Biden INVADED America with Obama, these two working hand in hand to destroy America IF we let them; we have illegals who are rapists, jihadists arriving at the border, no vaccines needed now MEASLES!
Yes, Chicago Department of Public Health reports three new cases now for a total of 8 under Biden & his insane illegal invasion of USA; no papers, no checks, no vaccines, COME ON IN! shelter in Pilsen
Measles ‘among the new arrivals shelter in Pilsen as the agency continued to coordinate a comprehensive, city-wide response to the first measles cases in Chicago in five years.’
You illegals, just come on in, bring your rape mind, you jihadist intent, your murderous intent…those among you, bring it, bring all the filthy diseases and yes, the illegals bring massive disease for they are allowed to but a LEGAL immigrant need to take their balls out and allow the public health department to massage it, you need prostate examines, cervical exams, all kinds of invasive exams, chest x-rays, all kinds of vaccines to get in…yet illegals can come in and bring diseases that end up killing Americans…
you leftist freaks…you RINOs, you Bush POTUS, you Obama, you Clinton, you destroyed America and now we have to save her…yes, you too Ted Kennedy, dead or alive, you Ted fucked America good in 1965, the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.
This is why we need Trump, to find each illegal the last 30 years and deport them in full, 20 million if you have to, all…and close the border for 10 years…no more immigration…legal or otherwise until we get a handle on the madness Ted Kennedy et al. started.
‘During debate on the Senate floor, Senator Ted Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the Act, said, "our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset."[33]’
Give all thanks to the madness we face to The Lion of The Senate, Ted Kennedy, who helped fuck America, along with Kopechne…go ask Ted…ask him if he stands by his words today…
It is not just those two. They are the current puppets in place. This has been going on for over 100 years.
Agreed. We have been warned by our “enemies” that we will be destroyed from within, by using our system and institutions. Well, they weren’t sh*tting!