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Bloom on Fauci & Francis Collins on SARS-CoV-2 origin: this piece in The Atlantic is a must read, fascinating, take what you wish from it but Jesse Bloom is Fauci & Francis Collins greatest nightmare
© 2024 Paul
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This information needs to be given to German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich of the German Corona Investigative Committee and also to U.S. lawyer Thomas Renz.
I would further suggest that crucial documentation be shared and stored with as many international sources as you trust. Until we know how deep the corruption runs in the United States - and who their collaborators are in foreign countries - we need to store crucial documents in multiple locations that are deemed to be beyond their reach.
Fuellmich Is doing nothing other than talk unfortunately. Not sure about Renz but he has been very quiet for months which could be either good or bad.
I am quite cynical by now, given all the revelations of corruption and malfeasance already exposed, but I found out I can still be surprised and dismayed.
I bet you that there's nothing new for Fauci and Anderson here. Probably been up to this sort of mischief for decades.
It’s just stunning, how deep the corruption goes. Why are the culprits not (yet) being charged?
"I include portions in case this is taken down: "
Content does vanish so backup is critical. See something save something is Wayback mantra and good policy. If you get a toolbar button you can check for archived copies in two clicks and even better it will redirect 404 Not Found Error to archive copy IF someone saved it. Be a saver!
Wow more corruption by Fake Fauci once again!
Very good read! You are a Lion Dr. Paul!
When we are all dead, which for some of us will be soon in order for the earth to survive, our ancestors will look-back and wonder why Americans did not take any physical action, because most of us knew positively of the crimes against humanity, but only posted on the internet and or remained silent.
Family members and close friends and even our innocent children perished from the viruses or the deadly vaccines, and all the while the corrupt government agents, the corrupt medical profession and the corrupt pharmaceutical firms profited greatly.
These perpetrators of evil went free...! THEY ROBED US AN WE DID NOTHING...!
All these liars who purposefully slaughtered humankind with manufactured viruses and poisonous injections all deserved to be hung or otherwise destroyed as an example and to prevent these atrocities from ever happening again...!
Now, do you want me to tell you how I really feel...?
Don't worry, that's coming to...!
Dr. Donnie Smith
Donnie, good point - what physical actions should we take? Have you taken any?
Well Leonora, I pleased that you asked...The BLM group and antifa seem to get a lot of attention...
Unless the powers that be get uncomfortable...Unless people feel the pain of their actions they are unlikely to change...It's a matter of looking back at American history...The first event was a ship-load of British tea unloaded into to ocean...Then it was the Black Robe Regiment that acted very much like the BLM, and they fired-up the American Colonist to evict the British soldiers from the Colonist's homes...It gained steam from there...
Basically, it means American Patriots must begin non-compliance to the illegal demands of the government...Mandates are not laws that we must obey...Rules from the big 3-letter agencies are not laws passed by the U.S. Congress...No more lock-downs, no more masks, no more mandatory vaccines/boosters for anyone...Americans that can, must flood the borders to defend our borders if the government can't...WE TELL THE GOVERNMENT WHAT TO DO...NOT THE GOVERNMENT TELLING AMERICANS WHAT TO DO...!
The first thing people should do would be to burn the corrupt voting machines...
This is not the venue to discuss my adventures in getting 'things turned around' but simply putting these words in print is a huge step too few are willing to do...!
Getting things "fixed" in American is not a job for wusses...It's going to mean Americans must ignore the illegal rules and mandates...The quicker that gets started the quicker our America will "heal" !!!
we must first start speaking-up so that the wusses become aware...!
Why does the title reference "The Atlantic" but the link is to "Vanity Fair"?
In the Atlantic or Vanity Fair?
Homoborgiensis....are not humans. Try looking for that term on search engines, I found only 1 site and it was in Italian. No one will say it out loud yet, but there it is...homoborgiensis. Owned.
Try a better search engine that isn't "curated" by silicon valley also compound search will vastly improve the result regardless.
I tried Brave first, Tor, then Gooble. I am aware of that control, well aware and off of those platforms. Homoborgiensis term is being downplayed, only 1 hit, but they are owning the jabbed now, technically. Good discussion on Dr. Jane Ruby/Red Voice media, yesterday.
Is Gooble yet another search engine, or a clever misspelling of The One That Sensors?
A family member recently tried Brave, but found it returning results no different from the sold-out DDG. I’m wondering if it’s our internet provider doing some of the censoring. 😡
...oh Copernicus, they say we are the center of the universe, they ALL say it, but you and I and a few others, we know it isn't observation, by calculation....(same problem, different century, intelligence thwarted by status quo of monied parties) There is really no way to know if what we are seeing on any search engine is willing to float about on the newer options but we are vulnerable here as on the phones to the manipulaceration as well. best
poodle kugel frugal it was a typo but in this shituation, I don't tend to fix 'em...
qwant is another. But maybe we need our own spiders.
WePatriot3 hr ago
Love your reporting Alex but you are painfully naive and lose credibility if you confidently claim that Covid-19 was NOT an intentional bioweapon.
They didn't take the article down but you have to have a subscription to Vanity Fair to read the full article. Was the article in The Atlantic or Vanity Fair???
The Vanity Fair article has been archived in two places.
we have known all along about big pharma capture of the journals but cdc capture of preprint servers is just as troubling so thank you for sending this out
The Vanity Fair link will not open:/