Bobbie-Anne Cox is saving NY from living hell!

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There ARE some good candidates up there. A few. There’s a primary tomorrow!

Behold, a COMMON SENSE DEMOCRAT running for office in New York. I feel like I’ve just seen a unicorn! Brandon Straka interview, highly recommend 


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Brandon STraka is great. He started the WALK AWAY movement. WAlk away from the democrat party. I love that he is runing as a dem...taste of their own medicine...like the rinos are always doing.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Just to clarify, Straka isn’t running but he is interviewing a New York democrat who is running. She’s a sharp gal. It was very interesting to hear her speak, and I was surprised to agree with her on so many things. She’s a more classic liberal, not one of these crazy extremists we see destroying the country.

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Oh pity....but I am finding I value true classic liberals now....

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She is awesome.....

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Thank you for sharing the info which I will share with others.

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For being a new governor, she is way over the top tyrannical. I think she’s trying to knock Trudeau out of the top spot of Klaus Schwab’s favorite protégé.

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You are looking at the face of evil.

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she is evil, I recall her "evangelizing" the jabs as a gift from g*d...

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Yes! I remember that speech she gave in the church. I’ve never seen anything so diabolical.

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Democrats constantly enacting obviously unconstitutional measures to tear down the system and alter our perceptions of the bounds of their power. There should be a “three strikes and you’re out” rule—the third time you sponsor or pass legislation or add a regulation that is on its face entirely unconstitutional, you will be removed from office and prosecuted for violating citizens’ civil rights.

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I really love that idea..three strikes ...I would just add (or any part of it is deemed unconsittutional).

You can never sponsor or vote on legistlation again. For all reps. State, Federal.!!

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Let us pray that we can hold a free and fair election. All communists both republican and democrats must be purged. It must be sweeping. Next, impeach Biden. Address the Global Banking Cartel that has a stranglehold on the world. The countless corrupt agencies must be eliminated, not rebuilt, eliminated. Let doctors practice, get the worthless bureaucrats out. Finally, prosecute those that have knowingly cause harm and death to the citizens for personal gain. Big job lies ahead.

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Agree 100%, Scott, that these corrupt agencies, these alphabet soup cluster you-know-whats (as my husband calls them and he does not censor himself when he does!) have got to go. Not reformed. Not rebuilt. Gone!

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My pastor did a sermon about a year ago, It was called "When Government rewards Evil and punishes the Good" Below is a few excerpts from that sermon. Regarding what New York attempted to do and what Australia did do.

This is exactly what Hitler did to the Jews. This is straight up Nazi Germany. In Germany during the rise of Hitler, A young pastor preached a sermon on Romans 13 to defend what the towns people were witnessing. There were Nazi banners all over the church. Within a few years 6 million jews were murdered. During the French Revolution where millions were beheaded in the guillotines, it was carried out by none other than the committee for Public safety.

In Africa during the apartheid it was stated that Africans were a threat to public health therefore justifying their murders.

Canada jails pastor James Coates for preaching but let's a pedophile out of jail. The police were so concerned about the pedophile committing his heinous acts again they sent notices out to local residents warning them.

During the summer of Love, BLM was allowed to riot, burn down city blocks and commit murder, with the full support from 1200 medical professionals stating that Systemic racism was a public health problem all the while condemning citizens for protesting against lock downs.

"Trust us says the government" "We truly have your best interest at heart, all we want to do is keep you safe"

Throughout History more evil has been committed against citizens by their own Government.

If there is not place for civil disobidience then Government has been made autonoumous. Abolish God - Then the State becomes God. Acts of state that contradicts God's Law are acts of Tyranny.

Isn't it interesting how history is repeating itself...........I keep asking, what next?

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The fact that they are trying to appeal this shows just how much of a hard-on this Governor the DOH, and the AG has for absolute power. Whose funding the appeal? This Bobbie-Ann Cox’s substack https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/both-hochul-and-letitia-james-want

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I hope the appeal is not granted.

