Malone's instructive NATO tweets; IMO, it's mRNA technology at the heart of the gene injection that is killing people, this is true! Who pressured EPOCH? Can a Super Bowl performer decide the adds?
Paul, this goes for every physician, not just mRNA inventors and hacks. Any physician who is able to look back at the SARS mRNA vax animal tests in 2003 (or correct my time) and see that THEY ALL DIED is liable for murder today if they went along. I'm a dumb engineer, but I was able to look it up in 2020 and realize what was coming. I told my wife and kids NEVER take it.
Dolores Cahill has been repeating this point exactly. Why didn't Malone? Why didn't every doctor, researcher, etc.??? Bhakdi, Yeadon, Wodarg and many more sounded the alarm. But thousands upon thousands of cognizant professionals went along.
This whole psy-op shows a failure to be human, putting hopeful scientism above the duty to care and first do no harm. Today is Good Friday. Turn your hearts.
Amen to that! A physician friend of mine messaged me a little while ago asking me about Good Friday Mass, the time, if I wanted to go with. I have another commitment so I can’t.
Her message was somewhat cryptic. I asked how she was doing, she said I’m ok, getting old.
She got the shots at work and had a mild heat attack after. She’s in her late 40’s, a dancer in previously in excellent health. Not what I consider to be old. It broke my heart to hear that. Would love to sit down and chat and we haven’t had time to catch up.
So prayers to all this week for all who have been broken by the horrors of Covid & the shots. We are all living it every day. She and her husband are those two people who practice 1st do no harm. Her husband is my special needs son’s Dr. I am so grateful for his care of my son when other Dr’s refused. He respects my position on the shots and early on did not try to even suggest my son take the shots.
They got caught up in the mandates and fear. I can’t get angry with them for taking this position as they are paying a heavy price with their health. They are good people.
Everyone should read the book, “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland.” The book is depressing af. But the lesson is important. How did ordinary men allow themselves to execute men, women, children and infants en-masse? Well, puking and drinking helped. Doctors training them where to place the mercy shot through the neck to sever the spine helped too.
There were medical professionals who knew alright early on but they sadly chose to say and do nothing. It seems like they chose to go along to get along, to sit on the fence, to play the “Nothing to See Here” card. Why the silence and the failure to take a stand? Is it fear, selfishness, laziness, weak mindedness, lack of empathy, low level of ethics and morals? What is it? If we could find answers to these questions then we might come up with solutions so that humanity might be better able to prevent similar future mass atrocities from occurring because at the moment it really does seem that all that is required for Evil to exist is for seemingly Good men and women to do and say absolutely nothing.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt first published in 1963
Good to see you calling out the paid interlopers in the Convid Truth movement. Once a DoD employee, always one. Our war is with our former government, and Malone reeks of "prestige and privilege" of sinister people, at large round conference tables, playing games with the real lives, of most of the planet. Good for you Dr. Paul, defend yourself, war is coming brother.
Dr., we have been privileged to exist as Keepers of the Flame, when all around us is wind and rain. This too shall pass, and we will rebuild. Hail Victory.
Thought you would like my message to you and your followers today…
P.S. from Truth Matters!
Paul and all,
From your piece…
“I am at a loss but this stinks to high heavens and EPOCH is in a hot mess. Sticky mess. It is up to EPOCH how they will get out of the censoring business.”
I never joined Epoch’s site because they always seemed to be behind on news. Also, since some of their people understand Communism clearly, living in or near it in their past, I find CENSORSHIP a mortal sin of this site!
Send a boycott EPOCH TIMES message EVERYWHERE…and this will catch their attention ASAP, even if too late for their survival!
I hear they are not doing well money wise!
Paul…you are the BEST and do NOT deserve CENSORSHIP by any so called Patriotic Conservative ‘media’ claiming to be on the side of The People”!!!
The snakes are EVERYWHERE!!!
Again…BOYCOTT EPOCH TIMES, now censoring and collecting $$$!!!
I have come to the conclusion that nobody can be trusted. Not until you follow them for quite some time. Dr. Alexander has passed the test for trust in my opinion.
You are right…do NOT trust anyone unless they give you a reason to trust them!
I have been working with Lex Greene and NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years. Some have been writing for over 30 years trying to wake up Americans!
