Will they imprison him to stop him or worse, have him assassinated? Is this Biden's America, run by Obama-Biden-Rice et al. & this is and was always the plan as they arm Iran? Is this the 'transform'?
Too many lazy, complacent, do nothings. More important to teach a 6 year old girl that she should be a boy. Oh, and don't forget that it's always someone else's jo
Lynn, look into who bailed him out of bankruptcy. Look at who mostly funded his campaign. Look who filled his cabinet. Look who he actually serves (as do most of our government). You can't get to where Trump is, without being part of it. You can't fight "the swamp", when they're actually the same ones that bailed you out and funded your campaign. People need to WTH up.
Stop looking top down Lynn. That's not the solution. No solution is going to come from the very same system and establishment that is ruling today. We're going to have to dig out the hard way...critical mass awakening...and local/regional/city/county/state level fights. It's going to take time and not be easy. In fact, it seems we'll have to hit bottom before lazy, entitled Americans wake up and realize we all must unite to fight the common enemy. Turn off the TV's. Get off the couches. Get involved.
Get motivated. Unrelenting level of motivation, as if our lives depend upon it...because they do. We're all being played and used by a disgusting and hidden system that is finally coming to light...they are working to reset into their new system from which we can't escape...it seems time and consciousness are not on our side...but I do know God is. Wake up as many people as you can, be bold, the start of our true resistance and change will only come after we tip the balance towards a critical mass awakening that can't be stopped. Then the real work begins. That's how I see it.
I think you're still falling for the surface level theater that is Donald Trump. All fake and scripted, I believe. His money always comes and goes. I'm sure the plan is to ensure he gets all that back and then some...
You should read more of his stuff. He's clear and accurate on Trump. While you're completely deceived by him. You could learn a lot from the Bitch's writings.
LOL. 45 will surprise you, is more like it. I voted for the guy, twice...then I did true research/homework. You're a smart guy and I most days I can't determine if you're just deceived, or if your part of the controlled opposition yourself.
What is your agenda and who do you serve? Someone is going to win and become the POTUS. Who is it that, by not voting for Trump, you want to win and seek to help? Every vote taken away from Trump assists this person. Who is this person and what agency backs them? Why is this person better than Trump? And is he, or she, a realistic contender or just a rank outsider?
There's some truth in what you say. But by turning people off the lesser evil, The Do Not Comply Guy and those like him make it easier for those who control him to install the greater evil.
My agenda is the truth and I serve God, then my family, friends and community. You missed the points entirely, and I've made my points quite clear. Good luck chasing the Trump theater. He's not who you think he is.
Bilbo is switched on. He's smart, really smart. He hates Trump and RFK Jr but I can forgive him for that because he's correct about most other things. He won't even accept Trump as " the lesser of the evils." One reason I love Trump is because the neocons hate him. That doesn't move Bilbo. He thinks Trump is a .. I won't say it. It starts with Z and ends with "ist." But he's not antisemitic. He doesn't like any of the RINOS or Dems, with the possible exception of DeSantard. In general, I hold DeSantard supporters in very low esteem. But there's hope for Bilbo that he will see the light and get the DeSantard phallus out of his mouth.
Thanks for explaining. Seems to me like Bilbo spends way too much time hating people. I am looking for a man like President Trump that is America First. What kind of Country does
Bilbo want to live in? Is he for real? Maybe, he's AI.....and fooling us all? I know what you mean
about the Z word. Henry Makow writes a lot about that. www.henrymakow.com
DeSantis is my Governor and that's where it stops. What a disappointment he turned out
Diana: I saw your website on the MIND. Do you have any information on the Spirit World.
My Brother died at age 65 on September 5, 2023. His son made him get the COVID Jab
or he wouldn't let him see his Grandson. We think that he had a massive heart attack.
He called off work on the Monday before and Died Suddenly on Tuesday in his sleep while taking a nap during the day. He had some health issues, but nothing terminal. We believe he died of a massive heart attack. Because, of the whole COVID situation, I didn't see him for
3 years. Not, because of him. His son and wife refuse to talk to us over an argument during
the COVID hoax. His wife also used it as an excuse to keep us away. We haven't seen their
son (my great nephew) in three years. I did talk to my nephews at my Brother's Memorial
Service. I didn't see my great nephew, because his wife took him home before the end of
Service. Her excuse was that he was restless. I can't believe even in death your Family
can be that hateful. Thank U for any suggestions :-)
You keep falling for the theater. All of that right vs left...Trump vs the neocons...Trump vs the Deep State was theater. A very, very elaborate plot and scam, to setup a level of unseen division since the days of Martin Luther (soon to be since our last Civil War)...and setting up the stage for his 2nd presidency. I don't understand why people don't look below the surface theater that is Trump and see the glaring facts, staring them in the face. It's a dark veil, that people don't want to see through...all you have to do is let go of what you thought you knew, let go of the emotions and ego...and do your homework. The truth reveals.
I shouldn't need to tell you this Dr. Paul: Donald Trump will never again be president of America. If the Deep State has to pull out the old "Lone Nut No-one Could Have Predicted or Prevented" gambit to stop him, they'll do it, and to Hell with the ridicule.
