I don’t think Biden will step down because he and Jill love the money, power and prestige plus he’s going to have to pardon Hunter at some point

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may not be up to him, he could drag down entire party...repubs could skirt super majority territory?

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Theresa, exactly…and add in the fact that he’s been a 50 year grifter, living off of the Gubmn’t tit and acquiring millions and millions of dollars from Hunter, China, Ukraine, Argentina and the like. He owns three houses worth a total of $28 million dollars and has laundered money by taking out bank loans to the tune of 18 in the last 15 years and has paid the loans off within 6 months of taking them out. Perfect money laundering scheme. He is a criminal, a proven liar, a fraud and a threat to this nation for the past 59 years, but no member of congress or the senate has had the balls or ovaries to do anything about this corruptacrat. He has done more to damage this country than any president in the history of this once great nation. Insiders state he is only able to be lucid and aware from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Did you not see the photo of the COAP strap I. His right cheek at 11:09 AM? To quote this stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, 5rh degree dementia patient…Cmon man!!!! Fuck him and the rest of the Demonrats, RepubliCONS and leftist, woke media for lying to the American people. The bastards in congress can no longer cover for this grifter and crook any longer. Off my rant.

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problem is all are grifters, many...

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Excellent rant.

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Thanks Kathleen, I almost apologized for my obvious rant (I’m still pretty fired up) but it just “came out” then I said to myself screw it, I’m know that I’m not the only pissed patriot out here. 🇺🇸🫡

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You articulated very well what we are thinking, and many of us have been writing.

Of course, I will probably meet you in a FEMA camp if the cabal has its way.

Report from Greg Reese concerning the camps:


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Sheesh Kathleen, does it ever end? The pronoun people would just call us “Maga Republicans” and pissed if patriotic conspiracy theorists, but we have been kissed on, lied to, taken advantage of and abused as citizens of America by our own damned Gubmn’t.

I don’t doubt for a minute they “they” are preparing for an uprising by their own constituents. And I’m saying out loud, if Kamala is passed over for POTUS when and if Sleepy, Crooked Joe does step down, there will be race riots much like the George Floyd “summer of love.”

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Saint George Floyd with the gold casket and 3 funerals...traveling around the country like Barnum & Bailey.

Notice the manufactured crisis, one after the other.

-George Floyd & BLM


-Hamas supporters/demonstrations

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Leo - YES, everything you wrote - I agree.

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same here I agree 100%

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Well said! Truth. 😑 goddamn insult to our Republic, what's left of it.

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They changed the rules for the DNC. He can't be forced out, Biden has to step down himself. These are the DEMOCRATS rule.

I often wear this "I identify as non Bidenary" t-shirt 👇


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Another ad; you do make the rounds

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Does he look like he's preparing to stand down in this clip of his post-debate rally in Raleigh? The delirious crowd chanting "lock him up" as he tells them Trump has more trials coming up bring a smile to his face. "There's a time for that" (i.e., for locking up Trump) he tells them. He has unfinished business including imprisoning Trump as well as pardoning Hunter.


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Watched the entire speech at Raleigh - it was very difficult to listen to. What amazed me most was the nutjobs who support this pos.

...all 125 of them. ok, maybe 175. - I'm guessing that if the camera had panned out fully (of course, it didn't ) we would have seen an embarrassingly small crowd being prompted by signs to "cheer", "boo" and shout "lock him up!" ....... what a sham.

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on can tell he is amped up....his speech cadence derails...as if he cant control...they best be careful they dont stop the poor man's heart

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Paul’s, damn straight. They (DemonRats) may be secretly wanting a heart attack. They are screwed either way and they know it. They created this debacle and they own it. But what comes next, who the hell knows. I’m stocked up on what I need to deal the right cards.

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Have been thinking for some time that what they NEED is some sort of (unfortunate?) medical emergency to befall biden, and use THAT as an excuse to pull the plug on him and replace him. We'll see.

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Did you notice mockingbird media parroting the same words within minutes of the debate? All a set up!

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OnTheJump - thanks for that report. I didn't even know he spoke there Friday, I was busy. And my sister lives right in the vicinity. She hates and abhors that POS. I'm sure there were more Trump supporters outside than Joe had at all.

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Its over for Biden, he will step out somehow soon...cannot make next debate or election.

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She leads him around like he is 2 years old. Totally Dis-Grace-ful! She is appears to be his keeper, as it seems.

Wasn’t she his kids babysitter when he was married to his first wife, one who died in a car accident with his daughter, then he married her?

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they are all fighting to stay out of jail.

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I agree. And I think some of it is a display to make him look more feeble than he really is, to keep him from being prosecuted for former and present crimes.

We have to remember and never forget, he was a sitting Senator of the US Senate when the majority of crimes were committed.