Click on Lex’s name at one of his pieces and look at his archives! The last 4 pieces including all links provides very important information Americans need to know!
I subscribed to Epoch Times because they seemed to be truthful and reporting things the MSM certainly did not. I plan corresponding with them and letting them know we are watching, & if they are censoring content and ads, I will be done with them & encouraging boycott of their media.
So incredibly shameful of especially, EPOCH TIMES appearing to be classy conservative media…NOT!
Someone should send the the Diana West pieces on Robert Malone to EPOCH TIMES since they are blowing up their media platform with CENSORSHIP, no different than the military psychological censorship operation being used EVERYWHERE in America!
Dr. Robert Malone: A Risk Analysis by Diana West…Jan 2022…links are important!
Dr. River Malone Sue’s the Breggins, Jane Ruby, platforms for $25 million…Nov 29, 2022
Diana West has a serious background and is an excellent researcher writer!
For the BEST news/Truths…would highly recommend joining the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group with the best brilliant strategic planners I work with to receive their newsletters!
I know he and McCollough had a parting of ways awhile back. Turf shit, maybe. I don't listen to RW anymore - I see his unofficial job as someone who muddies the waters and turns good people on each other. That's just my take.
Dr. Paul, Thank you X 10000! With most people who question a narrative/ conspiracy, it begins with a feeling... a vague awareness that something just doesn’t seem right. The conspirators exist in this world of confusion.
To go beyond this “feeling that something just isn’t right” takes persistence, discipline and wisdom. The conspirators are banking that we won’t take our awareness beyond the “feeling.” After all, humans these days are pretty lazy and incurious.
It’s real heroes like you who do the work by giving voice to these “feelings” by presenting hard, persistence-won evidence.
It is very difficult to trust anyone involved in creating, testing, fostering, promoting or marketing mRNA substances of any kind. Truth is, we still don't know what we are dealing with. So why doesn't Malone tell us openly and without pretense? If he helped invent this technology, then he is responsible. It seems to be extremely dangerous to humans and wouldn't he have known that? Yet he did nothing to stop it. I guess the buckaroos were much to his liking.
Playing God by altering gene expression is going to cause much death and disease, yet it is being researched around the world in hopes of creating super human results.
"Dr Bhakdi (I admire him greatly) said that, 'Any licensed medical person who states that he believed the mRNA shot would remain in the deltoid muscle needs his license taken away.' "
Malone has from the start appeared as a man desperate for more recognition. He bragged from the beginning as being THE “inventor” of the mRNA technology, though others in the industry credit a great many involved and speak of Malone as merely someone who was initially involved in only aspects of its development. Now that he has gotten his wish and has routinely been titled as “the inventor”, he has a lot of splain’in to do. Many had called him out as a shill from the start, operating as controlled opposition. While he has been somewhat outspoken about the con, and the harm of lockdowns, and about other things that deserved being exposed, he cannot now hide from his continued bragging about being a developer of the types of products that have caused a great of harm. At some point, if he wants to clear his name, it seems that he should come clean and actually apologize for his contributions to what has since become devastating on the health and wellbeing of those who took the jabs.
He blames the drug companies for “bad batches” and admitted that Nattokinase is helping him to improve from his spike protein damage. In his recent interview with Roman from Epoch he also stated he used the FLCCC protocols for his post jab damage. Malone will NEVER admit that it is due to the technology of the lipid nano particles allowing the poison to enter all tissues of the body that is causing death and diseases. That is where he has his patent.
Dr. Malone DID announce it on the Steve Bannon show a very long time ago - the fact that THEY changed from uridine to pseudoridine. Then he put an educational clip out that I found immediately looking up pseudouridine that I sent to my daughter, called What is pseudouridine? I can remember the absolute horror on Dr. Malone’s face and how he was trying to explain to the Bannon audience- most of us horrified, but non doctors the horrors of this substance and how different it was from the uridine. Please look it up. He was being censored everywhere else, as was Naomi Wolf. Both were on Bannon’s show quite often in those days.
IMO, this does not answer the totality of questions surrounding Malone and his decades long career in the virus-vaccine game. He is clearly an insider and a golden boy of a very unwholesome juggernaut, i.e., the military bio-science pharma industrial complex, which effectively (IMHO) disqualifies him from having any true ethical standards. So, any words (answers or explanations) regarding the specific questions he is being called upon to provide in the current context will essentially fail to exonerate him. Nonetheless, his direct responses are called for so that the world can find answers as to how we got in this mess, what is necessary to extricate from same, and to make sure no one/no party can pull this bullshit again ever.
