Got it!

These jabs kill!

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Nothing like going for all three strikes in one shot...

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Three strikes and your out.

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The only way to win this game is to abstain from playing.

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These vacines were shit. Total shit. Excuse my french.

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bull shit they were...

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Dear Dr. Alexander this being shortest day of the year, I want to wish you, your family and loved ones many blessings. I am so grateful for the work you and your peers are doing to keep us informed and keep records for when justice begins to be served.

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It is so creepy that they keep pushing the original Wuhan strain in vaccines even though it is extinct. It makes me wonder what the heck we need to know is in that crap that has yet to be identified. What is the logic? Talk about snake venom the CDC is pushing!

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Al I care about is that I don't have covid and never will and I am an anti-vaxxer. Until big pharma is dismantled, the fake vaccine parade will go marching on it's merry way with you as the target.

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Note that it is required to be cognizant of the follow publication when you read "the vaccine are highly effective for hospitalization and death".

"Findings from this study indicate a high likelihood of acute COVID-19 among RT-PCR negative with typical signs/symptoms, but a common omission of COVID-19 therapies among these patients."


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