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A big plan. Making sure he’s not able to stand trials.

This was the plan all along. Can’t try someone with a moo shy brain. It won’t work!

Sooo clever whomever came up with that one.

So his crimes will be hidden.

They have a master plan. The first part was making sure everyone is distracted from investigating Biden- until it’s toooo late.

Everyone will see/understand from this last performance- it’s too late

Now on to the next part- who can they sub Bide. With?

The Dems will be more likely to except whomever they have in mind now more than before the revelation.

I think the Bidens were “ massively encouraged” to hang in there… for his own good ( protection from being investigated)and the good of the party.


He’s being controlled.

Compromised people can Easily be controlled.

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this is a horrible woman who is committing elder/spousal abuse. she needs to take him to a nice place where he can be old without pressure to perform. she's afraid of losing her first lady status. watch the video that accompanies this photo. she treats him like a 5 year old

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FLOTUS has been 100% in on the fraud since before he was "elected".

Go read her PhD dissertation - absolute pure trash at a Middle High School level. And for that she insists people address her as "Doctor". Entire family of crooks and frauds.

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I completely agree, in my opinion this man should be in a nursing home. This is elder abuse. Let him live his days away from the public view and scrutiny.

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I don’t care where he lives out his years or in what condition. He’s shown callousness and total disregard for the office and his responsibility to protect the American people and their Constitution! He’s been a pathological liar since the beginning of his political career- unfortunately none of those clips from decades ago are ever shown in the media. He along with his puppet master have no regard for the USA and her citizens. 😡

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Newsom will be better than Biden?

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Same policies/ just smoother delivery and more hair.

Do you live in CA?

I do/ it’s a mess!!!!

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I grew up there, left 34 years ago. Thank God I did.

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You should recall him.

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Better for tanking the economy?

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I say leave Joe where he is; he’s a figurehead only. His puppet masters run the show. Most Dem supporters have little clue. The less informed who are waking up & flocking to Trump see the stark difference in the 2 men. They also don’t like what they see happening to the country - probably foremost- bidenflation. Some are sick of DEI & LBGT+ in their faces.

But change the face & poster guy of these horrid policies to a younger more vibrant candidate & they could be swayed toward the new model. Only those who look behind the curtain will recognize the policies will remain & destroy more.

It’s not the face it’s the leftist policies.

The young voters can be easily swayed to a much younger candidate.

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Given that presidential elections are determined largely by the so-called independents who "vote for the man not the party" Ask yourself, who would be easier to defeat given all we already knew about Biden's diminished and diminishing capacities? Biden or an even last-minute substitute? Biden is that bad. The truthful answer surely is that Biden is the worse case scenario for Dems (and they do not have a great alternative scenario).

Trump's agreeing to debate so early, prior to the best chance for locking in the Dems with Biden, exposed Biden incontrovertibly too early thus giving the opposition the chance to change horses and or double up on a "vote Democrat" strategy.

Mr. 4D chess, out of utter bravado, instead of saying ~~ we will debate all you want after our parties' nominating conventions ~~ (it is not like Triump doesn't dodge debates) handed his opponents the opportunity for a revised playing board and a substitute king.

Biden was known to be so bad that it would be impossible, except through an incompetent campaign, to portray him as anything but a train wreck just on policy (the border, inflation) regardless of his apparent dementia. From many months ago, prior to the Republican caucuses and primaries it was soberly clear that any of several of the Republican contenders could defeat Dementia Joe. Well as long as the top contender remained loyal and didn't go egotistically unpatriotically independent from the party whose substrate was TEA Party / MAGA (something that leading contender did not create).

Does it not make sense to maneuver so as to go against the weakest of one's enemies and end that battle more decisively rather than unnecessarily cooperate in foreseeably giving the enemy lifelines, however remote?

If Biden drops out prior to or because of the Dem convention it is substantially Trump's doing and it is arguably at least marginally to our and his detriment. It is a strategic error, hopefully not overwhelming. It needn't be but then Trump lost to the likes of Joe Biden before. He (and the GOP) should have been able to overwhelm any cheating. Trump's aura not his policies got in the way of superficial voters and most voters are superficial.

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BTW he’s shitting his drawers again except the pope isn’t there this time.

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Jill Biden is just another member of a Criminal Family.

She benefitted greatly from her families many acts of treason.

Sorry, I'm fresh out of sympathy.

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I think it all depends on how many more times they refinance their property. I believe they have refinanced one house 17 times! This is one surefire way of “hiding money from?”. From the various adversarial countries he has and they’ve, (meaning his family) sold America out for!

More money, more money and yes “Come On Man”, more money! Who cares what happens to America and the American people! This family are the “most corrupted family” ever involved in politics and possibly America’s existence!