You state: "Any licensed medical person who states that he believed the mRNA shot would remain in the deltoid muscle needs his license taken away."
Why was Malone silent on this?"
Malone was not silent on this at all. Shortly after the very first study evidence of LNP leaving the muscle (from the FOI in Japan) Dr Byram Bridle [corrected] publicly signaled the alarm here in Canada on a Radio show about this very topic.
On a podcast released June 20, 2021 -- very early in the vaccine campaign -- Dr Malone backed up Dr. Bridle's [corrected] concerns about this very topic 100%.
Dr. Malone was never silent about this. He was CENSORED!! He was also on uncensored Bannon’s Warroom speaking out the entire time!! See my comments below!
He actually said "the FDA would never approve . . ." in one of the tweets. As if anyone at this point gives a rat's behind what the FDA would or would not approve.
Your feeble attempt at shade is off on so many levels. It has literally nothing to do with my comment. Apart from sanitation practices with regard to food, do YOU trust the FDA at this point? And why the overkill? Totally ridiculous.
What I have said with regard to profanity is that a RELYING on it, consistently for punctuation or to make a point, is weak. And eventually makes people turn away. There's more than enough mindless crass behavior in the world. We're drowning in it.
Again, the overkill. I'm out. You're of course welcome to reply, as you helicopter here all day and night. I won't be. 👍🏻
I wouldn't even trust the FDA on food sanitation as they are trying to destroy nutrients in raw food with their 'sanitation.' Think about pasteurizing almonds and allowing them to be called raw after they have been dried with loss of nutrient. Or their claims that organic foods are contaminated when it is the toxic urine runoff from dairy farms higher up the hills that are causing ecoli outbreaks in organic lettuce--the implication being that not toxifying the plants is the problem instead of the toxic cows. I wouldn't trust anything from the FDA but do know that most people really believe the FDA has the consumer interest at heart and that includes the professional class of people including doctors and scientists. Trained heavily to fear contamination they can be the worst of the true believers in the FDA standards.
I'll reply. I really "shouldn't" feed the trolls but suffering fools gladly is not my strong suit.
The ancient sages said: "Distrust yourself."
I don't even trust me. Why would I trust a bureaucracy like the FDA staffed by people who are exactly the same as you in the way they think and in their closedminded, control freak personal qualities? I don't.
I didn't have to wait until "at this point" to not trust them. Nor, I'm sure, did almost anyone else on this substack, apart from you.
Bilbo is the most intelligent commenter on this substack.
He is also the most crass, vulgar and profane.
I don't share his TDS but he makes me laugh even when he's cussing and insulting me.
If the FTC decided Malone WAS endorsing an OTC product for a specific indication, he could indeed be fined a huge amount of money. I think he's just getting out in front of that possibility.
Paul, this goes for every physician, not just mRNA inventors and hacks. Any physician who is able to look back at the SARS mRNA vax animal tests in 2003 (or correct my time) and see that THEY ALL DIED is liable for murder today if they went along. I'm a dumb engineer, but I was able to look it up in 2020 and realize what was coming. I told my wife and kids NEVER take it.
Dolores Cahill has been repeating this point exactly. Why didn't Malone? Why didn't every doctor, researcher, etc.??? Bhakdi, Yeadon, Wodarg and many more sounded the alarm. But thousands upon thousands of cognizant professionals went along.
This whole psy-op shows a failure to be human, putting hopeful scientism above the duty to care and first do no harm. Today is Good Friday. Turn your hearts.
Very well said!
Jerry, if doctors had the intellectual capacity to figure it out they wouldn't be doctors. They'd be engineers.
Paul, are you going to that that?
Egineers aren't dumb. Steve Kirsch is not dumb. Engineering is more difficult and demanding than medicine.
Amen to that! A physician friend of mine messaged me a little while ago asking me about Good Friday Mass, the time, if I wanted to go with. I have another commitment so I can’t.
Her message was somewhat cryptic. I asked how she was doing, she said I’m ok, getting old.
