I am sorry, anyone who comes out for reparations is dead in the water. I never nor did my family ever own another person in any form of slavery, look to your democrat friends… think about it, why do they offer welfare, food stamps, free phones.. they are keeping you oppressed and by accepting “FREE GIFTS?” You are KEEPING YOURSELVES OPPRESSED. Then you keep voting them in, are you all that dumb or indoctrinated from your family, vote democrat!? You really should LOOK AT THE DEMOCRATS HISTORY, GEE, WHO STARTED KKK? Gee, why was abortion started? Something to THINK ABOUT BEFORE YOU VOTE!

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Yes, they are all that dumb and indoctrinated.

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Nor have I or any of my family. I am second generation French Canadian/Sicilian American.

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Between 1600-1800, the chief source of slaves was Ireland. Yes, that's true. An Irish slave/indentured was cheaper to buy than an African slave and they were treated far worse than the African slaves were. Being more expensive, the African slaves enjoyed relatively "good experiences" serving their masters. Yet, all we hear is "blacks derivative to slaves are entitled to reparations". It would seem that the slaves originating from Ireland and their descendants deserve reparations, right? What am I missing here?

Spending billions to allow/encourage illegals and a full, whole, massive 700 dollars for each Lahaina victim of the DEW fire, is that what they call modern math? Biden's generosity is legendary, money for everybody but Americans. Who in their right mind would vote for this android?

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With THEIR line of thinking, we ALL deserve reparations. For one thing our government has enslaved us all with the unconstitutional central bank/Federal Reserve for a century. And now the UNrepresentatives in Congress are looting the treasury and the taxpayers forever, straight up stealing our money while they do nothing to stop the invasion of our country by our enemies.

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I listened to RFKjr talk about reparations and he actually gave a very heart-warming and sincere chat with some Black men (where are the women?). What he said was he was NOT in favor of CASH reparations to Blacks, but he felt that the Black communities had been harmed by bank policies that had redlined Black communities. They were not able to build equity as a result. This is what he wanted to address and see to it that Blacks were able to get reparations for adverse financial policies. Actually, this makes sense. The framing of his position as Reparations is the problem. What he proposes is similar to policies that Trump put into place -- the Opportunity Zones-- and I think the American people can see there is soundness and sense to the idea.

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Kennedy supported Obama/Biden, the two monsters who destroyed Black wealth with their policies. Trump made us, Minorities and middle class, a priority and cleaned up the disasters created by the Democrats. Kennedy (and the Progressives in the MFM) AGAIN supported Obama/Biden in 2020, who have repeated their previous record of performance. Someone should remind Kennedy, Malone, Kirsch and the other Progressives in the MFM that THEY are responsible for the current shitshow, stop being hypocrites.

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What about reparations for women? Have WE not been economically and socially oppressed? And look how the overall black community treats its “babymamas”!

What the black community REALLY needs is fathers in the home, standards of thought and conduct, and the progressive white community to stop being co-dependent with them! Throwing money into “developing” their communities when the people themselves are out of control is lunacy that only a liberal academic can believe in.

Kennedy is dead to me. Finding out yesterday that his first wife killed herself after he divorced her and took away the house they built together -as though he needed it - put the headstone on his grave, in my mind. What a shame. I thought I had finally found someone I could vote for! Well, back to the drawing board....

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Trump has always been the only one willing to fight for all of us, women, blacks, and the unborn.

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Um, no. He does whatever he perceives will win him the most applause and loyalty from his faithful. He invests in sops that will generate the greatest ROI for his own family’s wealth and power. He’s a calculating businessman, nothing more.

For example, he accelerated the growth of the already bloated national debt, to make it look as though the economy was growing and make the public feel prosperous. Meanwhile, as he was mesmerizing the audience with the “magically levitating stock market”, he was weighting down the chains of debt around your ankles, my ankles and the ankles of all future generations. Does that sound like “love for thru born” to you? Nope. It was just the realization that the population must continue to grow to pay off the debt that HIS family helped create and turn into generational wealth fir THEMSELVES!