When a Dad allows a Son and or forces a son to do his dirty work, ask yourself this, “what kind of father is creepy Joe”? Short answer is “A Creep”! Far worse answer’s are available for sure!

These past few years have been nothing short of how this “Illegitimate President” and his families history of corruption, bribery and fundamentally selling “America Out” have been! Of course all for personal gains ONLY! At “We The People” expense and more importantly, Americas national security!

What’s so concerning is once again, “NOBODY” has stopped him! There’s no way on “God’s Green Earth” anyone can convince me otherwise, everyone in Washington knows what’s happening and they’re all part of this! Which leads me to believe 100% they’re all involved, in some way, shape or form!

When “AOC” becomes worth $29 Million, if not more, that’s a clear indication, every rotten political hack is enriching themselves!

Every last one of them! At “We The People” expense! Quite frankly, I want my “TAX MONEY BACK”! Every penny, every single penny I have ever given to these “scumbags”! There’s nothing else I can call them!

So what can the American people do about it? I’m sick of hearing “you got to vote them out”! BS I say! Obviously these same people continue to get re-elected, why or better yet, how? If after the past few years of utter destruction and implementation of disastrous policies, haven’t woken “We The People” up, NOTHING WILL! And this, “charade” will continue to shove America over the “Cliff’s Of No Return”!

Which leads me to believe wholeheartedly, the American voter doesn’t matter! If our votes mattered, I believe we’d have competent leadership! That is unless the majority of voters are so “destructive” in thought, if mint and this vast majority of voters want to “Collapse America”! The jury is still out!

I’m not saying “NOT TO VOTE”!Absolutely we must continue to vote and get anyone and everyone out to vote! EVERYONE MUST VOTE! I need to emphasize this!

But when someone like “AOC” becomes “filthy rich” this tells me and should scare the hell out of any “good and decent” American that,

“America We Have A Problem”!

And a very big problem! So big that “We The People” haven’t any say in the matter whatsoever! Not anymore and certainly not about who becomes President! I’m embarrassed to say anything other than “Duh Gee Wally I Did My Civic Duty Today” I voted!

“God Help Us All”!

I watched Colonel MacGregor’s response to this so called “debate”. Which, IMO was an absolute “Shit-Show”! Absolutely, positively this wasn’t any kind of “debate” between Trump and Biden. This was an absolute “embarrassment” to America and how someone like Biden could have ever been elected!

Which was I suppose,

to many Americans, an “eye opening”, disaster! In such a way unlike anything I’ve ever watched! And now the world as a whole, witnessed how “vulnerable America” is today!

Aside from the obvious dangers America faces, especially now that the entire world has witnessed, how far gone, how demented our “Illegitimate President” truly is, Colonel MacGregor said something I didn’t know about. He said “Americans” should demand and or have this upcoming election sooner rather than later! So I asked myself, How? And is this constitutional!?

I haven’t found or heard if this is even possible or legal. But it made sense and his statement clearly underscored the “urgency” of “how far gone” this president is and regarding America’s national security situation! And how “deeply vulnerable” Americas National Security is today! We’re like “shooting fish in a barrel”! IMO!

Remember, a President has but “7 Minutes” to determine if an incoming threat is real or not and then must decide what actions to take! “Yes 7 Minutes”! America’s current situation with a man so demented couldn’t make a decision in “7 hours” never mind 7 minutes, so what do we do? What can “We The People” do?

All I know is this, wether Trump wins and or is allowed to hold the “Office of President” of these United States, so much damage has been inflicted on Americans and our “Constitutional Republic” I’m not sure any one person can “Save Our Constitutional Republic”!

I do and I will never give up hope and I will continue to pray for our Great Nation! One thing I’ll never do is, “make believe all is well”!

All isn’t well and “We The People” must find a way to reinforce and reinvent “We The People”! After all they work for US!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Well said! 😑

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Thank you Jacktheglide. Honestly, I’ve become so enamored with this “game” these “evil” people play! At times I honestly believe we’re living in some sort of “simulation” and everything we’re watching isn’t real!

Unfortunately it is and this isn’t a “simulation” but a “clear and present danger”! To all Americans!

Thank you again Jacktheglide.

I appreciate your reply.


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I just got a whisper. Somebody needs to look into this. It has to do with assigned delegates and campaign funds which can only be turned over to “Word Salad.” Nobody else can run without the delegates or the campaign funds, legally. The Delegates and the Canpaign funds are locked in. Hyena or Slojo.

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All Hunter Wanted To Know

This Weekend

Is If He Can Have

The Corvette.


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He’s doing The Biden! The latest dance move!🤣

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A true fake, but still better than Justie. They have similar tags...Jackass Justie and Jackass Joe.

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I see. Demented Biden LAMBADA-style on the picture.

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