Global Goliath? Kill Bates, Klaus Eat ze Bugs, Terrorist Tedros etc are puppets, figure heads. Discussions with Tucker are nothing but "bread and circuses" entertainment for the masses of 'useless eaters.'

Nobody dares to name even one representative of ruling ancient bloodlines. Only the "authorized" ones are mentioned, because they play the role of scapegoats...

Things are NOT the way they seem


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Rush called Carlson “Chatsworth Osborne, Jr.” and he was a visionary on coming up with the name. Chatsworth was a preppy college student in an old sitcom called Dobie Gillis. Carlson is an elitist, snobbish, know nothing just like Chatsworth, who will interview anyone to make a buck. He throws softball questions at his guests then giggles like a girl when there is an inside joke. He is an insider and will do nothing to jeopardize his social position just like any good college preppy does in sucking up for a grade.

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Brett still wears a MASK 😷... don’t trust anything he says

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Excellent!!! But, is it really Killy Boy Gates who is the Mastermind behind all this? Or, is he really just the Frontman???


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His Bro gave up on him I suspect

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It’s unforgivable to know what we know now about the effects of the bioweapon that we have been conditioned to call vaccines. The deaths and permanent injuries from it continue to grow. For those who have looked under the microscope, it appears to be out-of-this-world nanotechnology never seen before. Tune in at 7 PM ET and enjoy interacting on the chat from Pharmaceutical Drug Development Expert, Dr. Jane Ruby and International Bioweapon Investigator, Dr. David Martin.


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This song sums up the SATAN GATES CULT etc------https://youtu.be/9tJyO90iGko?si=AHKfVzBNCLe5Ux3Q

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Jan 17, 2024Edited
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You do realize, don’t you, that:

1. Any uncooked food is FULL of mRNA?

2. Every cell in your body (except RBCs) is FULL of mRNA every day of that cell’s existence?

3. mRNA is very fragile and subject to degradation in many different ways (by heat, by acidic conditions, by oxidation)?

4. there is no way for any mRNA to get from your mouth to your small intestine without being hopelessly compromised in both structure and function any more than there is way for a dietary protein to get from your mouth to your small intestine without having its structure and function hopeless compromised by hydrochloric acid in your stomach (destroys the protein’s tertiary and secondary structures) and then cut up by pancreatic digestive enzymes into mono and di-peptides?

5. there is no way for mRNA molecules to make it from the outside of your small intestine across the brush border membrane, into the intestinal cells, and then back out into either the bloodstream or the lymphatic system, and then across the lipid bilayers of other cells in your body and into the cytosol of the cells any more than there is a way for a functional protein to do the same?

6. there’s transport from the small intestine for sugars, fats, and amino acids; there is no active transport for proteins or mRNA?

which is why proteins must be manufactured by your body inside of cells and why mRNA is produced in the highly regulated and chemically-benign nucleus and transported to the highly regulated and chemically-benign cytosol for translation into the protein the mRNA codes for.

Until recently, the only two ways of getting mRNA into the cytosol for protein synthesis have been:

A. to have it transcribed from DNA in the nucleus and translocated into the cytosol for protein synthesis by the ribosomes,

B. to have a virus activate a cell surface receptor for translocation into the cytosol, followed by the dissolution of the virus, exposure of its genome, and transcription of viral genes into their mRNA form for protein synthesis by the ribosomes.

But now there’s a third way.

That’s the viral RNA products that function as indiscriminate viruses that can pass through the lipid bilayer of any cell into the cytosol and either release preformed mRNA (Pfizer) or viral RNA inserted into a plasmid (Moderna and Johnson&Johnson) from which mRNA copies of that viral gene are run off by your own cellular machinery to be used as templates which the ribosomes can translate into viral protein copies of the viral gene.

“But, but, people are claiming they are going to spray mRNA on food.”

Yeah, well, a lot of people make all sorts of claims every day. You know, sort of like Covid Inc claiming their viral RNA products are “vaccines,” though they are not and never have been.

“But, but, why would anyone claim that?”

Oh, maybe to set you up to be SO afraid of eating anything that you’ll be motivated to buy their special “guaranteed to be free of mRNA” food at exorbitant prices. I mean, crooks have already convinced millions to buy so-called “organic” food at exorbitant prices that, nutritionally, are no different from the normal variety of foods. And, I will posit, given the almost Kamasutra multitude of ways the leftists endeavor to get their “organic” food into you and your money into their pockets by trying to scare the shit out of you about what people have been eating for thousands of years, that whole thing amounted to

A. A proof of principle for Covid Inc, and

B. A proof of principle for the use of fear over “spray-on” mRNA to drive the fearful to purchase of either “mRNA-free” foods or some phony spray-on “mRNA neutralizer” shit to make your supposedly-tainted food “safe” to eat--at a price.

For a similar approach, see the marketing going on for an oral supplement of nattokinase and bromelein (proteins) to “dissolve” or “neutralize” spike proteins in your body. It’s phony. Those proteins taken orally face one of two fates:

1. If they aren’t denatured by stomach acid and digested by pancreatic enzymes into mono and dipeptide forms of amino acids, they don’t get into your body and are expelled with all the other digestive waste and do absolutely nothing to spike proteins, or

2. If they are denatured by stomach acid and digested into mono and dipeptides by pancreatic digestive enzymes, they are destroyed and there is nothing left to act on spike proteins but common amino acids which the body already has in abundance.

How do I know this?

Because I did all the coursework for a PhD in human nutrition/nutritional biology and then, after my thesis advisor took off for a tenured position in another university, started all over and did my PhD in molecular neurobiology (in which, incidentally, I used a variety of those cell transfection reagents to get exogenous genes into cells of my choice that Covid Inc, almost 40 years after their creation, employed in a seriously unethical off-label use to get viral genes into the cells of healthy people).

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Thanks for this explanation.

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