He just lost a ton of momentum. Huge strategic error. Even Thomas Sowell lectured on why it is ridiculous and gave a history lesson on history of Slavery ... around the world. People should watch it.


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The irony is that blacks were sold into slavery by their conquering black tribal winners.

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Better than lying. A least people will start seeing a broader picture.

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Being dumb is almost as dangerous!

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Um Bill.....your link provides video that is 1 minute 25 seconds long...... was hoping to hear a substantial discussion. Was that the correct link?

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The slavery part is at about 37 mins in. But the whole interview is excellent. I merely posted the short clip given the topic at hand. Enjoy: After starting out liberal, he grew up and realized the importance of conservative economic principles for the benefit of all.


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Thank you Bill.

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Oct 21, 2023
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Your stereotype of the Irish as having poor business acumen puzzles me.

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Thanks to RINOS, Republicans just lost the 2024 election;

BREAKING: RINOS Win! House GOP Votes IN SECRET BALLOT to Boot Jim Jordan for Speaker by Large Margin 112 to 86… Candidate Forum to be Held Monday


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Yes. Looks that way. Very disheartening.

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Watch the video, he never said that.

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Propaganda from the right. He's not promoting reparations. Get your facts straight.

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According to Jeff Childers and the NY Post, it's all spelled out on Bobby Jr's own website.

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Wasn't my Facts. Was responding to the Substack from Dr Alexander that it was a huge mistake if that was the case. Wasn't the one promoting the info. I assumed he had real info since he is a fan of RFK Jr. And it does appear that there is a nuance here. He wants the money to go into black community development rather than straight payments. Although he does acknowledge that such direct payments are a possibility, not necessarily coming from his personal push. probably where the conflating the facts comes from.

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Also, here's what Jeff Childers had to say earlier today re: RFKJr's "race reparations" policy:

"Conservatives are discovering RFK’s less well-known policies now that he’s running as an independent. For example, the New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations, carving out lane to Biden’s left.”

According to the Post, RFK’s campaign website pretty clearly advocates for reparations, which are deeply unpopular with Republicans and sane people."


IMO Bobby Jr. cannot be trusted with your vote. He's a dyed in the wool far-left Democrat pandering to special interest groups. Promising more hand-outs from American taxpayers to the perpetual victim class who make a career from generation to generation of living on public assistance and reverse racism.

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You would think perhaps he would call for reparations for all Americans who were victimized by the murder of his Uncle, since it was the deep state US government who was behind that. Anyone who was alive at the time should be compensated as a class for all the future pain and suffering caused by that murder. And their descendants. But NOT illegal migrants.

Tongue in cheek.

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Yes, even if RFK pulled this reparation card as an attack upon Pedo-Rigged, he committed political suicide. Democrats are now officially an in-our-face party of overt treason while the RINOS are covert-under-handed passive Party of Treason.

Trump is our ONLY option to save the nation.

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As I keep trying to get across, he is a looney lefty all most issues.

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Kennedy voted Obama/Biden both times.

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Of course he did. He's a Democrat.

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Trump 2024! 🇺🇸

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Would never vote for him only point I was for him was the vaccinations but after that he’s a democrat. Too left

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He was lying about that too

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RFK lost more half of us support over his position on Israel. He also lost Kucinich and replaced him with a CIA agent. That will make it very very hard for him to win the election, and it may had done irreparable damage to his campaign. That's what he most needs to fix.

As for reparations, I think all those who were discrminated against during the plandemic deserve to be first in line for reparations as we personally lived through the most extreme discrimination nightmare in our lifetimes.

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RFKJr cannot 'fix' what he's espoused publicly. Now that he's revealed his true beliefs, he cannot be trusted. It would be even more cynical of him to reverse course now that he's seen the backlash. He appears to have no moral compass.

Maybe he can try for a "leadership" position with BLM.

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Amen!!! Best analysis yet!! Thanks!

And I’m truly sorry Bobby has made these terrible blunders.😢

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They are not blunders. They are character flaws. Just another politician pretending to be everything to everyone and every special interest group.

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Here here!!!!!!

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So people who did nothing to other people should pay that group for nothing that happened to them. by the first group. Does this make any sense? Unlawful!!!

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Another way for fraud to be committed on the American taxpayer.

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He is an extremist.

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OK, Bobby, You want to pay reparations to some group of people for some sort of current offense that did not happen to them but somebody winds up paying them money because they have a certain amount of melanin in their skin? Have I got that right, along with the fact that they just might vote for you if you tell them you are going to pay them money for something or other?

Aside from the fact that it is both wildly illogical and wildly illegal on several lines, that's fine by me because I know just how to deal with it:

I identify as black. Now my life matters and I get money!

Problem solved!

PS: Did you read my open letter to you, Bobby? Check it out: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/dr-rimas-rfkjr-letter/ I am waiting for your response. I identify as hopeful.

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Watch the video he never said he was reparations.

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Sadly, he just lost my support. Anybody find a candidate out there who’s NOT a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

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President Trump.

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I have been watching Trump draining the swamp, still and having men rescuing sex trafficked stolen children from underground bases for the past number of years. It is still going on and he is draining the swamp of their money and keeping them from killing off the world's people. There is a huge war to be won between Good and Evil. Trump is a good man. He is still commander in chief. The

USA, Inc. Is bankrupt and Trump is bringing back our True Constitutional Republic which had been stolen by the Rothschild banksters in 1913.

