"I think right now, who we have sitting in the Oval Office is just a deep disappointment."

Not JUST a deep disappointment.

- a deep fake

- a deep state actor

- deeply corrupted

- deeply immoral

- deeply incompetent

- deep in China's pocket

- deep break in trust of our system

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I voted for President Trump twice because the Democratic options were untenable. Trump did some good things for this country both economically and via foreign policies. Unfortunately however he was not able to make a dent in eradicating the DC swamp which was successful in sabotaging his administration’s covid pandemic response (lockdowns, early treatment, and vaccines). Many people were harmed, and Trump seems oblivious to it. I have examined his competition. The BEST option is #DeSantis2024.

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"praising President Trump for his straightforward approach and contrasting it with what perceives as the Democratic Party's hypocrisy." This has been exactly my point when arguing with people about this issue, Trump makes you feel like you are at your local bar talking straight about it all, without long and boring speeches that the left so much likes, aka demagoguery

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So, are you trying to say this blm POS has had a come to Jesus moment?

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I heard a few weeks ago that Mark matured. Most people fail to EVER age beyond the fifth year.

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