I know you think Trump is our best bet but he surrounded himself with the establishment & did not drain the swamp as promised. He also has never denounced the kill shots, & his bad judgement aka warp speed caused severe harm & death to millions.

RFK is a democrat, however he is old school democrat, & we really have zero representation in DC, including Republicans. It’s all one party & a clown show, & we are all suffering the consequences of these incompetent traders.

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Any person with a knowledge of the sordid, despicable history of the Democratic Party and is still a Democrat today will never receive my legitimate vote or respect.

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Don't burn those agencies down to the studs. Burn them down, completely, and bury the ashes. Get rid of everyone there, and ban them from ever working for government at any level.

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A Trump/Kennedy ticket would be a WINNING ticket. It would bring all sides together, in my opinion.

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First, we need to have the ability to hear everyone’s viewpoints! We can’t allow the mass media to decide what should be heard and what should not be heard! When Biden says there will be no debates, and Trump inturn wants the same platform says that we will not learn the truth! For over three years going into the fourth year they are still controlling what Americans are allowed to hear! Freedom of speech is disappearing and allowing humanity to be manipulated!

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The single most important issue for me is getting rid of Medical Tyranny and anything that has to do with vaccine mandates. Trump still promotes the vaccines, and I'm not sure if it's true, but have heard he owns stock in Pfizer.

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Trump needs to get away from promoting the deadly bio weapon vaccines and big pharma.

Then it will be the winning ticket.

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For now Kennedy has to focus on beating Biden in the primary. I don't think the Politburo will allow it, but he has to try. If Trump or DeSantis were to get into the WH, Kennedy may jump at the chance to clean out the federal medical cabal, or maybe take on something else where he could have a lasting impact on this country. He could be valuable in any of a number of positions. We'll see how it goes.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

I'd prefer to see RFK Jr in the right cabinet position rather than running as Trump's VP candidate, for multiple reasons. One reason is that cabinet members are actually supposed to do some real work unlike VPs (besides presiding over the Senate and breaking ties). How many VPs in history of actually done a good job at anything?

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RFK said "no" just to avoid losing democrat votes. But remember he said "yes" when Trump asked him to form a commission to study vaccine safety (unfortunately Trump backed down on that one at the beginning of his first term).

The REAL Bobby Kennedy II

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.: the good, the bad, the ugly and the horrible.

Friend or foe, you need to know. He is the best democrat candidate by far. Also, why anti-depressants cause suicide and why cheating destroys you and everyone around you.

It’s important that you read this article if you are:

• A non-voter (a migrant, a foreigner) share this to US voters and to other countries: the whole world is facing the same battle against the global coup and can learn from this article, especially since “what happens in America doesn’t stay in America” but spreads all over the world.

• A skeptic, please vote anyone against the totalitarian digi-tatorship being built to murder all of us.

• A Democrat fanatic, who will never Republican, support Bobby: he is your only choice. Yet listen to the Republican candidates: some have good ideas that you can ask Bobby to apply.

• A Republican fanatic, who will never vote Democrat, please share this to convince the non-partisan voter and pick-up the good ideas Bobby is proposing, to demand them to your Republican candidate. If Biden succeeds, he will continue his policies: “the enemy (Bobby) of my enemy (Biden) is my friend”.

In sum, whether you are capable of understanding how crucial these elections are or not, share this!

This piece isn’t intended to destroy Bobby but to help him grow and improve his political program. No matter our opinion, we are all indebted to him though his wonderful job at Children’s Health Defense. Because of that, even knowing that he was a staunch Democrat, Trump was going to name him in charge of a Vaccine evaluation commission in 2020 (unfortunately, Trump trumped Trump). Anyway, the odds are against Bobby being let by the DNC to compete with Biden ... unless there’s an uproar from the Democrat bases.

This article is a work in progress and so is Bobby. Some see him as a glass half full, others, half empty. What if we could help to fill it up to the top? Many things could happen in the months left!

Follow the evolution of his ideas on Twitter, he might surprise you:


The Good

Hero Aaron Kheriaty MD, who is a Heritage Foundation conservative, wrote “I am grateful that my friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he is running for President as a democrat. I am quite confident that he would embrace with many of my policy proposals1 for reforming our public health agencies within HHS, including the CDC, NIH, and FDA. Regardless of what happens in the election, I am pleased that RFK Jr. will bring these issues into the democrat primary debates, which otherwise would have ignored them entirely.”

