Was there last night. Breibart has lifted two comments out of context and juxtaposed them in the headlines. Classic.

What they did not say in the headline was: Bobby stated he would approve medicinal psychedelics and would have to think about any other use. (Since the SSRIs have damaged so many ppl, I can’t see this being good for us as a society).

The headline also did not include that the ‘healing center’ idea is modeled after a successful program in Italy which has very large farms in which young ppl can go for tx for addiction.

Some hard work/playing in the dirt seems in order for a lot of our screen addicted, multi addicted friends, children, grandchildren.

It was refreshing to listen to a candidate who refused to be baited into ad hominem attacks, has a deep understanding of the capture of regulatory agencies and stated the details of such, can trace the history of our nation’s foreign policy actions and broken promises and expects of the citizenry--the capability to be able to follow complicated discourse involving sentences which contain more than one independent clause capturing a platitude.

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nice explanation, helps us

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So well said. Kudos! I think many people fear the expansion of psychedelics usage because there is so little definitive research due to the reactionary response of government in the sixties. However, I think what was established early on was that under the appropriate supervision and guidance, these drugs i.e. LSD, mescaline, psylocibin, can be very valuable adjuncts to standard psychiatric care. I think Timothy Leary did more harm than good to the community of scientists working with these substances.

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Portugal legalized all drugs in 2000, and created support programs.

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We/Me/You have been beseiged by NWO Bushie, Clintoon, Obamaite- Bid$ Cartels for so long that having an American as president is "Unsettling" to the political Buzzard Uni-Party.

RFK,Jr. is an American Liberal and Donald Trump is an American practical Populist. There aren't any "Conservatives" in the picture, but both of these two candidates will have Overlapping conservative, liberal, and populist views. Politics is Changing, out of Necessity as the Current Crop of UniParty Buzzards are too corrupt, too NWO, too despicable to remain in Our Gov and imo, Our Country.

America First, is The Reformation Wave, Make Americans Free & Gov. Responsible to Citizens Again.

The democRats and rinoRats Both are wings of the Buzzard Party; Both picking the wealth off the bones of Our Country. Both despise Trump & Kennedy who are forming a new America First Majority.

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Psychodelic drugs have been used universally for spiritual development and healing. The attack on them has served the purpose of keeping people anxious while worrying about arrests and trying to buy the drugs. It creates a secret underground economy which causes divisions in the population. But it has been used to justify ridiculous prison sentences. However, it mainly pretends that the problem is a racial one attacking the communities of color when in fact it is mainly white people who use these drugs just as was seen with cocaine vs crack. We see this division based mainly on race and to some degree on class with marijuana. Again a fake issue that was created by the government which actually supported the transport of illegal drugs. It was the CIA that was running heroine from the SE Asia during Viet Nam into the US. So I leaned back then how the government uses drugs to control people and that the alleged 'war on drugs' was just another phoney program that made money for select people at the expense of the public. RFK's platform is trying to undo this travesty and it needs to be explored in greater detail and supported.

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In case you’re unaware, psychedelics are being used to help people with many mental health issues. Already legalized for this purpose in Oregon and possibly other states. All Bobby K is interested in is helping humanity.

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Hope you’re not trying to say the country should use Oregon’s drug policies as a blueprint. Drug policy in Oregon is a disaster! Homeless drug addicts everywhere trashing the cities and driving out the business owners. My wife and I wouldn’t even venture downtown as we did often in The good old days” when downtown was spotless and safe.

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What your referring to has little to do with drug policies and more to do with the politics of that state. I’m suggesting that psychotherapists are currently utilizing certain psychedelics to help people….psychedelics don’t cause the issue you’re describing. That’s drug addiction.

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Wow! This is the same argument that advocates of legalizing drugs used to change the drug policies we had in the past. While I agree with some of your statements, the results of the policy changes have been a disaster. That you bring up “racial issues” shows you are not interested in solutions but you are looking for “equity” drug addiction doesn’t care what color your skin is. It’s a disaster for society as a whole. Allowing people of any color or financial status,to use drugs is a disaster to the people involved and the community. Locking users up for 20 years isn’t the answer to the problem but neither is allowing vulnerable people the ability to harm themselves and society as a whole.

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Ya where did I bring up “racial issues” stop slandering me

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That would be a great start , and jail whoever was responsible for financing the bio labs ,, and restrict Unvetted migrants ,

That would bd a great start Sir !

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Do you remember his other uncle, Teddy?

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the 'Lion'?

