You forgot pull us out of the WHO & UN.

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Trump already defunded WHO and got us out of the Paris Accord. He will double down this time and probably even cancel lucyfurs very existence. And we will help. God will send His army! And His Angel's to slay these fallen evil ones.

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Trump didn't fund the WHO or the UN, so he can't defund them.

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Trump did Not give the WHO American taxpayer's money. He also pulled America out of the Paris Accord.

The UN is a satanic rockefeller aka rottenfellers creation and needs to be burned to the ground

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I missed when Trump became the Congress and had the authority to give anyone or anything money. His is still suggesting that we get the genocidal "vaccine" his Operation Warp Speed so proudly delivered to us.

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I just heard him state that he would not mandate vaccines or masks.

And by now we know better than to take any kind of injection into OUR body, or listen to fraudulent 3 letter agencies telling us lies for their financial benefit

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He didn't need to mandate what his rabidly ignorant followers promoted as our salvation on their own.

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He had better figure out better cabinet members and administrative officials if he gets another chance. He was ill served, lied to, and undermined by his own choices for key positions. Many in the military disregarded the fact that he was commander-in-chief and they should have been tried for treason. He either will not admit or still does not realize his role in ushering in the greatest democide of all time in the form of the Covid shots. He once had some excellent ideas about the economy and endless wars and ending corruption and the looting of our national sovereignty and treasure by politicians and bureaucrats. And then he hired lifelong swamp guardians and retained the bureaucrats who believe they run the country and do so for the benefit of their own bureaus and not for citizens. So, even if he wins, would he be any better a second time around? What will he do to reverse our national death spiral?

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Yes he needs to be hauled over the coal’s over the Covid fiasco, but a second go round May allow him to clean house.

There’s no doubt he has instigated a great awakening as people all over the world are now calling themselves patriots , having seen close up the globalists agenda.

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If I recall he was taking a lot of flack early in his presidency for leaving many positions unfilled. He may have felt pressure to fill the positions with career politicians before he knew how the game is played. Not needing re-election would let him "fire at will".

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Thank you Dr Alexander for sharing this. Trump will win, if the elections won’t be rigged. This is key.

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There is no one "like" Donald John Trump. I want the real thing. MAGA 2024.

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I hope he helps us in Australia get rid of the globalist commies here 🙏🙏🙏

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I’m not so sure Kristi is the person she claims to be. Her policies are questionable.

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Yeah, I don't trust her. I read over at theConservativeTreehouse and "Sundance" who operates the site thinks she's on Team DeSantis and is a RINO, Koch bro puppet.

Plus, I thought I saw something about how she was supposed to be VP for DeSantis.

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This would mean she sold out to the nwo enslavement and murderers of humanity.

What does it profiteer a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

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In agreement, all 23 points thus far (awaiting "and others") - anyone else agrees with Paul's Points ?

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Most are reasonable and are in line with Trump policy points but #18 stands out as problematic, as stated: "18) will bomb the precursor Fentanyl labs in Wuhan China."

President Trump would resolve the matter diplomatically rather than start a hot war by bombing anywhere within China's borders.

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He knows how to fix it all!

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The elite direktat will not allow that to happen.

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Of course he is the only sensible option. RFK Jr represents a nice mindf.ck provided to the target group of people that lean Democrat and or don't like Trump and or cannot differentiate between individuals having the same Kennedy surname.

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Yes, agree!

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UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”....THIS WILL HAPPEN TO THIS EVIL WORLD BY GODS WORDS UNITE WITH GOD FOR A BEAUTIFUL RIGHTEOUS EVERLASTING LIFE HE CREATETED ALL AND GAVE US FREEDOM OF CHOICE🙏 --- AGAIN PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS MORE KNOWLEDGE THANANY OTHER Nominee TO ECONOMICALLY BRING OUR COUNTRY BACK TO ECONOMICAL / MONEY FINANCIALLY BALANCE ABOVE PROTOCOL IF YOUR NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU ARE A Certifiable COMMIE MARXIST ATHEIST AND THAT IS A FACT AND TRUTH TO ALL Negative naysayers. duh sanctis let b. gates releas millions of diseased mosquitoes in Fl., Texas etc..., while jr RFK Has DONE NOTHING BUT FLAP HIS JAW Lips --- UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED / JESUS IS THE ANSWER UNITE PRESIDENT TRUMP Takes Historic Lead as Congress Begins Impeachment of AG Garland https://banned.video/watch?id=649b70d75b1b9f7bca97d722

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First of all, 45 may be the ONLY person who actually had a REAL job and experience in building something useful and fantastic along with teamwork and relationships.

45 is a Genius and he does know how to make deals that work for everyone. There is NO One "Like" 45. He IS Passionate about American Values and helping people to do better and succeed in life.

Let's see how well YOU behave with dirty, scummy wolves nipping at your heals 24/7 . I say phuk the public consensus on his personality. If it were me, I would be blowing them away all day with truth grenades...however how about we do accomplish ALL of those things you set forth in your list? The ONLY reason the Good Ole Boys Club attacks him to paint him in a bad public light is because they are the secret societies with evil intentions whose dirty plans were set in stone a long time ago, and they abuse and torture their own spawn to mind control them into continuing to carry them out, and 45 is shining a light on their hidden (very evil) deeds of darkness to reveal them to the world, and to STOP them.

And besides...God chose him a long time ago to carry this out. 45s real father is General George S Patton whom these demented demons killed leaving him without parents. And this passes me off and I am standing with him, beside him, behind him, and will help him in any way I can. I would suggest that everyone send him $1 to help him beat the cheaters who have stolen America's money to use to enslave us. It's time we rise up and turn the tables on the devils!

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Just have to ask, is there any one person who thinks that 45 was NOT going to say YOUR FIRED! To all the prior administration hold overs, he decided to play ball and let them all keep their jobs. If he cleaned house the first time maybe we wouldn’t be in this bad of a predicament now! Just sayin’! I knew when I voted in 2016 that my vote was cast in hopes that I would hear those two words that made DJT a household name from tv series “YOUR FIRED”

Anyone else a little disappointed when his term was finished and we never heard those two words come outta his mouth!

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Noem would make a better president than Trump.

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The author of the article doesn't seem to know that North Dakota and South Dakota are different states. Such idiocy is what I have come to expect from federalists, as an anti-federalist.

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Wow! Sorry I didn't catch that! I trusted the Federalist without confirming. I'll be much more careful in future.

Thank you for correcting me! I'll double-check and delete my posts.

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It is always wise to thoroughly vet anything you publicly link yourself with.

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