,nothing happened.

When Clinton banned assault weapons Nothing happened Trump? If they take him out publicly, nothing will happen.

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The coup d'Etat occurred on Jan 6.

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Just spoke with some folk in Europe. They are fascinated by what's happening in the US. They can't stop laughing about Biden. Common comments: "There but for the grace ..." and "342 million people and he's the best America can come up with?"

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I live there and I'm not laughing. Being attacked by your 'ally', which has launched two bio-weapons, the latter much more dangerous than the former, at us is no laughing matter.

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You Europeans had it coming to you and have to be annihilated because of what Germany and Austria did under the Nazis back during the 1930s and 1940s and because your continent is full of whitey seems to be the thinking.

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I live here,and I'm laughing as well !!!

Any drunk on skid row could do a better job !! 😃 😀 😄 😁

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Demonic possession is destroying their brains.

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I think the Secret Service should pay a visit. Funny, I've read the SCOTUS decision, and only someone with stage 4 brain syphilis could come to his conclusion. If anything, presidents now have LESS immunity.

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It's what Judge Sotomayer suggested only of course, she couched it in terms of something Trump would do. Just like the hag Maxine Waters claiming that there would be violence following the election. All things that the Dems will do. Why people haven't figured out that the Dems show their hand every time by projecting all their evil deeds/thoughts onto conservatives shows how dumb we really are. We just sit on our hands and do nothing.

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they are talking burning US down if he wins, Nov 5th...we must be prepared to defend her, USA

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And they won't certify the results either. It's a regime they are protecting and themselves- not democracy.

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How interesting. The damned CYSTem here in canuckistan chases around and harasses gun owners but sets free a member of the 13% of society responsible for violent crimes in an amount of committing over half of all violent crime. Dat beese racissss. Gotta be woke, set em free to rape, rob, murder again. Once again I volunteer to erase this pos with no muss or full if the CYSTem agrees to lend me per execution a 9mm pistol loaded with a sub sonic bullet and expenses. Guaranteed a clean and painless execution


As to the murder of POTUS that would require the death penalty.

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Does it matter, when he's gone? We couldn't bring JFK back.

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Yes it matters for the restoration of penalties for guilty criminals.

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Nah,just crucifie the lot of them.

Why wait?

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I am swayed by your logic. They are all net liabilities for sure.

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I don't know who this Sisson moron is but the ruling allows nothing of the sort. Murdering your political opposition doesn't qualify as an official act under the Constitution and even if it did, neither Seal Team Six or any other uniformed Military personnel need follow a clearly illegal order. They would be called on to flip the script and arrest the fool who gave the order. That's assuming we still have a few good men left in the Military.

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I honestly don't think this will happen.

It's too messy. The guys in charge like doing things with a planned fall guy.

If they did it,Iran or Russia would be blamed.

Let's say Joe is really that nuts.

They take Trump down.

What do you think the Plebs will do about it?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

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How can murdering the opposition be an official Presidential act?

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It's for the good of the country. "To preserve our democracy.", aka, regime.

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Big time SMH. IDIOTS.

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Why are they building FEMA camps all over the United States???


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Trump is still the Commander-in-Chief. He can send Seal Team 6 out to take care of JOE.

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hhhmmm, very interesting

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