She got the shots at work and had a mild heat attack after. She’s in her late 40’s, a dancer in previously in excellent health. Not what I consider to be old. It broke my heart to hear that. Would love to sit down and chat and we haven’t had time to catch up.
So prayers to all this week for all who have been broken by the horrors of Covid & the shots. We are all living it every day. She and her husband are those two people who practice 1st do no harm. Her husband is my special needs son’s Dr. I am so grateful for his care of my son when other Dr’s refused. He respects my position on the shots and early on did not try to even suggest my son take the shots.
They got caught up in the mandates and fear. I can’t get angry with them for taking this position as they are paying a heavy price with their health. They are good people.
Everyone should read the book, “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland.” The book is depressing af. But the lesson is important. How did ordinary men allow themselves to execute men, women, children and infants en-masse? Well, puking and drinking helped. Doctors training them where to place the mercy shot through the neck to sever the spine helped too.
There were medical professionals who knew alright early on but they sadly chose to say and do nothing. It seems like they chose to go along to get along, to sit on the fence, to play the “Nothing to See Here” card. Why the silence and the failure to take a stand? Is it fear, selfishness, laziness, weak mindedness, lack of empathy, low level of ethics and morals? What is it? If we could find answers to these questions then we might come up with solutions so that humanity might be better able to prevent similar future mass atrocities from occurring because at the moment it really does seem that all that is required for Evil to exist is for seemingly Good men and women to do and say absolutely nothing.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt first published in 1963
Dr. Malone wasn’t one of them. See my comment below.
Good to see you calling out the paid interlopers in the Convid Truth movement. Once a DoD employee, always one. Our war is with our former government, and Malone reeks of "prestige and privilege" of sinister people, at large round conference tables, playing games with the real lives, of most of the planet. Good for you Dr. Paul, defend yourself, war is coming brother.
Dr., we have been privileged to exist as Keepers of the Flame, when all around us is wind and rain. This too shall pass, and we will rebuild. Hail Victory.
Thought you would like my message to you and your followers today…
P.S. from Truth Matters!
Paul and all,
From your piece…
“I am at a loss but this stinks to high heavens and EPOCH is in a hot mess. Sticky mess. It is up to EPOCH how they will get out of the censoring business.”
I never joined Epoch’s site because they always seemed to be behind on news. Also, since some of their people understand Communism clearly, living in or near it in their past, I find CENSORSHIP a mortal sin of this site!
Send a boycott EPOCH TIMES message EVERYWHERE…and this will catch their attention ASAP, even if too late for their survival!
I hear they are not doing well money wise!
Paul…you are the BEST and do NOT deserve CENSORSHIP by any so called Patriotic Conservative ‘media’ claiming to be on the side of The People”!!!
The snakes are EVERYWHERE!!!
Again…BOYCOTT EPOCH TIMES, now censoring and collecting $$$!!!
I have come to the conclusion that nobody can be trusted. Not until you follow them for quite some time. Dr. Alexander has passed the test for trust in my opinion.
Thank you for you comment!
You are right…do NOT trust anyone unless they give you a reason to trust them!
I have been working with Lex Greene and NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years. Some have been writing for over 30 years trying to wake up Americans!
Click on Lex’s name at one of his pieces and look at his archives! The last 4 pieces including all links provides very important information Americans need to know!
I subscribed to Epoch Times because they seemed to be truthful and reporting things the MSM certainly did not. I plan corresponding with them and letting them know we are watching, & if they are censoring content and ads, I will be done with them & encouraging boycott of their media.
Thank you for your comments!
So incredibly shameful of especially, EPOCH TIMES appearing to be classy conservative media…NOT!
Someone should send the the Diana West pieces on Robert Malone to EPOCH TIMES since they are blowing up their media platform with CENSORSHIP, no different than the military psychological censorship operation being used EVERYWHERE in America!
Dr. Robert Malone: A Risk Analysis by Diana West…Jan 2022…links are important!
Dr. River Malone Sue’s the Breggins, Jane Ruby, platforms for $25 million…Nov 29, 2022
Diana West has a serious background and is an excellent researcher writer!
For the BEST news/Truths…would highly recommend joining the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group with the best brilliant strategic planners I work with to receive their newsletters!
" … And you don't really wanna fuck with me
Only nigga that I trust is me
Fuck around and make me bust this heat
(That's the devil, they always wanna dance)… " - Eminem
You sound very trusting, gullible, like most of the other suckers on this stack..