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If you are referring to Trump, then you obviously do not know the man, and suffer from TDS.

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I am sorry blacks in general have had the opportunity to turn their life around for years. They continue down the rabbit hole by voting for democrats, accepting welfare etc.. I think many blacks today have been brainwashed and actually want it this way. I grew up around blacks and most got an education and are successful. Lets stop this crap. They have more opportunity today than ever. Stop the lying. Blacks have destroyed every city they control and we are more segregated than we ever have been and many blacks want it this way.

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Reparations were afforded to Black men in the USA after the Civil War. Free Black men were offered 15 acres and a Mule which many today would love to have. Anyone today seeking Reparations in the USA should move to some shithole in Africa where they are literally on the fuvcking menu. Once they have lived the life of their ancestors perhaps they will understand how good they had it here. Until of course POLITICS went off the rails and began feeding Communist China for profit while American Manufacturers get the shaft. Everyone talked about baling out the restaurant industry but NO ONE EVER talked about baling out American Manufacturers. You know, the people who made every fucking tool used to build America? Those people. The same people who went through Trade School and worked hard, invested in tools for their trades only to be sold out by Corrupt Ass politicians. #FreedomIsNotFree Trade shouldn't be Free either. From Nixon through today. Criminals have gone out of their way to screw The American People, ALL OF US, not any particular race. STFU about reparations. #EndAPECnow #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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Thank you for your clear insight. I hadn't heard his speech but knew it was being distorted.

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No. RFKJr is pandering to the black vote by opening your wallet and mine to undeserving people looking for MORE handouts as payment for their vote. He's wrong on reparations, like he's wrong on just about every other issue except vaccines.

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He only said it because it hurts Trump more than Biden in a mythical race. He also wants to ban fossil fuels, this idiot can't be allowed anywhere near the presidency!

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There is NO SUCH THING as Fosil Fuel. It was literally a term made up by Oil Companies to make oil seem scarce to charge more for it. Next to water, oil is the second most abundant liquid on all of the Earth.

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Yes, it's actually Abiotic oil. As you say, an abundant natural resource that replenishes itself.

By the way, the media want the public to believe that an RFK independent run would hurt Trump, which is utter nonsense. Far more Dems would switch to RFK. Trump voters are very loyal, and well-informed.

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My use of the term "fossil fuel" was in respect to his use of it.

Presumably, according to one of his supporters, he wouldn't be opposed to the use of non-fossil fuel. Ridiculous, I know.

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I stand corrected, RFK endorsed reparations? Really? Again, AYFKM? What is wrong with all these “NUTJOBS” and yes as much as I believed some of RFK’s actions, one action such as “reparations” TRUMPS all!! Obviously, no candidate can please everyone, but to divide America further is like a lightning bolt hitting a tree! I have to ask, is there anyone who gives a flying shit about America? One? Just one? America has had enough division, now once again more fuel to division has been added and in a FIREY BURNING WAY!! Optics is such an important factor and RFK’s optics just went to hell! I wouldn’t have voted for him unless? I wouldn’t have voted for him! But what’s he’s doing In support of reparations is moronic, dangerous and down right lethal!! If he wants to continue to fuel the racial divide, he just did!!! Someone, please tell this man to step away and go do something good for our country!!


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He was after all a democRAT his whole career....

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Yes you’re so right, who can we trust! If a candidate has to bow to whatever group of people they want to secure their vote than I say the hell with them! If a man or a woman can’t do what they say and say what they mean than the hell with them too! I am not perfect and I’ll never be perfect but God almighty, I am truthful! These SOB’s are liars and political hacks and are constantly pulling the wool over who chooses to allow! Each day I learn something new about one of these disgraceful people, today I learned about two, RFK and Hochul. Maybe it’ll be a cold day in hell that we’ll see or have a chance to cast a vote for someone truthful and will do as they say, but then again this is hell on earth and it’s getting pretty pretty pretty HOT! Your point is well taken John, thank you!