Don't be so sure. I believe he'll be re-selected as President, and will be used as the perfect final crescendo of divide and conquer, problem-reaction-solution and order out of chaos tactics. The final nail in the coffin for America, as we descend into chaos and collapse...and the resulting government "solution" being the pedal-to-the-floor acceleration towards the not-so-great-reset. Martial law, lockdowns, gun confiscations, all kinds of new deadly tech surveillance and control, etc. At that point, let the next phases of the "depopulation" plan commence, for all of the dissidents, white-Christians and other "useless eaters". People need to wake up to how truly diabolical and architected all of this theater truly is...the deception runs so much deeper than most can fathom. God bless.
if Obama, rice, etc. are running things, they are doing it for a much deeper evil machine, secret societies, the Jesuits control much of the world, banking, etc. At least, they think they do. Apparently, by the time of Bush, no president has been in office that wasn't a skull and bones or some such secret society member, which are under the Jesuits. And these pervs that go to Bohemian Grove and run around naked (there's video of it) and worship nature. Sound familiar? Much like the "green movement", it's a religion. True degenerates. And it would be no surprise to me, that there's a lot of leverage over members if they try to deviate. Who wants it known they run around naked in the woods and whatever else they are pressured or willing to do.
While I agree he's on the wrong vibe for sure...his info/knowledge and perspectives in many areas are spot on...and help paint the picture. He's a very sad soul it seems, so you have to take everything he says in the right light and know how to separate the truth from the self-generated deception he's weaving within it all.
Already does look like this in many places in the US.
the Bush Crime Family, the Clinton Crime Family, the Biden Crime Family . . . . etc . . . .
whatever . . . Bottom line here, what is it worth to US citizens to make changes
General Strike . . or?
Too many lazy, complacent, do nothings. More important to teach a 6 year old girl that she should be a boy. Oh, and don't forget that it's always someone else's jo
Trump is part of the plan
How so?
Lynn, look into who bailed him out of bankruptcy. Look at who mostly funded his campaign. Look who filled his cabinet. Look who he actually serves (as do most of our government). You can't get to where Trump is, without being part of it. You can't fight "the swamp", when they're actually the same ones that bailed you out and funded your campaign. People need to WTH up.
Then what is the answer? Where does this Country and the People go from here?
Stop looking top down Lynn. That's not the solution. No solution is going to come from the very same system and establishment that is ruling today. We're going to have to dig out the hard way...critical mass awakening...and local/regional/city/county/state level fights. It's going to take time and not be easy. In fact, it seems we'll have to hit bottom before lazy, entitled Americans wake up and realize we all must unite to fight the common enemy. Turn off the TV's. Get off the couches. Get involved.
Get motivated. Unrelenting level of motivation, as if our lives depend upon it...because they do. We're all being played and used by a disgusting and hidden system that is finally coming to light...they are working to reset into their new system from which we can't escape...it seems time and consciousness are not on our side...but I do know God is. Wake up as many people as you can, be bold, the start of our true resistance and change will only come after we tip the balance towards a critical mass awakening that can't be stopped. Then the real work begins. That's how I see it.
I didn't say that I was looking for a solution from the top. A true Globalist or friend of one
would not lose 2 Billion dollars of worth. I asked you what the solution could be.
Gave you the solution above. I don't profess to know all the answers...but I do know many of the things that aren't the answer these days.
I think you're still falling for the surface level theater that is Donald Trump. All fake and scripted, I believe. His money always comes and goes. I'm sure the plan is to ensure he gets all that back and then some...
Take over and hang them. But first stop paying taxes to collapse the government.
You should read more of his stuff. He's clear and accurate on Trump. While you're completely deceived by him. You could learn a lot from the Bitch's writings.
I see, I read...I said so...I dont agree with some...but I like some...not on same page 45...lets see...45 will surprise him
LOL. 45 will surprise you, is more like it. I voted for the guy, twice...then I did true research/homework. You're a smart guy and I most days I can't determine if you're just deceived, or if your part of the controlled opposition yourself.
What is your agenda and who do you serve? Someone is going to win and become the POTUS. Who is it that, by not voting for Trump, you want to win and seek to help? Every vote taken away from Trump assists this person. Who is this person and what agency backs them? Why is this person better than Trump? And is he, or she, a realistic contender or just a rank outsider?
No one wins. They're just installed. The "winning" is the illusion so "people" feel like they had a say.
There's some truth in what you say. But by turning people off the lesser evil, The Do Not Comply Guy and those like him make it easier for those who control him to install the greater evil.
My agenda is the truth and I serve God, then my family, friends and community. You missed the points entirely, and I've made my points quite clear. Good luck chasing the Trump theater. He's not who you think he is.
I've seen this Bitch's comments. Who is he anyway?
