On a side note Dr Paul - the Italian Pharmaceutical Association decided this week to make it difficult for doctors here to prescribe Vitamin D. 😡 They want prescriptions reduced by about 50% and many who receive this for free, will no longer be able to. (the new values must be below 12 and not more than 20 nanograms per ml ?).


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Why do doctors have to prescribe vitamin D? Is it not available in the supermarket or drug store or chemist without a prescription? As far as I am aware you can’t overdose on it.

Here in Australia we can buy it without prescription from supermarkets and chemists. Of course we have to pay for it, it’s not free. But it’s not super expensive either.

I watched the Brett Weinstein interview with Gruff Davies from the UK and another lady - I can’t remember her name - and they said your vitamin D levels should be above 50ng/mL or above 125nmol/L. Pretty sure I have those measures right...

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France - it basically means that all those who get this prescribed for free, will no longer be able to do so. We can buy it at health shops etc.

As for the levels, I just translated what I found on the italian site 🙂. I'll have another mooch and see if I can find any other info. IMO it's just another attempt to discredit anything which is good in the pLandemic war. 🤬

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Also, perhaps, to keep people susceptible to illnesses and disease. Therefore boosting pharmaceutical sales when Dr.s prescribed treatments.

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Oh ok, yep that’s ridiculous isn’t it. As per other comments it seems the only reason is to force more expensive products on people, or make people sick.

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I believe your values are correct. But should be higher for people fighting cancer, MS, influenza etc. etc. etc.

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France you can actually take too much (in Canada, above 250 nmol/L can be toxic to your liver). However, most people are deficient. The sweet range for me is 150 upwards.

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I have read that In all of history there has only been one recorded death due to vitamin D3 toxicity. If the article I read is accurate, this man owned a vitamin D3 production facility and the Dosage indicated on the label was not accurate compared to the actual dosage in the tablets.. This man ended up taking millions of international units on a monthly basis. And back then they also did not know of the vitamin K2 connection. That man died unfortunately, nobody takes that amount of vitamin D, and considering how deficient we are I would question how many people actually achieve a 25 hydroxy vitamin D level in access of 250 nmol/l.

It would be interesting to see the details of the liver toxicity findings with high doses of vitamin D3.

Here is a link that describes the proper intake of vitamin D3. Anybody who is only taking the vitamin D3 by itself without vitamin K2 is not using the vitamin D3 properly.

And one of the many actions of vitamin D3 is to help metabolize calcium in the body, to direct the calcium to the bones and teeth where they are needed, and to keep the calcium from where it does not belong, like in the arteries for example. So people should not be focussed on just the vitamin D3, but combine it with the K2 and calcium, if dietary calcium intake is low.


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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Jeff Bowles has experimented with vitamin D which is not a vitamin but a hormone. He has taken upwards of several 100,000's of units of D at one time. No problems occurred.

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Correct Gorgo, although vitamin D3 is a hormone, most people do not recognize that as it is marketed as vitamin supplement.

I completely concur with the safety of the vitamin D3 in accordance with Jeff’s experiments. But just to be clear there is no benefit to exceeding the 25 hydroxy vitamin D levels in your blood that offers the best therapeutic levels for your particular health condition. this is why people trying to reach a certain therapeutic level should be getting there 25 hydroxy vitamin D levels done at least 2 to 3 times annually to monitor it. It is then not difficult to maintain the therapeutic level when you correlate how much you are taking with your latest test results.

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I fully agree with you Scott. I was not aware of this man who died (that you refer to) but most people are severely deficient. And yes, K2 is very important to take with D3. Thankfully, this is becoming more mainstream knowledge but surprisingly many people are not aware of that important info. Most doctors tell their patients to take an amount that is barely helpful too. Let's face it most medical doctors get very little nutritional / supplement teaching in their training.

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Ah ok, that is quite high. I have found taking about 8000IU per day barely raises my D levels if I don’t get any sun, so it gets used up pretty quickly too.