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Vote for President Trump. MAGA 2024

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I will and I plan too! I have twice and I would vote for Trump until eternity! In my entire life, except for Reagan, Trump is the ONLY CANDIDATE who will do as he says he will! I am convinced aside from myself, Trump is the only person I know who loves America more! I am disgusted with Washington, their “STENCH” is so rotten and has been, “ROTTING THE WORLD”! for a long long time! When an individual tells me they will do something, they better well do it, that’s who Trump is! He has always been that type of man! For this reason alone, they’re trying to do anything to stop him! I am convinced that the election system is and has been rigged for quite some time, every now and then they throw a bone to keep the masses at bay! Until every election cycle and voter is vetted and dips their finger in special, “RED WHITE AND BLUE INK”, to signify a vetted vote, we won’t have any free elections! I have always found good in all people until this past Presidential election. Now even when you think someone is true and decent they throw a curve like RFK has! I wouldn’t vote for him regardless, but I did believe the man was honest and true to his word, until, until his “reparations” nonsense”! If a man or woman can’t stand on their truest self and STICK TO THOSE BELIEFS, then humanity has lost its way more than I thought and now completely! When this current “illegitimate administration” took power, (due to RINO PENCE), I had faith in Americas future, today, BHO, the biggest “SLUG”of them all, who has never left power technically, has deep stated America to the toilet level fecal matter scum HE IS! All of BHO and his cronies hate this country and want complete power and heck why not take all the taxpayers money while they’re at it! And they continue to ROB THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS! They don’t care about anyone knowing it either! It is time to send these lowest of life low lives where they all belong to be, DEEP IN HELL! I will NEVER GIVE IN or GIVE UP FIGHTING FOR A FREE AMERICA NOT AT ALL TOO A Tyrannical ruling, totalitarian governing, socialistic and communistic bunch of American hating destroyers of our democratic republic! The founding fathers were all to smart when they devised our constitution and that is the ONLY POWER I WILL EVER STAND UP FOR! May God bless America and the entire world!


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Where does the reparation crowd want to take this? How far back? Where does it end? Ghenghis Khan? Maybe Alexander the Great?

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Who cares. Reparations and anyone touting them are dead.

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I hope so. Apparently something like 30% of the US want reparations. Lunacy. Definitely a "political wedge". Some of my ancestors from Canada were kicked out of Arcadia by the English. Maybe I should cry for some reparations. My great grandfather was an escaped convict from Canada. (You can't help who your relatives were/are). But, he settled in MA with zero money, and learned how to become a barber. Became a successful barber, then became a successful builder. Built many houses in New Bedford MA. Became very wealthy. Then along came the great depression. He was a kind man and could not kick out his tenants. So he let them stay without paying. Eventually lost all of his houses except for a couple, which he passed on to his children. My grandfather and my father were never wealthy. Just scraped by. My father put himself through college by working on the fish piers and graduated with two masters degrees. (Boston College and Stonehill College). Extremely smart guy. But devoted his career to helping people rather than making money. Never made more than $30k a year. Mostly much less. We grew up below the poverty level. My parents never sought any aid, as they believe it was for the very destitute. They spent much of the little they had helping others less fortunate. So, I grew up on soup, bread, butter and powdered milk mostly. I never cried about it or blamed anyone else. My parents made sure we knew there were others much worse off than we were. We would take in a few kids from the orphanage in throughout the year. My parents made us give up our beds and sleep on the floor so that they could sleep in comfortable beds. I started working at about 12 yo and contributed at home. Cutting lawns ,cleaning peoples homes, landscaping, and as a plumbers helper. (Couldn't tell you how many deep holes I had to dig under peoples porches). I went to a trade school. Learned machine drafting. Started working for a company in my Junior year on a co-op program. Worked four jobs at one time directly after graduation. Passed my fathers income when I was about 24. Took on jobs at night doing design work for local companies in the area. (Titleist Golf, Acushnet Rubber, you name it.) Many days, going in to a company at 6 am and working there until my full time job at 9 am. Working until 6 pm (or later). Going home and eating, then getting to work on the CAD and working until 12 am or into the hours of the morning. Then starting it all again the next morning. All getting myself to where I am now. Engineering cryogenic equipment for companies like Space X, Blue Origin, NASA, etc. No degree. No formal training. Just hard, long work. And some people in this country want to take what I worked for. It will be over my dead body.