Bilbo is switched on. He's smart, really smart. He hates Trump and RFK Jr but I can forgive him for that because he's correct about most other things. He won't even accept Trump as " the lesser of the evils." One reason I love Trump is because the neocons hate him. That doesn't move Bilbo. He thinks Trump is a .. I won't say it. It starts with Z and ends with "ist." But he's not antisemitic. He doesn't like any of the RINOS or Dems, with the possible exception of DeSantard. In general, I hold DeSantard supporters in very low esteem. But there's hope for Bilbo that he will see the light and get the DeSantard phallus out of his mouth.
Thanks for explaining. Seems to me like Bilbo spends way too much time hating people. I am looking for a man like President Trump that is America First. What kind of Country does
Bilbo want to live in? Is he for real? Maybe, he's AI.....and fooling us all? I know what you mean
about the Z word. Henry Makow writes a lot about that. www.henrymakow.com
DeSantis is my Governor and that's where it stops. What a disappointment he turned out
to be.
Diana: I saw your website on the MIND. Do you have any information on the Spirit World.
My Brother died at age 65 on September 5, 2023. His son made him get the COVID Jab
or he wouldn't let him see his Grandson. We think that he had a massive heart attack.
He called off work on the Monday before and Died Suddenly on Tuesday in his sleep while taking a nap during the day. He had some health issues, but nothing terminal. We believe he died of a massive heart attack. Because, of the whole COVID situation, I didn't see him for
3 years. Not, because of him. His son and wife refuse to talk to us over an argument during
the COVID hoax. His wife also used it as an excuse to keep us away. We haven't seen their
son (my great nephew) in three years. I did talk to my nephews at my Brother's Memorial
Service. I didn't see my great nephew, because his wife took him home before the end of
Service. Her excuse was that he was restless. I can't believe even in death your Family
can be that hateful. Thank U for any suggestions :-)
Was he autopsied?
You can bet on that :-) I bought my plane ticket for Trump's inauguration in June of 2016.
I just had this feeling that he was going to win :-)
You keep falling for the theater. All of that right vs left...Trump vs the neocons...Trump vs the Deep State was theater. A very, very elaborate plot and scam, to setup a level of unseen division since the days of Martin Luther (soon to be since our last Civil War)...and setting up the stage for his 2nd presidency. I don't understand why people don't look below the surface theater that is Trump and see the glaring facts, staring them in the face. It's a dark veil, that people don't want to see through...all you have to do is let go of what you thought you knew, let go of the emotions and ego...and do your homework. The truth reveals.
I shouldn't need to tell you this Dr. Paul: Donald Trump will never again be president of America. If the Deep State has to pull out the old "Lone Nut No-one Could Have Predicted or Prevented" gambit to stop him, they'll do it, and to Hell with the ridicule.
Don't be so sure. I believe he'll be re-selected as President, and will be used as the perfect final crescendo of divide and conquer, problem-reaction-solution and order out of chaos tactics. The final nail in the coffin for America, as we descend into chaos and collapse...and the resulting government "solution" being the pedal-to-the-floor acceleration towards the not-so-great-reset. Martial law, lockdowns, gun confiscations, all kinds of new deadly tech surveillance and control, etc. At that point, let the next phases of the "depopulation" plan commence, for all of the dissidents, white-Christians and other "useless eaters". People need to wake up to how truly diabolical and architected all of this theater truly is...the deception runs so much deeper than most can fathom. God bless.
First step is toss that smartphone.
You said it all!
Let's pray that what you say doesn't happen. +
No America definitely will not look like that in the future.
Everyone in the picture is white.
It already did look like this long ago in some places in the Great Depression era though.
And no Trump can't save us.
Probably wouldn't even if he could, frankly....
You are perceptive. I didn't catch that in the picture. I don't know, but that picture looks staged for some reason.
It's the plan for all countries. It's happrning in france, italy, us, etc.
if Obama, rice, etc. are running things, they are doing it for a much deeper evil machine, secret societies, the Jesuits control much of the world, banking, etc. At least, they think they do. Apparently, by the time of Bush, no president has been in office that wasn't a skull and bones or some such secret society member, which are under the Jesuits. And these pervs that go to Bohemian Grove and run around naked (there's video of it) and worship nature. Sound familiar? Much like the "green movement", it's a religion. True degenerates. And it would be no surprise to me, that there's a lot of leverage over members if they try to deviate. Who wants it known they run around naked in the woods and whatever else they are pressured or willing to do.
Epstein have anything to do with it? All of these "organizations" seem to have a central core of watch your Ps and Qs or else...
You are putting too much negativity in the air. We need to pray for President Trump and his Family.
Tell me about Bilbo's Bitch Substack. What side is this person on anyway?
While I agree he's on the wrong vibe for sure...his info/knowledge and perspectives in many areas are spot on...and help paint the picture. He's a very sad soul it seems, so you have to take everything he says in the right light and know how to separate the truth from the self-generated deception he's weaving within it all.
Yes. People are easily fooled into becoming primal.
Hunger Games - predictive programming?
He has a plan.
25 in 25
Wow, is Bilbo trying out for the next QAnon?
Isn’t Q for quantum? For the NWO? My heavens…
LOL again!
October 20 @ 9AM? Please explain.