MRNA was researched for decades, and according to John’s Hopkins, “ mRNA vaccine technology was ready. With COVID, this technology got its moment and has proven to be extremely safe and effective.”

This fake vaccine wasn’t rushed & mistakes were not made with it. It was a calculated plan to harm & kill millions. There was no “Warp Speed” anything. MRNA was discovered in 1960’s & thanks to Fauci, the illegal “gain of function” experiments culminated with a poison, ready for the Covid-19 plandemic.

Nov. 9th in Costa Rica, a judge will hear expert testimony & personal victim stories to ultimately decide if a Nuremberg trial will be allowed to proceed. This could have international influence & indictments could follow. Pulling these vaccines from the market is essential to then stop the continued assault on our world. After that, our energy should focus on criminal accountability.

Yes, we may miss a few, most guilty of this unconscionable act of genocide, but God won’t. And He says, “ Revenge is mine.”

Romans 12: 17-21

Also, “ don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.”

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WOW.. Outstanding Contribution.. and Such Wisdom in Romans 12:17-21 🙏

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Dr Joseph Mercola and Dr Gary Null have been all over this topic since day one and no one ever mentions their contributions. They persistently hammered away at getting to the truth-sayers and giving them access to the public.

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I worked for Gary Null at his Healing Center in NYC.. back in the late 90s after following him.. since the mid 80s.. He was... Ahead of The Curve... on The AIDS Crisis, too. He spent many hours.. Counseling People re their Health Issues .. Free of Charge.. Sometimes.. in the middle of the night. He is 25 years ahead of the current health trends. He’s Amazing. God Bless Dr. Joseph Mercola..as well. He is.. A Champion.. when it comes to Natural Health Information and provides High Quality Nutritional Products.. for Humans and Animals. Collectively..Their Contributions to Quality Healthcare.. FAR SURPASS.. the majority of MDs and PhDs out there, today. Their Work.. IS INVALUABLE.

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Agreed, This is what I have been calling “culling the herd, globally, “ ever since this chaos was started!Intuitively nothing else made sense

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The figures between 750 Million and One Billion Deaths, have been seen,what Evil group is behind this? WEF? NWO? Elitists, seeking World domination, paring Humanity down to 500 Million,Wordwide?

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Yes.. I know that was THEIR goal.(The Eugenicists.. like The WHO, and Klaus Schwab’s WEF,Bill Gates,Fauci,Soros et al... have been planning this for quite some time. Can you refer us to where you got those figures.. (One Billion Deaths)..I’d be interested in reading that. Thanks

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Thank you for sharing, Dr. Paul! 🙏❤️

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I have never had any doubt what unfolded was 100% deliberate.

It’s why I maintain all the great research proving the jab is dangerous and resulting in calls for its withdrawal are wasted effort.

They know, it’s doing its job and more is to come and so without force it’s never going to be withdrawn.

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Could anybody wake-up this Doc a bit more? Not just mRNA but ALL vaccines and ALL medicine, and EVERYTHING has been weaponized to exterminate us:

WARNING! DANGER! Weaponization of vaccines into haccines (not everyone is anti-vaccine, but everyone is anti-haccine!):

Comparing Vax-Unvax


Bill Gates: vaccines for depopulation means extermination


Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”? It’s intentional!


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I agree with what you are saying depopulation and gaining more wealth is about what is happening.

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Thank you, agree!

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Thank-you for sharing. The people need more accurate information about what is happening. It also illustrates to me the depth of censorship that continues to happen. The average person has to go in search of alternate information, as it is being hidden.

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Nov 6, 2023
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You are So Right!

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There are no other conclusions to arrive at, than what Dr. Palmer stated.

After 3 years of data and 5.7 billion human guinea pigs proving that mRNA products are more deadly than covid, Dr. Palmer's conclusions are inescapable.

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You are..So Right!

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The red flags ...using animals in the testing phase that do not share the same immune system as adult humans but a crude version of an unborn innate fetus dependant on the mothers immune system.

Using animals with a different life span.. 36 months as opposed to 85 years...which makes long term issues disappear.

Not following up the fallout of the tested animals beyond two months.

Not sharing full disclosure of how many died or survived and wanting to keep that a mystery for 75 years.

Publishing a list of adverses reactions associated with such a “safe and effective” vaccine that seems to contain every known disease process known to man...I could go on.. but if you manage to ignore all the above... you are either gullible or lack critical thinking... just the way you need to be to put trust in someone who repeatedly lies to you.... good luck reaching old age.

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Such A Pleasure.. to be interacting with.. so many.. Awake And Aware.. Individuals 😊

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You Are Correct..

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what a shame but not a surprise every vaccine takes years to prove it’s effective with know issues and yet people still take this poison what dose it do to the brain cause honestly why would people be on numbers 4 and 5 shots

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If I can, so much Data comes in I read try to retain where from whom and when.

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Amen, Dr. Michael Palmer!

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