💯 agree. The Democrat's emotional manipulation of black people and the revenge attitude that they are owed something from the "white man" is straight out of the Marxist playbook. It's time blacks see the Marxist-Communist for the destructive force they are. Blacks are slowly waking up because they are being replaced by illegal immigrants. They will no longer be needed as "useful idiots" by the Communist.

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Because barry s. is a manchurian who's goal was to turn The USA into a communist nation.

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Mutt Romney has said any Democrat and any Republican except Vivek Ramaswamy would be an "upgrade" on Trump.

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Paul, you may also be interested in my substack research on the Truth behind pharmacology and what is happening in the world today. You may want to share it with your audience. https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/the-secret-covenant-and-pharmacology?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Obama is the stepson of Lolo Soetoro who worked for GHW Bush in 1965-67 during the massacre of 3 million Indonesians in search of President Soekarno's Hidden Treasures - In repayment GHW groomed and raised Obama - you may view a synopsis of this story on my substack of the revelation behind the Assassination of JFK - https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/jfk-assassination-november-22-1963?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I am really confused as to how you can see Bourla and Fauci and the FDA,NIH, CDC and and and ... so clearly, and yet are so thoroughly convinced by DJT. If you read one or two of the better books written about his administration and his life you might become convinced to encourage him to quietly withdraw and enjoy his life in retirement. I am not arguing for JB, but it ought to be possible in a country of 330 million to find more than a few people who have the relevant experience, philosophy, character, wisdom, youth and strength to unite and lead the country toward a better destination.

I have followed you for quite a while and am very impressed by your steadfastness and energy and good will. and the critical clarity which you bring to your analysis of the Cov19 mess. Please keep up that good work!!!

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