It is not just those two. They are the current puppets in place. This has been going on for over 100 years.

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Agreed. We have been warned by our “enemies” that we will be destroyed from within, by using our system and institutions. Well, they weren’t sh*tting!

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It just goes to show. The Clowns we have elected in the past elections were a bunch that "ALL HATED US". Many of us lost jobs, bank accounts , homes and our Health because of the Tyrants making mandatory what has done nothing to curb the so called Covid Ilness. They claimed Covid was SO SO BAD creating FEAR everywhere, just so they could make record Dollar$ on a useless injection. It seems, the more they claimed to know, actually, the less they really knew. Seriously!!!

"YET" record numbers from outside, are streaming into our Countries with not even any proof they are healthy.

WHAT HATRED! WHAT IGNORANT B S! WHAT CRUELTY! Only to further their own Bank Accounts. We must Never forgive or forget what these have done!!!

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Obama and Macron have a lot in common. Can’t wait for that shoe to drop.

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americans love joe. he got more votes than obama and with only one bellweather county!

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The INVASION has only begun - in Canada and the U.S.. It's too late...they have already infiltrated our countries; just as Klaus Schwab's "Young Global Leaders" have infiltrated our governments! I can assure you that TURDeau has already sold out Canada and signed all the treaties/agendas, of the WHO, WEF and UN: "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty", "The Great Reset" and "Agenda 2030"!!! Would anyone care to challenge those statements? I know exactly what I'm talking about.

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Today's politicians in the UNIPARTY are a product of 53 years of our Dollar having NO GOLD to back it up. Fire up the printing presses and devalue the Dollar some more. Freedom has been Bastardized to the point of Compromise. The USA I grew up in was Killed In Action by Inside Traitors. #EndAPECnow #FreedomBastardized is #FreedomCompromised #FreedomIsNotFree

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Get rid of work visas also. That’s a back door to citizenship and it takes jobs away from Americans. Why should young people be interested in math and science when we all see what the big corps are doing - bribing in visa holders to undercut us workers plus many of us are forced to work with them and can not understand anything they say - they are NOT fluent in English and if they don’t do the work we get stuck with it. 100% true story from working in this environment since 2017! Enough Is enough!

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Dr. Alexander, can you get this information to people so they can investigate it and expose this?

I’m wondering if I got a bad illness from the illegal aliens being flown into our towns? Southern, small towns . I’m so sick ! With diarrhea that I got rid of by taking probiotics then to two days later started fever bodyaches headache , ears hurt, ribs back joints hurt, chills and fever for 4 days and still going. Now I have started sneezing. What the hell kind of plague is this?

I flew to Alexandria, Louisiana. England Airpark, that used to be England Air Force Base. But the Democrats closed down many of the Air Force bases years ago . The airport there is known for the “department of homeland security” (yeah right) flying in illegal aliens in large unmarked white passenger jets every evening. I saw the planes in the air and the people I talked to there talked about seeing the planes every day fly in roll into the hanger, unload and buses rollout with illegals, distributing them all over southern small towns. and the citizens are mad about it but nobody’s doing anything. The people said they know people who work at the airport for The Department of Homeland Security as nurses and they process illegal aliens into Alexandria, Louisiana every day .

Louisiana has also the largest amount of farmland owned by Bill Gates . Lots of people have cancer there too. Everybody we know has cancer. There’s lots of farmland and I’m sure they’re big Pharma big agriculture WEF depopulation corporations are spraying Monsanto glyphosate Roundup all over the fields; therefore the people.

When I was at the airport, I saw a big, unmarked, white passenger jets pulled into a hanger emptying the people so you couldn’t see them in the hanger and then Buses driving them to drop them off in various parts of the country,.

So I wonder if I got some bad illness from these illegals that are coming from 150 different countries including the Middle East and China? It’s hard to wrap your head around that our tax dollars are taken from us and used to do an invasion of our country with fighting age males to the tune of 10 million since Biden was put in office and before that there’s 40 million and it’s all to change the votes. They are given free phones we pay for with unlimited free money on them when they run out more money is downloaded onto the phones and then the phones have apps that tell them where to go and what to do if they need a protest somewhere they tell them where to go and have the pallets of bricks there ready for the riot. One of my friends works for the department of security at the airport as a nurse and says she processes illegals into the country. We took these pictures at the airport. I saw those white unmarked jets in the sky every day.

I have pictures of the unmarked, white passenger Jets in the hangers unloading illegal aliens.

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Watch this video. It explains a lot. https://odysee.com/@HealthImpactNews:1/Trump-Border-Policy:4

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You are a master analyst; Trivium.

What is your take on Dr. Peter McCullough?

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Who would have thought? A black man and a dementia patient destroying the USA.

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I'm the only gringa in my local Ross Store. But I love the prices

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