Nuland is one of the most evil vile wicked women on earth. What she said is a threat to kill Trump. She is the woman from the Bush admin who was instrumental in orchestrating the color revolution in Ukraine, the Maidan Revolution, under Obama. That was when the US deep state took over Ukraine.

They will not stop with their evil plans. Pray fervently for America, and for protection for all patriots and our President Trump.

These traitors must be brought to justice, tried for treason, and face the ultimate penalty.

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excellent post

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Buckle up! May God continue to protect President Trump. While at it, spread some of that over JD Vance as well.

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yes, nice post

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Trump who did the covid lockdown, Trump who was friends with Jeffrey Epstein until they have a little quarrel over some real estate. Trump who goes to the world economic forum and says Claus Schwab is doing a great job. Trump would resealed the JFK files. Trump who sends billions of dollars to Israel while they're committing a genocide. Trump who has cheated on all of his wives and been married several times already. Trump who was listed as a defendant in the Jeffrey Epstein case with a credible accuser claiming he took advantage of her as a teenage girl. Trump who lied about draining the swamp. Trump who never locked her up. Trump who's entire cabinet were mossad agents. Trump who was a reality television star for a giant corporation for more than a decade. Trump who went to the wailing Wall and wore the small hat. Trump who is the very essence of the deep state. Trump who's own child is vaccine injured and yet pushed a shot on the population that causes children to have heart attacks. Trump who never went to bat for his supporters on January 6th. Seems more likely that Lucifer is protecting Trump.

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Biden owes it to the American people to stay the course and face Trump in the election. Now is not the time to cut and run. The idea that he should retire undefeated and allow a more youthful Democrat to take on Trump during their honeymoon period without Biden's baggage is wrong. It would be a mistake to go along with what Schumer and Schiff and Pelosi are urging.

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there is sage in this post

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Absolutely positively 1000% YES Awake, you’re correct!

This situation has been contrived for simple reasons. Allow Obama to complete his destructive

“Fundamental Transformation of America”!

Biden has been nothing short of a complete “HACK”! A “GRIFTER”! Since his first photo op with his two young sons in the hospital room after his first wife and one year old daughter were killed in a car accident. Which was Biden’s wife’s fault!

Regardless, this man, this horrendously stupid, horribly corrupt, demonstrably evil “bag of unknown particulate matter” must “STAY IN THE RACE”! Then again, only cowards bailout! Only cowards run! Only cowards retreat when it matters most!

Allowing and or forcing this evil monster to step aside points directly to how little these so called democrats care about America!

They allowed him to stay for three years, now they’re on the brink of losing their collective powers and want him out!


Thank you Awake for your perspective.


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yes, I agree fully and was going to push something like that but now wont for you 2 did a great thing here

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way better

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You know Dr Alexander, I find everything happening since lockdown has been a “smoke and mirrors” SS!

Believe me, regardless of how much these monsters want to throw at the wall, or is thrown at the “walls of America”, I will fight back even harder!

All of us must fight back and not allow this to continue. My problem isn’t, love for country, my simple understanding of “right and wrong”isn’t either. My problem is not being able to do much more than inform others.

When I think about how much destruction has been inflicted on Americans, it infuriates me to no end! Infuriating yes, although this is an understatement!

The best country on earth, though never perfect, is being systematically taken apart! Why?

So a bunch of Marxist ideologues can say “I did that”? FUZK off! Enough already! This is exactly why I can’t see any sort of peaceful solution.

I pray Dr Alexander Americans do not have to go down this road! It’s seems clear, our enemies are and have “turned their backs” on America and have “Pointed their Weapons” directly inward!

Inside the minds of our enemies,“We the People” are the problem! Our constitution is a problem, millions of armed Americans are the problem!

I disagree wholeheartedly! No, “We the People” are the solution to an enormous problem, the “Haters Of America” have caused! Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of his criminal gangsters are the problem!

The “state of the state” our great America is presently faced with is “unrecognizable”! We’ve never been so close to such an abomination of all aspects we’ve come to know about our incredible nation!

If this continues to go “unchecked” as it has for so long there may not be any solution other than to concede! And I mean concede to our “enemies” terms, not ours! Yes everything is negotiable, our present situation may completely debunk such a statement.

Thank you Dr Alexander. God bless you Sir and your family!


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So, it's just fine, if these 3 devils stay, but throw JOE out with the wash.

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no we saying keep Joe...I am convinced.

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You think JOE will stay? Dr. Jill won't let him go?