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There are others factors for poor absorption of Vit D via the sun or supplement: aging, being darker skinned and obesity. I take about 5,000 IU coupled with some Vitamin K2.

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It is said that when you are in the sun all day in the summertime, such as a lifeguard or beach volleyball player etc., your body is producing approximately 20,000 units of vitamin D daily.

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That's evil!

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The profit margins on Vitamin D are very low AND

it's use prevents illness and the purchase of high profit margin patented drugs.

This is about Pharmaceutical Association greed and profit.

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they want us sick


they want to drain every cent out of our bank accounts!!!

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Used to despise Bill Maher and my liberal neighbor (who has since moved) once referred to him often. Wonder if she still does?🤔 if someone like Maher can be redpilled, then there are probably others that can. But it is a slow, painful process for those of us who are trying.

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I'm pretty sure Maher will continue to espouse Democrat nonsense. He's just hedging his bets at this point because he's smart enough to FINALLY see the truth about covid shots and doesn't want to be mandated to take another one for fear of his own death or disability resulting.

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You may be right.

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Good for Maher. I would have liked to hear that networks answer to the question about where did the liberals get their incorrect information from. I like to watch those lying media bastards squirm when they are confronted in public.

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will somebody please show the world, a picture of the covid-19 virus, not some computer generated ball with a bunch of spikes airbrushed. i know it's hard for folks to wrap their heads around because we've been mislead for so long . Once we realize that there is #noviruses . once people wake up to this simple fact they really realize how badly they've been lied too. that's when the real fireworks will happen.

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It is a bioweapon made in a lab. This is why they will not show you a picture.

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I don't believe Bill Maher has been aware of and telling the truth all along about natural immunity. My guess is that he got all the jabs and then his balls swelled up and his tiny organ remained flaccid when he went to perform his habitual stroking of it and that's when the penny dropped. Now by strange coincidence after 60 studies have come out he was always against the jab and belkeved in the superiority of natural over vaccinal immunity. I call bullshit. Fauci also is rewriting history to claim he has been warning everyone for a long time now that the jabs don't work and can kill and that he opposed them from the outset and that he always knew that vaccinal immunity was inferior to natural immunity.

to task taken his hand off it. and

You've been telling the world this since the get go about natural immunity and now some of the numbnutses are waking up.

You'Check out, in the video in the news article at the first link below, Dr. William Bay warning his colleagues of the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines. His licence was suspended for doing so by AHPRA and the Medical Board of Australia.

His arguments reflect those of Dr. Paul Alexander and others.

AHPRA must be disbanded and replaced by a system of state based regulation

Dr. Bay has launched legal.action against AHPRA in the Supreme Court of Queensland and is aiming to destroy them. He has also reported them to the ATO (Australian version of the IRS) for tax evasion.

His Supreme Court application can be found at the website of the Queensland People's Protest, at the second link.


Queensland People's Protest


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Bill Maher is an anti-Woke Democrat who thinks for himself.

It may be possible for people like him to turn on his Party if DeSantis is the Republican candidate.

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It is important to remember that Mr. Maher is still a dyed-in-the-wool liberal who carried water for that faction for years & years, only relatively recently has he begun to push back against their woke collective mental disorder. His smugness aside, he is an intelligent enough guy (and honest enough of late) to acknowledge the entire left has been on the wrong side of practically everything good & decent for the past umpteen years. Though his own predilections have been in question for a long time as well. As far as the study referenced, to say that natural immunity is as good or better than the jabs is itself beyond absurd. What the (expletive deleted) good are the jabs for preventing ANYTHING?!?! Just sayin'...