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Exactly! There’s still a thread of Big Govnt there. Don’t get me wrong, I love his honesty & depth of knowledge on vaccines and Big Pharma but then there’s that recurring idea that the Govnt can solve All Our Ills. It can’t! Didn’t the “Great Society” prove that?

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Lioness Blanc, Both Government & Corporations are captured by centralized hidden Oligarch top-down issue of our fake amnesic 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'). Both Bobby K. & Donald T. have a thing or two to learn about how the world is really governed. This is why Repugs & Demons are both sides of the same fake Oligarch coin. For 7000 years since Babylon Oligarch control of Colonial Empire money has enabled them to direct both fakers to commit genocide & destroy the biosphere in deserted empire after empire. Understand how hidden multinational Oligarch shareholders in the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London), Bank-of-International-Settlements, triangulate their supposed 'minority' shares to control the west. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" Settler ancestors from Europe & worldwide fled this same 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') disaster as economic-ecological refugees or were kidnapped. Settlers & slaves continued in oligarch submission to impose the same disaster here as had once destroyed the indigenous system of Celtic-Slavic Europe & other continents in brutal genocidal invasions. First Nations welcomed refugees & tried (successfully, till about 1700) to integrate them into the continental 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') 'economic' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') system here. Continentally & worldwide, time-based equivalency accounting for Multistakeholder contributions on the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum in N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie-shell in indigenous Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands. Relational-Economy through bottom-up issue of String-shell memory in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome (Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) & cultural Council Process fostered peace in huge abundance over many 10s of 1000s of years with the foundation of Economic Democracy & Political Democracy as a subset. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

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What is that buff but a red herring? Love to see a Trump/Kennedy ticket?? Kennedy is a Democrat. He’s not a democrat by accident. When the “decent” conservative mirage dissemble is washed away, you get the Democratic platform. As at Anzio, “I had hoped to hurl a wildcat on the shore.”

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Trump Kennedy will never happen. It’s a waste of time thinking about it

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I understand what he is saying. You cannot cure people of addictions by making drugs illegal. You need to support them through the addiction withdrawal process, which includes a journey of self-discovery and a search for meaning. Stop with the jail time because that stigmatizes them, ruins their lives even more than before because they will have prison on their records, making them unemployable. Instead, treat it is a healthcare problem, support them in the path to wellness. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. Connection with others. Social connection that they never had or lost along the way. We are social beings. We need connection. Support, counseling, strengthen their support system. Love cures.

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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. = RFK Jr. does not accomplish what is needed he has done no work on fixing our USA

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I'm an old constitutional conservative who's tenets are God, Family and Country...In that order. Put the statist government Gangsters on the hot setting for 'very dirty load ' and spin them out of control. The result is an incredibly SHRUNK government and a return to strict adherence to the Constitution. PERIOD

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Lots of research in medicinal psychedelics esp in PTSD. That's what he meant.

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I think you will see a Trump-Kennedy ticket, doctor.

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That would be great. It would be a winning ticket.

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Don’t wish his ideology into existence just bc he’s buffed or good on one issue. While he’s building the healing centers, he’ll also build the Global Warming Deniers Internment Camp, eg, Red Dawn, “Avenge me!!”

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The "fake news" mainstream media like to misquote people whose opinions they don't agree with. I couldn't get access to the interview but did you notice the part about legalizing psychedelic drugs was not in the quote Breibart provided? I suspect Bobby wants to take a similar route to Alberta's new premier, Danielle. This is to help people overcome their addictions rather than simply give them drugs like they do in California and BC, Canada. This is a far more effective treatment plan.

I have listened to several Bobby Kennedy interviews including one with a hostile Bari Weiss who tried to trap him at every opportunity. He gracefully provided compelling proof that refuted all her jabs (pun intended). One that was particularly memorable was when she stated that she did not agree with his position that autism is caused by vaccines. He provided incontrovertible proof from the CDC's own studies. Yet this obviously severely brainwashed woman ended the interview with words to the effect. I'm fully vaccinated, our family is fully vaccinated, and our 9 month old daughter will be vaccinated.

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Should Bobby leave the border wide open like Biden has?

The commander in chief of the American military shouldn't treat a wide open border as a national security threat?

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I think Bobby is a democrat by birth and geography but a forward thinking Libertarian in stature. The democratic movement will have more votes if we still believe that 82 million Americans voted against DJT. He’s a reformist socialist with a 40 year sobriety coin. Stopping the drug trade is paramount in turning this generation around. Increasing treatment for addiction and resistance to our Alcoholic nature. This country was built around guns, alcohol and tobacco it’s part of the culture but needs to be replaced.

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