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Should Egypt pay reparations to Israel? Itaq, too? Absolute insanity .

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I agree, what the hell is he doing? Excuse me but while blacks were slaves in the US, my ancestors were moving around the Med and Eastern Europe trying to avoid programs and genocide. I don't owe reparations to anyone.

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You might mean pogrom and not program?

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yes the auto spelling correct is a real pain I keep forgetting to shut it off

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The devil will be in the detail. Few will qualify for reparations but Biden will be forced to either adopt the policy, thereby alienating non-blacks, or face the loss of the black vote.

Very clever move by RFK Jr.

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So we'll benefit by such a policy as espoused by RFKJr? Bobby's a Democrat, first and foremost. I don't trust this guy one lick......

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So your solution is to have Biden/Newsom instead? Because if you're hoping that with the GOP preparing to elect a Soros spokesman as Speaker of the House the people are magically going to elect Mitt Romney if he makes a late run or a RINO as POTUS you're sadly mistake. Once the RINOS have neutered Trump there ain'tgonna be a RINO messiah. It"s going to come down to Biden/Newsom v RFK Jr. The next Republican POTUS has probably not even been born yet.

You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House – Who Wanted to End Electoral College – AND There’s Video!


BREAKING: RINOS Win! House GOP Votes IN SECRET BALLOT to Boot Jim Jordan for Speaker by Large Margin 112 to 86… Candidate Forum to be Held Monday


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And McCarthy endorsed Emmer. smh

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Even if he walks it back, what else does he have up his sleeve? I would like to see him on the Trump team in charge of HHS, the rest of his ideas I can't count on. Has anyone followed his funding?

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Actually I’m happy that RFK shot himself in the foot. It was pretty apparent that RFK’s independent run would adversely affect Trump’s conservative base. Now the exact opposite is true and the Dems are worried.

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I am sick and tired of dead beat democRAT politicians slinging around the RACE CARD and reparations. Everyone born and raised in The USA in the last 60 years has had the same opportunity at a FREE K-12 learning opportunity. Many in The USA learned enough by the end of 8th grade to be successful in the world if they were only paying attention. Those who entered High School know that the vast majority of what is taught in High School is mostly the same shit learned in Jr. High School. I paid attention. By the end of 6th, 7th and 8th grade drafting, I was prepared for the 7th level of COLLEGE DRAFTING. I know because I profiency tested and started there in College. If any American goes through the American public school system, they have ZERO EXCUSE to have failed become literate. They have ZERO EXCUSE to exit H.S. with no marketable skills. Take your reparations and shove them. We are done with that RACIST BULLSHIT HERE.

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The only thing I have ever agreed with him on is vaccines. Other than that, I would never, ever vote for him. Hello, he’s running as an independent but he’s a demonrat through and through.

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How could someone so bright and understanding of the evil we are facing be so ignorant about the weaponization of race?

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RFKJr is not as bright as some believe him to be.

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With THEIR line of thinking, we ALL deserve reparations. For one thing our government has enslaved us all with the unconstitutional central bank/Federal Reserve for a century. And now the UNrepresentatives in Congress are looting the treasury and the taxpayers forever, straight up stealing our money while they do nothing to stop the invasion of our country by our enemies.

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This event shows serious flaw in common sense; RFK's so weak that we note a totally lack of will to firmly say 'no.' And that says it all.

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Maybe he knows he wont win and is just a vote stealer from one of the partys, so maybe this will steal votes from democrats instead of trump votes.

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Bobby's back on the smack.

That's why it's called "dope" ..

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