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NY Has no mojo left. They gladly do as they are told, otherwise you have to leave and live elsewhere.

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There’s mojo here in NY it’s just always suffocated by NYC! The fact that Bobbie-Ann Cox fought city hall and won says a lot about our mojo! Leaving is a cowards way out. Standing up and fighting back is how we end this madness!

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Is President Trump a coward? He left NY.

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He was more in danger of being JFK’d there. I’d feel safer in DeSantis’s state too, if I were him.

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I recently read a biography (and wrote something) about Dr. Royal Copeland. He was a homeopathic physician, born in the 19th century in Michigan. He ultimately became the Health Commissioner for the City of New York in 1918. His edict was to change work schedules so that the public transportation facilities would be less crowded. He said wear a mask if you choose to. And he also said the best disinfectant is the Sun, to make sure to get out in the Sun every day. And he said that worry and fear are also things that need to be minimized if healing is to occur. Rather than close down facilities, he suggested people get out to entertainment facilities. He said people should go see a movie to have something besides the Spanish flu to think about. People were quarantined - as has ALWAYS been done - when they were sick!!! And only Chicago and Cincinnati had lower death rates from the flu than did NYC under Dr. Copeland. Wouldn't it have been nice if the Dr. Idiots guiding us in 2019 to "avoid the sun" and in general escalating terror in people that this whatever was highly contagious and half of them would die, had instead just read what was done to minimize the spread of whatever it was in 1918 in NYC, Cincinnati and Chicago. I don't know if it was due to Dr. Copeland or not, but I know that they did some awful things, like having healthy volunteers injected with blood or sputum from flu patients, or having them cough on them, etc. The healthy volunteers did not get the flu. Contagion was never proved in 1918 - 100 years ago and we're still seeking to terrify people with some dreaded invisible germ as though we never had an immune system. The truth is vaccines are maybe 100 years old, the human race somewhere around 200-300 million in which we've mostly been slogging barefoot through fetid water, sleeping in caves probably embedded with bear shit and somehow managed to survive - till we got this "health care" system at least. Must have been magic - either that or a working immune system! I find it interesting that 1918 was also around the time that cities became electrified - just as 2018 seems to be the time that cities, without study, without citizen input, are being 6G-ized.

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Who keeps voting for these terrible democrats? I just don’t get it.

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The young, and the boomers.

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Not just young and boomers unfortunately. My husband has older relatives that live in NYC and vote Democrat and are die hard libs, march on DC wearing pink vagina hats.

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Whoa. That’s embarrassing. I’m so sorry.

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Actually, they're pink vulva hats. The vagina is an internal muscle behind the cervix; can't see it. These geniuses wearing these ridiculous "hats" are ignorant of their own anatomy.

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So their age would be between 30 and 64 somewhat..?

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His Aunt and uncle are in their 80’s

The daughter is late 50’s and they all marched in DC with their pink “hats” and think NYC is great!

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We'll see if the NYS appeals court rules in favor of the tyrants, and therefore exposes itself as part of the tyranny that must be excised.

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We need this all over the USA.

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Bobbie-Anne Cox is a pistol! Sharp as a tack.

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Let’s hope the appeal fails miserably and irretrievably.

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Send them both to China where they would fit right in, but don’t tell them when they are caught being on the take they will be GONE….GONE GONE😎

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These people would make Hitler and his Stasi proud. CERN must have opened a portal from hell because the demons are roaming free.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Well done Ms. Cox!! Those that have the gumption to stand against these little obsequious tin horned dictators and even sometimes win, as in this case, are the heroes of this era of the growing suppression of human rights and dignity by a behind the scenes power elite. This pyramid cap that fronts itself through the WEF, Davos, national central banks which they own, IMF/World Bank/BIS, a full spectrum plethora of govt. and agencies both national and international like NATO/ICC, its corporate entourage and purposed NGOs are now all outed as the enemies of humanity....and humanity, "We have not yet begun to fight."

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