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Trump who did the covid lockdown, Trump who was friends with Jeffrey Epstein until they had a little quarrel over some real estate. Trump who goes to the world economic forum and says klaus Schwab is doing a great job. Trump who resealed the JFK files. Trump who sends billions of dollars to Israel while they're committing a genocide. Trump who has cheated on all of his wives and been married several times already. Trump who was listed as a defendant in the Jeffrey Epstein case with a credible accuser claiming he took advantage of her as a teenage girl. Trump who lied about draining the swamp. Trump who never locked her up. Trump who's entire cabinet were mossad agents. Trump who was a reality television star for a giant corporation for more than a decade. Trump who went to the wailing Wall and wore the small hat. Trump who is the very essence of the deep state. Trump who's own child is vaccine injured and yet pushed a shot on the population that causes children to have heart attacks. Trump who never went to bat for his supporters on January 6th. Seems more likely that Lucifer is protecting Trump. Hallelujah? 😅😅😅

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I think we have more terrorists in our sites, Ms. Nuland should now join those ranks. She has done or implemented many corrupt things and is now threatening that President Trump will not be president? Really, put her on treason list!

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It does look like Biden might step down or maybe he will get 'complications' following his latest COVID diagnosis but wouldn't it be better if he stayed the course from Trump's perspective? I am worried the Dems will bring in someone like Michelle Obama at the very last minute to capitalise on the 'honeymoon period' effect. The media will portray her as an angel, who never, ever wanted to serve but selflessly, after witnessing the attempt on Trump's life, she feels an obligation so steps up to save her country from chaos. She will restore calm and reason and, more importantly, she represents hope itself bathing in the light of the idea of a first black female president. She wants a safer country for all, including Trump. I can see the headlines now. People might just fall for it because a lot of people don't think and those that do won't have time to think too much, thus making the election more of an emotional choice and a less obvious rig.

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If Dems pick the Michigan Witch, they will get hundreds of millions in free advertising from the corrupt media. They will turn her into Wonder Woman.

Joe is only thinking that Kamala should be the nominee (if he steps down) but that isn't what Dems have planned.

Jill Biden must stand by her Joe.

Gavin Newsom would stab Joe in the back, after publicly saying dozens of times, he stands by Joe Biden.

And polling is not accurate at this time with 68% of Dems saying they want Joe to step aside, but all 68% would vote for Joe over Trump.

In the meantime, why can't people figure out that something is wrong when people who have had 5-6 Injections, are still being infected with Covid variants?

I don't see Trump getting Covid again? He should have robust natural immunity like I have (although I never was fooled to get a single injection).

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Don't forget Illinois governor JB Pritzker the Hyatt billionaire has been doing speaking engagements. He wants to be President and has his own money plus he's a WEF member. He's destroyed Illinois with the highest taxes and wants more, issuing regular drivers licenses to illegals coming to Illinois by the bus load several times a day (likely will vote illegally) and he plans to train and hire many illegals as police officers with full arrest authority and carrying a gun. He pushed the vaccine and Illinois was under mask orders until May 2023. Add that creating laws that are unconstitutional to take all l weapons. He's best friends with Bill Gates and he just gave taxpayers money to Gotion, a Chinese company, setting up an EV battery factory in Manteno IL. JB Pritzker is bad news.

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It sure is gonna be interesting.

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The real Joe has been dead since 2020. These are actor(s) with masks playing Joe. So many pictures of old Joe v new Joe, I can't believe some people still can't see it. Everything is different, eye color, skin color, earlobes, the hair, I could go on and on! Joe never took any jabs in his little fake room and kiddie desks. The real Joe had tattoos on his left arm and hairy arms. Fake Joe has faked "COVID" three times so he can hide because he's "tired." We've been watching a movie for the last four years. Trump has given so many comms about Obiden in speeches and rallys, even to the media, Joe's shot, "Joe's been shot, I don't even think that's the same Joe." Trump even said as he was leaving Andrew's AFB on his last day, "I hope to see you very soon, enjoy the show." People need to start paying attention and listening to what he's saying. Another thing he says alot is "central casting." He said right before the RNC, "there's more surprises to come." 🎥🍿

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How can that be? It was already said that it's too late to take JOE off the ballot. What about the campaign money that can only be used by Biden and Miss VP? I can't see Dr. Jill

going for it.

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I don't know Lynn but all rules can be broken. It is just me imagining what they might do to stop Trump

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When it comes to the Leftists, there are NO rules for them. We will see what the future holds. It's not that many months away.

