🤣😂🤣 A bunch of imbeciles! OMG!

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🤣🤣an off ramp🤣🤣. Is he referring to his days serving with Obama? Big Mike became a tranny too.

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No big deal. Just call him Madam Resident.

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🤣🤣🤣 we are so f#cked😂😂😂

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With the Parkinson’s expert from Walter Reed having visited at least 10 times ( showing on the WH logs) ( and no doubt having been there on unreported sessions- the rat Bastard democriminals had to know what kind of shape he was in which places the US in Imminent danger-“ just recent:” “ bad Cold” \”Not enough rest” “ overworked” a crock of shit!

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Fun to read. This reminds me of the 1960s Batman TV series' Catwoman. Julie Newmar played her in the first two seasons, while Lee Meriwether portrayed Catwoman in the 1966 Batman movie.

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Maybe jackass Joe and the ovomit practiced being lovers so they could wow the whacked cracked trannie crowd. I do wonder who would claim the masculine role in this obscenity or would they go for a cluster XXXX with moochelle, piglosi, schumer and the Penguin?

Well she told me years ago I was a terrible man but that she still loved me but I cannot imagine how she could have lasted that long with me as her best friend. I think my participation in a fracas with a fool who was stupid enough to interfere with her "best interests" did it. So uncouth of me! But I saw in her eyes gratitude and a tad of affection because I would protect her. Speaking of which, WTF has happened to real men who are now reduced to doing their jive dive BS with earrings in both or one ear? Do not these fools know that a pierced ear in a man signifies he is a slave in the Old Testament? Just a bunch of arrogant legends in their own limited and twisted minds. Probably sh*t for brains.

But then we have the typical soy boy sop who has arrived into the timeline of wussie males who follow the lead of their colored brothers and wear diamond earrings so assert they have arrived in the land of Oz and are on the yellow brick road. They also tend to squat to urinate.

Lord have mercy!

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Biden has autogynephilia, which is a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as female. It's a little known paraphilia (perversion). It's common, possibly the norm, in the United States. However, Canada is big on it too. The Canadian PM could be an autogynephilic, just like Biden. Whenever the US or Canadian leaders are getting rogered by another male they could be fantasising that they are a female. I suspect that the Canadian PM has gone further than Biden and has had his testes and penis removed. Biden at least still has a dick, or rather is one.

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The slime minister of Canuckistan, the spawn of a commie crap father and a pie faced hippie witch can generally be referred to as a peckerhead.

Note how this sh*thead makes erroneous decisions and he needs to already make like the birds and flock off.


So the damned fool wants a muzzie to be the Commissar of the chrc, the most stalinist stooge supersucked and head *ucked ASSortment of bigots ever, participating in a hate cluster**** of the most disgusting types that God ever strung gut into.

Tell me you pocs, what is a muzzie doing when that religion of pieces has in its unholy book the order, "Kill the infidels wherever you find them." It considers non moslem girls and women as proven in Gaza, targets for their dirty plumbing and torture and guess who the fool is who has appointed several of these bigots into his ASSministration.

A more f*cked up automatonic asswipe never existed and who in bloody hell voted for this monstrous moronic meathead?

And this is another Jackass Joe biDUMB typeset with the IQ of a constipated capon and the appeal of a used jackass Joe diaper. A more stunnedified stupido has never been spawned of woman nor a more fitting statue of a fool could be made of this "crick,"

I dare not say that he needs to go to hell but that is not my place. He has been judged and as stated, in scriptures "Mene mene tekel upharsin.

What an inner and outer ugly ingrate.

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Paul he is all of the above that you stated, in addition to round out his resume, PEDOPHILE, rapist, massive thief, mass genocidal killer, treasonous traitor, ugly, very low intelligence, shall I go on?

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