he will have to gut the DOJ as there is ample proof that this agency is no longer following the constitution and just as corrupt as the rest

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DJT refuses to acknowledge vax injuries and deaths

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

Rescind the 1986 vaccine laws and things will change in an instant. Of course, congress would have to become law abiding and swear off of payoffs from big pharma's mafia of crooked lobbyists.

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Sadly, I seriously doubt the “deep state” will let that happen.

Kennedy is a climate change fanatic just like most Dems, so I’m not exactly a fan.

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DJT pledged to lock her up and build a wall. You need to stop getting so excited about what politicians say. They have realms of reports, neatly detailing what you and I want to hear.

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Here’s more if interested. Dr. Eads predicts 1.2 Billion (yes, 1,200,000,000) deaths in this interview;


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Sorry RFKJr I like your vaccine stance, but the DOJ is just as corrupt as the rest of the agencies. If president you would be eaten alive. At least Trump learned this lesson, the hard way. It cost him 2020 and we got stuck with the vaxxes you oppose.

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A lot more needs to be gutted or completely removed:

-DOJ, FBI, any agencies spying domestically in violation of the constitution

-illegal central bank


...this is a long list. Might be faster to start over from scratch.

Tabula rasa.

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The Dems won't allow RFK Jr. to win.

But the best we can hope is for everything he's saying to be forced to be covered by the MSM to the point that every Leftist Democrat is aware.

To date only Republicans had a chance to know the truths. Most Dems to this day have no clue about the Clot shot or that there was Early Treatment or that this was a Plandemic in the planning for over a decade.

Biden refuses to Debate. No one will Debate RFK Jr.

That must change when RFK Jr actually becomes a bigger threat than the coward Bernie Sanders (he never wanted to win).

It would help if Dems deny making SC the first contest. RFK Jr might beat Biden in NH and Iowa where he can't count on the Black vote. That would be embarrassing.

The YouTube link to Tuicker talking JFK Jr was taken down because it was illegal. People will have to watch directly from Tucker on Twitter. Tucker also destroys Prof Peter Hotez:


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Well, how exactly is he going to do that?

Sorry, but after seeing what happened to Trump, I no longer believe that it is possible for one "good guy" to take back the govt when the rest of the govt (99%)is totally corrupt.

The President has to get his cabinet approved by the Senate, which is full of neocon, deep state snakes. Do you really think the Senate is going to approve a non pharma-controlled person to be in charge of CDC, HHS, NIH, FDA, etc?

The US govt is completely controlled by the central bankers who took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. Listen to Greg Manarino's Markets a Look Ahead youtube video from today---he talked about how the central bankers run everything.

For those who don't know about the central bankers, here's an excellent post:


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Indeed, RFK's same as his dad and uncle, America First; Recall JFK's theme was 'ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.' The Dem elite were Americans once upon a time. btw, I'm a Democrat, but last time I voted for a dem was Carter, then I found out he was a liar of a freak show right from the start: Zbig Trilateral Manchurian Airhead, BUT he knew that he was a traitor. Old timer Holly's book, I'll link here, on Trilateral, she perfectly place a copy of Carter's acceptance speech where he threatened American about 4 times. When Pedo gave his Attack American speech in Sept, 2021, Carter's speech immediately came to mind. Same damn template.


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It’s not a medical oversight and control issue. It’s Democide via the DOD and their overlords.

Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning for more than a year about extreme disease and death coming because of the Cv19 bioweapon/vax. Dr. Eads has been punished by the medical community for being a CV19 vax truth warrior. Everything she predicted has happened, and it is guaranteed to get worse—much worse. Using fresh data just on breast cancers alone posted by the American Cancer Society on Cancer.org, Dr. Eads explains, “From Cancer.org, in the year 2019 for those women under 45 years old (with breast cancer), it was 26,660. It 2020, it was 26,500. In 2021 when the CV19 vax rolled out, it was 26,561. . . . Cancer was not seen in the initial rollout because it took some time for the spike protein delivery. So, in 2022, those numbers went from 26,561 to 47,000. That is a two-fold increase. That’s a direct result of the mRNA (CV19) shots. In 2023, it went up six-fold to 297,000 breast cancer cases, and we are not even done with 2023. That may be as high as 500,000 breast cancer cases. So, cancer is exploding, and there is a direct correlation to the mRNA (CV19) vaccines. . . . The data is just pouring out. The Department of Defense DMED data has cancers up 600% to 1,300%.”

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There is clear evidence that this Covid-19 & vaccine are products of bioweapon research by the DoD. See the blogs of Sasha Latypova Substack "Due Diligence and Art" and Kathleen Watt "Bailiwick News", where this fact is pursued both from deep knowledge of how pharmaceutical industry regulations are supposed to work, and from careful study of the contracts and patents involved. Dr. David Martin and Dr. Dr. Dr. Richard Fleming (Ph.D. in nuclear physics+M.D. in medical research + J.D. in law) are also very astute and present their information based on the original documents in great detail. Regarding the latter watch the video deposition of Dr. Fleming on his site FlemingMethod.com for a succinct rundown on his details, and for the former, Dr. Martin's presentation before the European Council (found on Twitter) is similarly incisive.

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You'll vote for '45'!

Tell us, what is it Trump will do to rectify the Covid/Big Pharma scam?

From what I've seen and heard, he's as likely to award medals as to hold perpetrators to account.

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RFK Jr. should go Third Party. The DNC and DS will never allow him to be their nominee. Let Populism takes its course.

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