Conman 101 - Be patient with the mark until he thinks you have earned his trust and now have a reason to trust him
The ancient sages said "distrust yourself."
I don't trust you.
I don't even trust me.
Malone can't debate because he knows he will lose.
All that taxpayer money backing him means that he can afford to sue which puts kibosh on all future debating.
When he engaged me earlier in the week to correct me, I asked him some simple pointed questions which he refused to answer...
So very telling, Malone’s behavior.
You're asking all the right questions, and your outrage and confusion are fully understandable. Yeah, something - or someone - stinks. Thanks.
I know he and McCollough had a parting of ways awhile back. Turf shit, maybe. I don't listen to RW anymore - I see his unofficial job as someone who muddies the waters and turns good people on each other. That's just my take.
My God! This all runs too deep. Right into hell. We are witnessing a horrifying fight.
Dr. Paul, Thank you X 10000! With most people who question a narrative/ conspiracy, it begins with a feeling... a vague awareness that something just doesn’t seem right. The conspirators exist in this world of confusion.
To go beyond this “feeling that something just isn’t right” takes persistence, discipline and wisdom. The conspirators are banking that we won’t take our awareness beyond the “feeling.” After all, humans these days are pretty lazy and incurious.
It’s real heroes like you who do the work by giving voice to these “feelings” by presenting hard, persistence-won evidence.
I say this in admiration: you are an Animal!
😀 Yes! He is definitely results oriented and tireless in his endeavors to right the wrongs!
It is very difficult to trust anyone involved in creating, testing, fostering, promoting or marketing mRNA substances of any kind. Truth is, we still don't know what we are dealing with. So why doesn't Malone tell us openly and without pretense? If he helped invent this technology, then he is responsible. It seems to be extremely dangerous to humans and wouldn't he have known that? Yet he did nothing to stop it. I guess the buckaroos were much to his liking.
Playing God by altering gene expression is going to cause much death and disease, yet it is being researched around the world in hopes of creating super human results.
Would you recommend one of the new therapeutic mRNA gene therapy "vaccines" that's under development to a family member with terminal cancer?
These mRNA jabs for covid will very soon be history.
The Germans have invented a new covid vaccine that you snort up your nose. It has no mRNA.
The vaccine contains a live attenuated SARS-CoV-2 virus.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive,’
All I could think of….
"Dr Bhakdi (I admire him greatly) said that, 'Any licensed medical person who states that he believed the mRNA shot would remain in the deltoid muscle needs his license taken away.' "
Truer words were never spoken.
Malone has from the start appeared as a man desperate for more recognition. He bragged from the beginning as being THE “inventor” of the mRNA technology, though others in the industry credit a great many involved and speak of Malone as merely someone who was initially involved in only aspects of its development. Now that he has gotten his wish and has routinely been titled as “the inventor”, he has a lot of splain’in to do. Many had called him out as a shill from the start, operating as controlled opposition. While he has been somewhat outspoken about the con, and the harm of lockdowns, and about other things that deserved being exposed, he cannot now hide from his continued bragging about being a developer of the types of products that have caused a great of harm. At some point, if he wants to clear his name, it seems that he should come clean and actually apologize for his contributions to what has since become devastating on the health and wellbeing of those who took the jabs.
He blames the drug companies for “bad batches” and admitted that Nattokinase is helping him to improve from his spike protein damage. In his recent interview with Roman from Epoch he also stated he used the FLCCC protocols for his post jab damage. Malone will NEVER admit that it is due to the technology of the lipid nano particles allowing the poison to enter all tissues of the body that is causing death and diseases. That is where he has his patent.
Dr. Alexander,
Dr. Malone DID announce it on the Steve Bannon show a very long time ago - the fact that THEY changed from uridine to pseudoridine. Then he put an educational clip out that I found immediately looking up pseudouridine that I sent to my daughter, called What is pseudouridine? I can remember the absolute horror on Dr. Malone’s face and how he was trying to explain to the Bannon audience- most of us horrified, but non doctors the horrors of this substance and how different it was from the uridine. Please look it up. He was being censored everywhere else, as was Naomi Wolf. Both were on Bannon’s show quite often in those days.