Trump is brilliant and the scared left is trying to make a baffoon of him with their court room circus, but they're not going to win. Everything they are doing is coŕrupt and unconstitutional. They won't be able to take away his businesses and strip him down.

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Nope. Trump is a con man who figured out how to use the asset/liability strategies he honed as a real estate mogul, to turn the entire US economy into his family’s personal piggy bank.

He appointed his buddy Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary. Near the end of his term, Trump put Mnuchin personally and solely in charge of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (a government “slush fund” set up during the 1930’s to be used to manipulate commodity prices). Billions in taxpayer dollars disappeared without a trace or investigation.

How about Jared Kushner? Or the other family members involved in shady deals while Daddy was in charge? Hunter wasn’t the first deadbeat kid making out from Daddy’s position, and he probably won’t be the last.

Before he got into office, Trump single-handed my let Deutsche Bank loose in the US, then turned around and ripped them off for a couple hundred billion that he used for his real estate deals. Deutsche was very vocal about moving in to prosecute as soon as Trump was out of office. But then things got quiet and, apparently, charges were dropped. Why? That was a documented crime that Trump committed, and he got away with it, but nobody seems to care.

And speaking about not caring, why has everybody given Trump a pass for failing to lock up his buddy Killary? Surely he has sufficient dirt on her to put her away for a long, long time. But, they’re both part of the same big club so it ain’t gonna happen. And she probably has plenty of dirt on him, too, so he can’t risk actually making any moves. He’s such a slime ball that even the other nasty NY real estate developers look down on him. But the public just shrugs and ignores Trump’s obvious breach of promise and pretends he’s an honest guy anyway. Wow, what if we could ALL get such largesse from family and friends, wouldn’t our lives be a lot easier?

Trump is a glorified version of PT Barnum with an even greater glorified cult of personality. He’s a carnival barker taking vast sums of your money to hoodwink you into thinking he’s taking care of you. He knows how to throw out just enough of the right sops to the hungry peasants to keep them happy while he and his family feast on as much roast beef as they can handle. He’s the charming boyfriend who convinces the lonely girl that he loves her when his real objective is to get under her skirt long enough to satisfy himself, then head for greener pastures. But he’s such a romanced that he leaves her longing for him anyway and willing to hike her skirt up again for more “love”. It’s sad.

He got my mom completely last time around, but not again after watching him in action for four years. Glad to see Mom learned. Hoping others will similarly start to think objectively about his actions instead of his words and come to their senses. Trump picks our pockets with flair, but he’s still a pickpocket. Please don’t let the craving for leadership make you so blinded by his honeyed manipulation that you fail to see that Trump is simply a lone jackal in a world of wolf packs, and you are still the sheep. A predator is still a predator even if it comes in less obvious clothing.

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Well you certainly have some long held resentments against Trump and you are crrtainly entitled to your opinion.

I've been following Trump for a long time, and he may have made mistakes when he was younger. However he has truly changed. He has had men going into underground bases and rescuing abused trafficked children who were stolen from their homes or other places for over a few years. I do believe killary as you call it has received its just reward already and if you see it on tv, it is a double or clone.

Trump is the one who is fighting the dèep state and thats why they dont like him. Our country has bèen infiltrated with commies and now with mercenaries and paid for troublemakers coming across the border. Trump will straighten this whole mess out and stop the depopulation agenda of these evil eugenecidts. I dont see anyone else with the cajones to do it.

Do you want all your wealth removed from you and end up in a fema death camp or a 15 minute city/open air prison eating bugs?

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Reparations to who. Dr Shiva has been calling this guy out as a Zionist shill and it seems he might be right.

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Shiva is in bed with Pharma. He’s a total fraud.

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Damn 63 yrs of free college, rent, food, medical, medicine, phones, free internet, 50K for being a black farmer and the only requirement was having one plant to farm. Tax Free homes, Child care, "Stupid Checks (Gov checks after you pretend your child is mute or retarded)", tax refund for not working, and countless social programs for one race of people, who were NEVER Slaves, isn’t enough of a reparation, they didn’t deserve. Not one of those in 63 yrs were slaves, not one picked any cotton except from an aspirin bottle. Im sick of this Racist Bullshit black supremacy, white hating race baiting. RFK Jr can pay the reparations from his family money. He can send me a check too for the Irish slavery. We haven’t received shit! Hés pandering and looks more like Obama’s and Sharpton every day. Big Fat NO to RFK Jr, Up yours RFK jr. TRUMP 2024 or sooner.

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But aren’t you concerned that Trump still supports the Covid vax? That’s what I don’t get about him.

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Yes I am concerned Tim..It bothers me greatly.... Watch this for a possible explanation


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Bobby goes woke?

Why should people who have never owned slaves pay people who have never been slaves? Many blacks have white slave-owning ancestors and many whites have slave ancestors. Sort that one out. And what about reparations for indigenous people? Talk about a can of worms. Let’s just make race relations far, far worse.

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To all African-Americans demanding “reparations”, I offer a nicely framed set of the lyrics to “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. Hang it on your Living Room wall.

Only in America did a milion people die to set you free. Your ingratitude is incomprehensible.

This excerpt below says it all:

“He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword;

His truth is marching on.

*Let us live to make all free.*

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!”

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Civil War was not about slavery, it was about business over farmers; it was a political war, same as we're watching unfold now and since. Abe's move to free slaves was a military move: slaves in W. Virginia, Maryland and DC were NOT freed.

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If he was dedicated to the truth he would understand the fallacy of the Global warming movement. But he doesn't. He does not understand the weapons of the globalist, the enemies of freedom.

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