The following twit alone, could lead the DNC to cancel either Bobby or the Democrat primaries, or that he’ll be assassinated by the CIA, just like his relatives (JFK, RFK, JFK2):

“Not retribution, but justice! As President, I will direct my attorney general to investigate and prosecute every person who knowingly defrauded or deceived the American public about the safety and efficacy of medical products and I will obtain justice and compensation for every American who was injured or suffered the death of family members from those actions. As a presidential candidate, I'll continue to expose corruption to obtain justice for the injured.” 2

In favor of Bobby:

1. Founded Children’s Health Defense. He's interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts and she appears regularly on CHD Defenders in a podcast called Financial Rebellion.

2. Is against the injuring vaccines (like the ones causing his kids’ allergies), Big Pharmafia and compulsory vaccination.

3. Is in favor of “a diverse ecology of currencies”3 and against the cashban IDgi-dollar, yet only “until we restore trust in Government (a distant prospect)”.4

4. Is against the WHO pandemic response and treaty.

5. Is against agency capture by Big Corp and by the military industrial complex: “Between Oct. 2021 and Sep. 2022, the U.S. spent $877 billion on the military, more than the next 10 countries combined. These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the U.S. national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than US GDP.” 5

6. Is against Bank bailouts.6

7. Is against the WEF through Children’s Health Defense “The Great Freeset”.7

8. Is against geoengineering. 8

9. Isn’t a climate Nazi. ChildrensHealthDefense.org was against measures which disrupt the food supply and cause hunger, like the fertilizer ban in the Netherlands. 9

Caveat: unfortunately, he seems to follow the carbon 2030 agenda and the Paris agreement.

10. Is against the USA war against Russia in Ukraine.10 Pledges to close 800 US Bases and bring back troops.11

11. Is against open borders to criminals, currently without any control 12

12. Says he’ll fight for the middle and working class, especially against inflation and oligopolies: “What we have in this country now is not free market capitalism—it’s corporate crony capitalism. It’s … a cushy kind of socialism for the rich and a brutal, barbaric, merciless capitalism for the poor.” 13

13. He’ll fight for free-speech and pardon Julian Assange (something Trump didn’t do) 14

14. Really cares about water pollution (masons poison us through tab water)

15. He’ll probably offer Robert Malone (campaign backer, vx convert), Ed Dowd (campaign treasurer, Blackrock convert) and Steve Kirsch (PAC leader, vx convert) a high position in his administration. 15

The most important issue is the WHO Pandemic treaty, which could override even the President, Governors, laws, and fiat currency: RFK’s Children’s Health Defense is leading a campaign against the WHO demanding a Health Freedom Bill of Rights16, including the right to:

1. No medical mandates, including medications or biologics.

2. No discrimination based on medical or healthcare decisions.

3. Informed consent without coercion.

4. Individualized medical care.

5. Exclude third parties from our medical care.

6. Receive medical care regardless of vaccination status.

7. A medical advocate of our choice.

8. Free movement/travel regardless of vaccination status.

9. Forego quarantine without due process.

As if that weren’t enough good news: “We will roll back the secrecy and make government transparent. We will protect whistleblowers and prosecute officials who abuse the public trust. We will rein in the lobbyists and slam shut the revolving door that shunts people from government agencies to lucrative positions in the companies they were supposed to regulate, and back again. We will get money out of politics. We will open our institutions to real citizen involvement.”17

Another good thing is that he is an outsider, still not corrupted and co-opted by the system, rigged to groom and select the most corrupt.

I'll soon post about the ugly, bad and horrible.

Meanwhile read this:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Kennedy, Jr. is too spoiled and vain to accept anything but the top job. It will never happen for him. His unwillingness to consider working with Trump shows he's a poor negotiator and incapable of working with others who don't, for example, share his radical 'climate change' views.

Junior should stay in his lane advocating for health freedom against medical tyranny and for environmental responsibility. I support his Children's Health Defense legal fund even though I don't care for him personally. But I don't trust him on the economy or foreign policy. I could not vote for him.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Paul, what are your thoughts regarding the relationship between Kennedy, Kirsch, and malone (yes, I've lower cased his name on purpose)? Should we be concerned that malone is tied to Kennedy? Any thoughts?

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Let all the vices be heard! Then let the voters decide! Trump still is saying injections were good! BS!

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Kennedy was disrespected by Trump during his presidency. Trump shunned Kennedy in favor of his Pharma buddy. Kennedy is not stupid and knows who Trump will always partner with.

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I was just thinking about this today.. Trump and Kennedy .. would be the ticket . :)

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RFK was not listened to by President Trump when he came to the White House shortly after he began his presidency. He acted as if he would honor RFK's request until he met with Pfizer and then President Trump backtracked on his word. Why would RFK think that President Trump would not do this again?

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