Well that is a relief. What is happening to these children now? How can people follow their progress? Kudos to the people who did this operation. We should have a way of thanking these people that has gravitas and not just platitudes. We need to see more of this and the children do too. All government is illegitimate.

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This is great news but more needs to be done, especially in states like Florida which, under governor RINO DeSatan, has seen alarming increases in reports of child sex trafficking to the Florida Abuse Hotline, with 3,182 reports in 2021 alone. Despite the increased risk, documents reviewed by the Sentinel show the state has for years known that sex traffickers specifically target underaged girls within its care. Florida’s elected officials have long been well aware of the crisis and have taken little to no action to save the state’s most at-risk girls.

Why has this been allowed to happen? What part has DeSatan's links to disgusting pedophiles played? Investigative journalist Laura Loomer has called for DeSatan's ties to deceased pedophile Kent Stermon to be addressed on the Presidential campaign trail. DeSatan, who, according to Loomer, was best friends with Stermon, once lived at Stermon's house, and gave him various appointed positions was under investigation in Jacksonville, FL for sex crimes with a MINOR at the time of his “suicide." Stermon was appointed by DeSatanto the Board of Governors of the Florida State University system in 2019 and was also a board member for the Boys & Girls Club in Jacksonville.

Innocence Sold: Florida's foster system a pipeline for child sex traffickers


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Sounds like upstate New York...

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The US Marshall’s & Constitutional Sheriffs are part of the government.

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This is pointless unless they execute the monsters stealing children. They all just do it again. Put them down like rabid animals.

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Have they carefully checked none of the children fled abusive homes originally? Running away is an extreme act and there are many abused children out there. To prefer to live on the street with its dangers than in such a home says a lot. I hope they do not get returned home if that is the case for some but rather have a safer option presented to them with full support until they are independent.

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Another problem is that many foster parents are criminals and into the child trafficking. This is an article from 2018 where these agencies just close the cases instead of investigating why they are missing. I’ve read other investigative articles that these workers are in on it to get payoffs for all these trafficked children. Nothing surprises me anymore. https://www.boston25news.com/news/missing-and-forgotten-thousands-of-foster-kids-kicked-out-of-the-system/755376482/

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Last line;

"During the operation, the U.S. Marshals also arrested a “Top 15 Most Wanted” couple who had fled to Mexico with their five children that they had also taken into hiding with them."

Why was this couple wanted?

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This is great. If we could have exposed more about Epstein, we’d stop more. If we could have gotten his money into a fund to rescue more children...

Thankful for the rescuers.

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Maybe the FBI and CIA could learn a thing or two. Good to see we still have a bit of law enforcement around.

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hang the pedos and all these abominations stealing youths lives

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