IMO, this does not answer the totality of questions surrounding Malone and his decades long career in the virus-vaccine game. He is clearly an insider and a golden boy of a very unwholesome juggernaut, i.e., the military bio-science pharma industrial complex, which effectively (IMHO) disqualifies him from having any true ethical standards. So, any words (answers or explanations) regarding the specific questions he is being called upon to provide in the current context will essentially fail to exonerate him. Nonetheless, his direct responses are called for so that the world can find answers as to how we got in this mess, what is necessary to extricate from same, and to make sure no one/no party can pull this bullshit again ever.
Dr Alexander,
You state: "Any licensed medical person who states that he believed the mRNA shot would remain in the deltoid muscle needs his license taken away."
Why was Malone silent on this?"
Malone was not silent on this at all. Shortly after the very first study evidence of LNP leaving the muscle (from the FOI in Japan) Dr Byram Bridle [corrected] publicly signaled the alarm here in Canada on a Radio show about this very topic.
On a podcast released June 20, 2021 -- very early in the vaccine campaign -- Dr Malone backed up Dr. Bridle's [corrected] concerns about this very topic 100%.
Listen at ~ 31 mins.
"I completely concur with all of his comments"
"I would actually take some of his comments a little further"
"The dose selection was not made based on any evidence based science"
"... we now know is circulating in the blood"
1:45:00 Bridle [edited] "the science is telling us the vaccine isn't staying just in the shoulder but is actually travelling through the body".
"If the vaccine is seeding other tissues, so if it's leaving the shoulder and going to other places in the body..."
I think you need to post a correction.
Dr. Malone was never silent about this. He was CENSORED!! He was also on uncensored Bannon’s Warroom speaking out the entire time!! See my comments below!
Bridle. Not "Brydle".
"I think you need to post a correction."
corrected. Where is Dr Alexander?
He actually said "the FDA would never approve . . ." in one of the tweets. As if anyone at this point gives a rat's behind what the FDA would or would not approve.
Off topic but I thought of you troll when I remembered the research on why taking offence at profanity is a sign of a low IQ and closeminded dumbf-ck:
Is Cursing a Sign of Intelligence? – Cleveland Clinic
Why swearing is a sign of intelligence, helps manage pain and more
Your feeble attempt at shade is off on so many levels. It has literally nothing to do with my comment. Apart from sanitation practices with regard to food, do YOU trust the FDA at this point? And why the overkill? Totally ridiculous.
What I have said with regard to profanity is that a RELYING on it, consistently for punctuation or to make a point, is weak. And eventually makes people turn away. There's more than enough mindless crass behavior in the world. We're drowning in it.
Again, the overkill. I'm out. You're of course welcome to reply, as you helicopter here all day and night. I won't be. 👍🏻
I wouldn't even trust the FDA on food sanitation as they are trying to destroy nutrients in raw food with their 'sanitation.' Think about pasteurizing almonds and allowing them to be called raw after they have been dried with loss of nutrient. Or their claims that organic foods are contaminated when it is the toxic urine runoff from dairy farms higher up the hills that are causing ecoli outbreaks in organic lettuce--the implication being that not toxifying the plants is the problem instead of the toxic cows. I wouldn't trust anything from the FDA but do know that most people really believe the FDA has the consumer interest at heart and that includes the professional class of people including doctors and scientists. Trained heavily to fear contamination they can be the worst of the true believers in the FDA standards.
I'll reply. I really "shouldn't" feed the trolls but suffering fools gladly is not my strong suit.
The ancient sages said: "Distrust yourself."
I don't even trust me. Why would I trust a bureaucracy like the FDA staffed by people who are exactly the same as you in the way they think and in their closedminded, control freak personal qualities? I don't.
I didn't have to wait until "at this point" to not trust them. Nor, I'm sure, did almost anyone else on this substack, apart from you.
Bilbo is the most intelligent commenter on this substack.
He is also the most crass, vulgar and profane.
I don't share his TDS but he makes me laugh even when he's cussing and insulting me.
Why would/should Malone respond to something that might later be construed as admitting to potential legal culpability? I wouldn’t.
Is Malone suffering from a Marie Curie mistake? He doesn’t want to suffer alone I guess. True malignant narcissism?
If the FTC decided Malone WAS endorsing an OTC product for a specific indication, he could indeed be fined a huge amount of money. I think he's just getting out in front of that possibility.