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As el gato malo pointed out quite succinctly on his substack, a vaccination (of any kind) cannot train your immune system to respond any better than a natural infection. It is merely supposed to expose it to a lower risk, so the idea that previously infected people should get vaccinated was ALWAYS contraindicated (and clearly the push for that was a red flag). In addition, the entire pathway of immune system training via intramuscular injection/mRNA transfection is worlds apart from immune system training via infection of a whole virus at a respiratory barrier. I think it's fairly obvious to those who have read the research and substacks of the actual scientists/analysts (including this one :) that early treatment was the only method that would have ensured a broad herd immunity (via innate training and recognition of functionally-constrained viral proteins shared across coronaviruses) and the minimized severe outcomes in the vulnerable.

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Quite right, Little Authoritarian.

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I've changed my mind about jabs now. I try to push them whenever I hear someone saying Biden is doing a good job. I change the topic to boosters and if I find they are not "up to date" I lecture them about how selfish and socially irresponsible they are. I also make disparaging comments about their appearance and the benefits of exercise, especially intense cardio. I think jabs need to be mandated for all registered Democrats.

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A very good start. Will Maher soon discuss the toxicity of the covid shot spike protein, the direct relationship of number of shots/boosters to deaths, infertility, "died suddenly," and all-cause death statistics?

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Well gosh golly darn...how did the some 70-80 billion humans survive before there were mainstream drugs? The entire idea of vaccines or any drugs being superior to anything your body can conjure up is ludicrous. Big pharma's drug empire is a mostly supported by hot air, treachery and indoctrination.

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Literally the only people I know getting multiple Covid infections this past year now that omicron variants are out, are the vaxxed.

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Since when is there only one way to avoid illness? Or infection -- by anything?

If infection is automatic (I dispute that), then what explains no outward symptoms? Since I had no symptoms of anything for these three years just doing what I normally do, did I get "infected" without knowing it? If so, what kept me from getting sick?

If the ineffectiveness displayed by this injectable junk and the injectable junk for the flu against symptomatic infection is accurate (It is.), then what makes people want to restrict treatment to just an ineffective injection? We have lots of ways, yes?, to treat fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, right? (Those are the CDC's list of Covid® symptoms.)

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Exactly right, She Thinks Liberty. This is also what the Front Line Doctors were saying in early 2020 and continue to say. It's what Dr. Zev said all along. It's what Dr. Pierre Kory testified about before Congress in early 2020. It's the crux of the entire covid theatre of lies designed to make the mRNA vaccine platform the only future vaccine platform, making mind-boggling profits for the criminals and killing and disabling the rest of us.

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Thank you, taylor.kathleen. :)

Speaking of mind-boggling, it boggled my mind early on in this crime that people kept talking about the "virus," "the virus," "the virus!" I must have asked 50,000 times -- "WHAT are the symptoms?? And how is it possible the American medical system lacks a single medicine to treat any of them?"

Impossible. Yet people kept spinning themselves into a tizzy over a "novel" virus...Except, of course, for doctors like Kory, McCullough, Barke, Erickson, Bartlett, Vliet, Zelenko (God rest his soul), Marble, et.al., who 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 treated people -- for their symptoms!

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The "symptoms" of any disease are simply the body's natural method of detoxing. Doctors are People who Push Pills and Pick Up a Paycheck.

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They are, after all, doctors of "medicine."

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I traveled the world as a girl as my dad was in the air force.I had about every virus in the 60's and 70 's and still retain immunity for all the viruses I had.Yes and I had covid,stayed home and took vitamins plus mineral with quinine. I'm 63 and I'm sure glad that I didn't take the vaccines. If your healthy, you didn't have any thing to worry about and if not start exercising and eat natural healthy foods.thats your best defense against disease.

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Sure hope people listen to this as they continue to push their evil agenda!!!

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legal analysis you top doctors need on Pfizer agreement with Israel https://open.substack.com/pub/lawyerlisa/p/israel-pfizer-real-world-epidemiological?r=3kbp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Good work, Lawyer Lisa. I agree much is to be gained by examining the contracts, as Sasha Latypova also does so incisively. The contracts are the evidence of crimes against humanity.

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