At some point, it is the responsibility of the Users, when they succumb to this stuff. If they are not using, it matters not if it is 100% fentanyl, 100% xylazine, or 100% saline. We began moving away from personal responsibility a long time ago. Everyone gets a participation trophy, and no one is responsible for their bad choices. Look where that has landed us.

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OMG, our kids don't have a chance, between trans crap and now this, we know the rich are getting richer off the lives of young adults and teens, it's so sad.

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This is precisely why I've advocated for drug legalization for the past decade. The more we clamp down via our cherished War on Drugs, the worse it gets. For everyone. More control. More cut. More poison. More adulteration. More violence. More murder. More power for the drug cartels- both legal and illegal. And more power for government. Less power, less rights and less privacy for everyone else. But higher taxes.

This has got to STOP.

Allow people to adopt an online, mail order delivery model. No adulterated drugs. All packages carefully sealed so no contamination for those handling it for delivery. Delivery tracking and insurance for delivery. Ratings for all products. And stiff criminal penalties for violating any of the above.

Advocating for anything else is collective suicide or outright mass murder. It also aids Big Pharma and is the ideological basis for all COVID restrictions. You're not an adult and cannot choose what goes into your own body. Government and experts must decide for you.


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in my teenage years i met heroin users and it was common for them to get ulcers on their bodies (arms, legs, faces) so this probably piggybacks on that mechanism.

what a sick world.

i heard that fentanyl was used as part of the covid euthanasia protocol in hospitals... (so sad)... it made me think that if we have a Fentanyl problem on the streets and a Fentanyl problem in hospitals it’s all stemming from one drug cartel with multiple distribution pathways.

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Why is there a "flesh eating drug that's meant for animals?" Why would you want that for animals?! Wild or other?! That's only the first messed up part of this.

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Holy Moly 😡🤷‍♂️🗣🤮💉

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