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Trump who did the covid lockdown, Trump who was friends with Jeffrey Epstein until they had a little quarrel over some real estate. Trump who goes to the world economic forum and says klaus Schwab is doing a great job. Trump who resealed the JFK files. Trump who sends billions of dollars to Israel while they're committing a genocide. Trump who has cheated on all of his wives and been married several times already. Trump who was listed as a defendant in the Jeffrey Epstein case with a credible accuser claiming he took advantage of her as a teenage girl. Trump who lied about draining the swamp. Trump who never locked her up. Trump who's entire cabinet were mossad agents. Trump who was a reality television star for a giant corporation for more than a decade. Trump who went to the wailing Wall and wore the small hat. Trump who is the very essence of the deep state. Trump who's own child is vaccine injured and yet pushed a shot on the population that causes children to have heart attacks. Trump who never went to bat for his supporters on January 6th. Seems more likely that Lucifer is protecting Trump. Hallelujah? 😅😅😅 They have no interest in stopping Trump.

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This makes complete sense because I've been hearing and saying for the last 3 years they would slip Big Mike in to "save the country." 🎥🍿🎥🍿

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Jackass Joe never had what it takes to be a POTUS, he was always a useless chump with the IQ of a candy cane, and the appeal of a road kill skunk. Just take a look at the inner and outer ugliness of demoCRAPS...consider waters, schumer, the penguin ,mayorkASS, garbage garland, etc but also consider the Canuckistan counterparts like turdo, mendocino, "bLIAR", hussen, etc. All these are uglier than a cluster**** of cockroaches with diahrea. Add to that ovomit, moochelle, piglosi, etc and you got a real mess.

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ovomit...at times I use ovomitus

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"...what does Nuland mean by "Trump won't be President"? Nordstream 2 moment?"

it means the cheat is in....by any means necessary is how the left operates. They wouldn't be dropping Biden out of concern for him or his health, or that having "mushmouth diaperpants" installed aa President harms the country. They are pulling him out of the race because they realize they can no longer credibly pull off the cheat - it is far too obvious. Watch the media palace guard propaganda machine rev up and go into overtime fauning over their next Cheater in Chief.

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Nuland is a bloodthirsty bitch--it means, they are gonna carry him out feet first-

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

OMG! What will the Biden family do to support themselves without the "Big Guy" in office? Who will pay for Hunter's new crack pipe and his 12-year-old prostitutes? They'll have to double Sleepy Joe's Secret Service detail. Jill will be tempted sacrifice the old pant-load for a large insurance payout. Perhaps we best start-up a "Go Fund Me" page for the financially destitute family.

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These fuckers are evil incarnate! There's no other word for it.

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Obama issued “A Code Red”--66---This from good sources--I am sick over the delay in. getting our political prisoners out of the Bastille- All of tis backslapping and other Bullshit in well and good . Meanwhile there have been 4 suicides- based on a legal protest -Having been turned into\ an unruly mob by FBI insurgents orderd to do so by Obama/Biden/Garland---

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F U Vicki!

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Wow! The prophecy that Kamala is going to be the President is coming true then??!! I posted that few months ago..

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Even though polling among Democrats is not going to be accurate at this time, poll(s) came out today showing that Kamala does worse than Joe, disputing earlier polling that Kamala does better or the same.

Biden's only response was "can Kamala beat Trump".

It sounds like if Dems can't prove that Kamala can beat Trump, then the Biden Crime family can justify ignoring the calls to step down. And Dems have no one to go to if Obama fails.

Of course someone who knows Obama well in Congress, essentially said that Obama would never give an ultimatum. Obama would suggest politely.

Of course Dems are trying to trick Joe. They don't want to run the biracial Kamala. They want The Witch from Michigan to be the nominee. Jill and Hunter have to know this and won't give up.

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This has always been the plan. (I was saying it 2 years ago). The only unforeseen thing from the Democrats perspective was how bad the debate performance by Zombie Joe would be. The Dems wanted to wait until after the convention so they could utilize the rules updates they did last year to just pick (without their convention delegates a real choice). It looks like that timetable has been moved up a bit. Deep State wouldn't be going along with this now unless they feel secure in the cheat-machine set-up in the Rustbelt swing states. The new person will be given the narrative of 'momentum'. Even Fox is going along. Britt Hume giving aircover that even with a demented Joe, Joe was 'only' a few points behind Trump. So expect a narrative of "Wow, the Dems are really energized now with the new nominee. Trump had his bump, but people are rallying around the DEI pick." Then the Deep State cheats again and our side whines and goes along with the installation of another White House occupant. The only hope for Trump is that he legitimately swing enough other states where the Dem cheat machine isn't mature due to their over confidence. (Anyone remember Hillary not campaigning in Wisconsin?) Pray people! Pray that Trump is protected. Pray that the evil machinations behind the scenes to cheat are exposed before the election so they can be stopped. And pray that there is no black swan event that will give the Dems 'aircover' to go martial law or interfere with election certification of Trump winning in January.

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